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Posts posted by wolf66

  1. Originally posted by Mord:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MeatEtr:

    Heck, look at the CM games, not once have I thought, "Damn, if only there was blood/gore".

    LOL I remember one of the worst arguments I ever saw on the CMBO board was when Tiger(old Mod maker) asked if the casaulty markers would be moddable for CMBB. LMAO! And out came the "Flying Ears! Dump trucks full of dead baby asses! Guts, Gore, Green Gravy YAAAAAHHH!" I kid you not! It was so heated and he took so much crap he ended up leaving for a loooong time..later he left for good but I don't think it had anything to do with that.

    Like I said it doesn't matter to me either way...if it's in, cool if not, cool. I just love how what could be considered one of the sickest hobbies ever, if one actually thought about what it is we are simulating, has so many people that overreact to the word or the thought of representing it in a game. Hypocritical really.

    Mord. </font>

  2. Originally posted by iplaygames2:

    Additionally, how would a TC know if a house is occupied by enemy? Most enemy would hide if armor was rolling by. It's unfair and unrealistic to have your troops automatically spotted every time they enter a tanks LoS.

    Sadly doesn't matter anyway, because no entering of buildings for the troops is allowed in TOW,remember?
  3. Originally posted by Melnibone:

    Ok, I know Im nit picking, but, I love the finer details of this game as far as eye candy goes. Obviously alot of TLC went into this aspect of the game. But I see no pictures of the 'brain eating' after dead soldiers have turned into Zombies.

    Oversight? Too much work for now?

    Just wonderin'. I would love to see it.

    Where are the Smileys ?? ;)
  4. Originally posted by Melnibone:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by wolf66:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Melnibone:

    Have you played it yet?

    No, so does that mean I should better shut my trap, because I don't know what I am talking about - then please close this forum, as not very many members will have played it yet and therefore would be not qualified to any posts here.

    Lame. </font>

  5. Originally posted by Melnibone:

    Have you played it yet?

    No, so does that mean I should better shut my trap, because I don't know what I am talking about - then please close this forum, as not very many members will have played it yet and therefore would be not qualified to any posts here.


  6. Originally posted by Sirocco:

    No, for a game at this scale making use of tactical opportunities like buildings is a real issue. I don't buy the line that it won't matter as the game won't ship with real urban maps. And hiding squads behind buildings would be an immersion killer long term. I think this is a box that needs to be ticked, while others raised I think can be put on hold.

    You are absolutely right, why do most people defend such bad decisions on the developers side ? No mortars and not entering buildings isn't anything like wanting a Bren Tripod or such, so c'mon who wants to call a wargame that handicapped realistic ?? :mad:
  7. Originally posted by J Ruddy:

    Kind of like Nascar fans who repeatedly vote in a leader who can't pronounce Nuclear or Cavalry?

    Listen, bubba, we may have 1/10th of your population but can still out drink you, ya filthy trailer park dwelling, republican loving, Jeebus embracing, global dictator of a union of hap-hazard altered states of mind consisting entirely of descendants of hairless monkeys who happened to be kicked out of the old country for reasons of personal hygiene and severe gingivitis of the amygdala...

    Enjoy the 'non-global warming spawned' severe tornadoes along your bible belt and the repeated hurricane kicks between the legs, ya SUV loving, coal burning asylum of potty-heads.

    May God have mercy on your souls, cause when Oil hits $200 a barrel, "ya'all's gonna be walkin' evurywares, yuk, yuk yuk!"

    Canuckopia > USA

    (30,000 escaped slaves can't be wrong) [/QB]

  8. Originally posted by Kellysheroes:

    You know I remember the day when one and myself used to just buy whatever I saw on the shelves at the local gaming store. Never had forums back then and never had we are making this and that comments. Even as I looked thru my old computer gaming magazines you only got information on what was new and released. Maybe we need to go back to that time and there will be less frustrations and headaches. But, that also was a time when new games and wargames were coming out every other month as well. Now, they seem so far apart, too many years to develop. 2-5 years to make ONE game is just silly. We need those 2-5 month games again. ;)

    Course the bad thing for Battlefront and other online only type purchasing game companies is they lose business by not being on store shelves. I forget how long Combat Mission had been out before I even heard of it. Same for the Total War series games of Shogun and Medieval and their offspring. By the time I really noticed them they were already bargain bin priced at Software Etc. But, those were another story, they had the horrible background of RTS game on them and you couldn't get me to buy an RTS game for a retail price if you gave me the money and still gave me a choice. ;)

    But, now since they broadcast on these webpages what are in the works. Days seem like weeks and weeks seem like months and months seem like years and years seem like decades and then after years and years and then the release and the game is a complete flop one really feels let down and used and abused for the almighty $$.

    I'm not interested in "Shock Wave" (hehe) by any means. I won't be buying it and only CMC has my attention from Battlefront atm. I find that other companies are getting too far away from their "roots", things that made them what they are, forgetting the customers who supported them year after year game after game and turning aside those devoted to make something "out of this world (space lobsters or whatever). Triumph Studios makers of the Age of Wonders Series is now turning to some crappy real time cartoon fest of an rpg/RTS/wargame "think Titans or Myth" more or less instead of sticking with what got them their money in the first place.

    Developers are like children, you FEED them, CLOTHE them, give them SHELTER and then they go and turn on you eventually as they get older (with more money in their pockets). They shoot the finger at mom and pop and storm out the door to "do their own thang". haha Yah know what's funny about this normal social standard? When they get their BUTT's in a crack who do they usually coma a runnin to? ;)

    That's my feelings towards the gaming industry today in a nutshell ! BRAVO !!
  9. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Why does everyone seem to think they're making an FPS?

    1. Because they don't like the setting. If those two screenshots showed an SS guy in full, and neato, camo uniform with a King Tiger in the background they would be peeing on themselves about how great it looked.


    2. No ability to read or no ability to think because anybody who could think the stuff we've been talking about equates to a FPS game has one or the other (or both) of these serious problems. I'll be kind and assume it is the inability to read since that is the better of the two possibilities. Warmonger2005 must have had an English speaking friend make the posts. Otherwise, I gotta go with inability to think.

    Steve </font>

  10. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by wolf66:

    ...is there some way to synchronize group/combined arms movement in CMx2?

    Yeah, the way it was done in real life: phase lines they are called in larger operations, but the same idea applies on this scale as well. I guess they would be called intermediate objectives. Give your units short movement orders, like to that tree line. If somebody gets ahead, have them wait on the IO until everybody catches up and then start them off again.

    I get the feeling that a lot of CM players want to give orders on the first turn and then sit back and just watch the movie for the next ten turns. CM isn't that kind of game. That would require AI sub-commanders of great sophistication, and you just aren't going to find that in a game at the present time.

    Michael </font>

  11. Originally posted by Sergei:

    It could be just that it would give too much control to the player. In reality, having even a squad advance at a steady pace can be a problem eg. in forest. Having a whole platoon do the same, like some army of clones, would take a coreographer to achieve. It took lots and lots of drilling exercises back in the good ol' pre-20th century days, and even then it wasn't 100% guaranteed that adjacent units would keep an even pace. Especially in uneven terrain.

    I wouldn't mind if the AI had some such tools at disposal, though. It has always bugged me that why the AI sends its squads piecemeal into fire, instead of as platoons. The foremost squads should wait for other members of the squad who are not pinned, and platoons should in general try to stay on the same path and in contact with their officer.

    Exactly Sergei, that feature should be primarily be implemented for the AI behaviour - although it would be nice to at least be able to synchronize any given AFV with one single squad for combined arms effect.
  12. Maybe this is not the right thread, but is there some way to synchronize group/combined arms movement in CMx2? So you can advance AFVs and Infantry in a way that Infantry stays behind or in front of the AFVs with the same distance - or synchronize movement of an Infantry only advance, so that regardless of terrain which squads individually pass, the whole group moves simultaneously - eg the slowest moving infantry (or the highest movement cost terrain) sets the pace for the others in the group?

    Hope I am not flogging a dead horse, but for me this is a problem in CMBB or CMAK - or am I missing somefink?

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