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Posts posted by wolf66

  1. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Taki:

    Yeah im Still one that keeps believing in BFS. If overtime they can bring a TacAI that Stands with CMX1

    That's the same CMX1 TacAI that counterattacked only wherever there was some "flag" stuck in a piece of dirt, and led the attacks with mortars and platoon HQ units in the forefront? </font>
  2. I also strongly favour WEGO, most of the reasons were already given by Lt Bull, but there is also a different level of immersion involved for me, because RT feels more like the player is acting like some multi schizophrenic demon possessing various soldiers at various times to give them their individual orders, whereas WEGO feels to me more like a form of genuine "commanding", giving out orders one by one and then having to watch how they fitted the given situation. There were (are) countless moments of hoping that some kind of situation will not develop after giving that crucial and much pondered on move order (I hope there is not an ATG in that woods ...NAHH I take the risk )and naturally your worst fears come true - these are the moments you don't feel in the same intensity in RT, because pausing the game breaks the chain of events and the "helplessness" is not that overwhelming. I'd really miss that. And playing PBEM against Lt Bull I know what I'm talking 'bout ;)

  3. CMSF made me feel good from the first time I played it and it will be growing on me just like the other titles in the series have, there is a lot to discover and depth in the game.

    TOW I really wanted to like, but really didn't from the first minutes of playing and then after playing and trying to discover some depth for some hours I finally deleted it from the HD and am still angry for having it pre ordered and bought before really playing the Demo ......

    I liked CMBO from the beginning, but didn't really play it, but I fell in love with CMBB right from the start with the demo .... still LOVE to play CMBB and CMAK !

  4. Hallo Alexander

    Gratuliere auch zu deiner fantastischen Preview - ein alter CM Veteran bei Gamestar, wer hätte das gedacht smile.gif

    Ich denke ich muss mir die nächste ausgabe doch kaufen .....

    Gratuliere auch zu deinem "battle hardened" look mit bart und so :D


    Originally posted by Abe:

    I played all three previous titles and still have some "play by email-games" running. So my answer is yes :)

  5. I want it all !! :D

    Who am I fooling - I preordered on the first day ;)

    Originally posted by Cameroon:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by wolf66:

    I remember game companies putting out demos weeks before the actual game, now thats what I call having faith in your product ... not that I wouldn't think CMSF will be great mind you... smile.gif

    This isn't about faith but manpower, they don't have the resources without pushing the release date back.

    Which do you want more? ;) </font>

  6. I remember game companies putting out demos weeks before the actual game, now thats what I call having faith in your product ... not that I wouldn't think CMSF will be great mind you... smile.gif

    Originally posted by Steiner14:


    there are so many reasons, why it's not good, if he would tell more than BFC planned.

    Only one aspect: imagine the length of the development process of four(!) years. Then imagine the costs and efforts that are put into adverstisement and distribution.

    And then imagine, one or two buyers spread for ten days their personal opinion on the net, right when everyone is most interested to get more informations.

    One or two people can damage a lot, only with their subjective view about things, by exaggerating things they see as negative aspects, or just by not thinking twice before writing. Ten days can be an eternity.

    Imagine you have worked four years on one project, that is almost finished, you are soon about to present it to the public and ten days before, a nobody gets by accident your papers in his hands and starts to spread subjective informations about it. What would you do? Definately you would try to convince him to shut up.

    Even this single aspect should make it well understandable, why BFC tried to keep the responses to a minimum.

    This is a very sensible phase for them and SirReal seems to be gentleman enough, to understand that too.

    Even more with his new highend computer and the free recieve of all CMx2 games... ;)

  7. Originally posted by metalbrew:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by wolf66:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Normal Dude:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by wolf66:

    I have no love for the insurgents and islam, but it is their country after all and it is a given that they fight against foreign troops, wouldn't you ?

    They don't spend most of their time fighting US troops, they spend most of it killing civilians (and each other). </font>
  8. Originally posted by Normal Dude:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by wolf66:

    I have no love for the insurgents and islam, but it is their country after all and it is a given that they fight against foreign troops, wouldn't you ?

    They don't spend most of their time fighting US troops, they spend most of it killing civilians (and each other). </font>
  9. Originally posted by AdamL:

    I think they are well aware of what is going on over there, much better than you are.

    I sure would hope so, being the ones responsible for it. "Old Europe" had its share of wars too, you know, so we recognize a lost war (cause), if we see one ..... I'm not an American, but I feel sad for those young men and women and their families and I mean it. I have no love for the insurgents and islam, but it is their country after all and it is a given that they fight against foreign troops, wouldn't you ?
  10. clearly winning the hearts and minds ..... I love America, but your leaders are mad, if they think that this situation will not end in a desaster for all parties involved ..... how I wish Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld would be dragged out of their ranches and mansions and thrown to the streets of Baghdad to fight over there themselves....

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