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Posts posted by ClaytoniousRex

  1. I will be running a server called "Drusus Test" from time to time, there _will_ be different values used. Be warned.
    Drusus, the "polite" way to do this is to run a Mod on your server so that the public can plainly see that something's different. Here's a brief summary of how to do that.

    Create a new directory under the "Mods" directory. Name this directory with the name of your mod (e.g. "Lethal"). Create another subdirectory beneath your mod directory called "data". Put a file called Description.txt in there with a description of your mod. When you run your server with this mod using the mod command line argument, any data files in this new data directory will override those in the base data directory. For example, if you want to make a more lethal 120mm AP round, then you could copy 120mmAP.physicalobjectgroup from the base \data directory into your mod's \data directory then modify values within the file. Now when your server runs under the "Lethal" mod, this new 120mm AP round will be used instead of the base one. If you have questions on this then feel free to email. It's probably terribly boring for everyone else!

  2. I can't wait to dive into this discussion (and a few others like it around here), but we're focused purely on bug fixes right now. With 0.9.42 going out soon the bulk of the nasty bugs will be out of the way and we'll once again be able to get back into the really fun stuff like this.

    Just wanted to post this to explain the silence from us developers on these things for the moment...

  3. We've fixed some serious memory leaks for the upcoming 0.9.42 release. Having these cleaned up is likely to help with this kind of sporadic "freezing" (as well as many other problems). We've observed some of these client-side hangs that were definitely caused by the memory leaks that are now fixed. There may still be another unrelated issue lurking here, but so far in testing having these leaks fixed has done wonders.

  4. OpenAL is not installed on your system which is odd since it's now a core part of Tiger. First, go look in /System/Library/Frameworks and make sure that OpenAL.framework is indeed missing. If it is actually there then post again and we'll see why you can't access it.

    If it's not there, and assuming you have root access, you can manually install the one included with DropTeam by doing this (I'm assuming from your earlier post that you're installed at /Applications/DropTeam instead of the normal /Applications):

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">cd /Applications/DropTeam

    sudo cp -r DropTeam.app/Contents/Frameworks/OpenAL.framework /System/Library/Frameworks/</pre>

  5. None of the vehicles have suspension!
    Not true. They do have suspensions. It's very hard to see this when playing on the Internet due to latency - when you finally get to play single player you can really see the fluid motion of your tires bouncing up and down as the vehicle traverses terrain, etc. As a network client, we don't even try to do dead reckoning on this motion (with lag it would be meaningless) so things look a lot more stiff. But the actual physics on the server are still using the real suspension.

    So, yes, there are suspensions. Now that of course does not mean the suspensions don't need to be tuned! We've been tuning and tweaking them for months in the private beta. They've been too stiff and too loose over many iterations. We fully expect that this process of tweaking will literally never end (and I can even now say that without despair in my voice).

    p.s. please add gamma correction slider to options menu
  6. If you're willing to follow this procedure, Tally, then it will identify the problem:

    Open Terminal and do this:

    </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">cd /Applications

    DropTeam.app/Contents/MacOS/DropTeam > TallyHo.txt</pre>

  7. Maybe you can put it on your.. flyswap? list? back burner?
    flyswap. Heh. :D

    Our flyspray list is not a back burner. All of the folks from the private beta test would probably be willing to attest to the fact we really do keep up a steady stream of improvements over time, even many of the "little things" people ask for. We can't do it all but we do quite a lot.

  8. This fix will probably be in the next update, Giminar, so hang in there. Also remember that this is a public test. As we said in the announcement and in the release itself, there are definitely still bugs and we've asked for the community's help in finding and fixing them BEFORE you pay a single nickel for anything. So please continue to report whatever bugs you can and also hopefully have a lot of fun along the way.

  9. My camera was locked on you in observer mode, Weasello. I could just hear "The Ride of the Valkyries" playing from your Hurricane's external speaker system as you crested that final ridge at max speed right into the enemy defenses for your last suicidal point blank blast, your smoldering corpse landing upside down on the remains of an enemy ground turret. What a glorious way to end the game...

  10. thanks for the gouge...
    No gouge intended at all Lt. Col!!!!!

    Your description of improved checkpoints and symbology is very clear. It's easy to see what a difference these added features will make in the commander's ability to do his job effectively. We've put them on our feature list so keep an eye out for them!

  11. We could probably get it running, Dan, but you wouldn't have much fun due to slow speed. You're probably better off waiting for that Intel Mac. BTW, looks like dual boot is more or less here, right? Colin Nederkoorn already awarded the prize money for his contest a few days ago, didn't he?

  12. Hi, Cyberfunk. Doing the object cache is indeed the slowest (and therefore most annoying) part of loading, but 5 minutes is awfully extreme. Can you measure the actual time it's taking and post that number here? Based on that we can tell you whether it's normal or not.

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