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Posts posted by wolf66

  1. Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

    back to business..

    maybe we shall see v1.04 later this week?

    Maybe (we are all hoping) thurs or Fri for the weekend?

    Now that would be a novelty, a patch before the weekend ....... but I'm keeping my fingers crossed ;)

    And if there is no solution to the 8800 problem in 1.04 - I swear I'll .... I will ......I'll have to ..... try World in Conflict !! :D

  2. Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Elmar Bijlsma:


    I understand your disappointment. I guess you, like most of us, hoped for something a bit more finished. However I must profess bafflement as to you still 'playing' v1.00, which shouldn't even be a release version! Why not play 1.03? You are now judging a product without technically ever having played the official release. That's an unreasonable position to take.

    As a beta tester I must admit I am somewhat unappreciative of your comments regarding the beta testers. In part because your speculation is off the mark, but also because we testers are under a NDA. So what happens in beta stays in beta. It's kinda hurtful to see such speculation when we have our hands tied in such discussions.

    Suffice to say we are neither blind, dimwitted nor so far up BFC's arse we can't see daylight.

    I agree with Elmar.

    To Lt Belenko, I say this:

    There were LOTS of beta testers, they were ALL under NDA, a real legal document to prevent disclosure of private issues in a private process in the development cycle of the game. The NDA is still in effect, and posting here with their hands tied may be about all they can do to respond to your comments. :eek: </font>

  3. Originally posted by Chelt:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lt Belenko:

    A while back in work I attended a seminar on "Group Think". Basically it was an analysis of the Challenger disaster. Somebody said "Let's go in the freezing weather" The entire group nodded in concurrence. A few thought the cold could affect the O-rings on the booster rockets, but to conform to the "Group Think" they didn't speak up.

    The presenter in your seminar was, at best, passing on a counterfactual folk-history version of the Challenger disaster.

    The booster engineers DID speak up; managers discarded the warnings because they deemed the risks acceptable.

    This from an paper (by one of the lead engineers, published in Engineering Ethics journal) about the incident:

    "NASA and all the other interested parties, including the managers at Morton Thiokol, knew there were problems. So when the engineers gathered together their charts to make their recommendation the night before the Challenger launch, they went into the room to remind everyone in the chain of command what everyone already knew."

    And the engineers recommendation? They believed that NASA should hold the launch. That isn't exactly "keeping your mouth shut in order to conform to groupthink."

    http://www.onlineethics.org/CMS/profpractice/exempindex/RB-intro/RepMisrep.aspx </font>

  4. Originally posted by GreenAsJade:


    So ... what are we worrying about then?

    If you like the game, play and be happy.

    If you don't like it, well then you could worry.

    But PC Gamer doesn't like it so now we worry!?

    I only know that I waited years on this game and apart from bugs and AI issues, it doesn't work with my 8800 GTX and that is beyond frustrating .... so I don't like it, no.

    So I don't need PC Gamer to tell me if I like it, but some people might find it useful to check out some reviews and decide if they will risk their money - you do know this concept, right ?

  5. Today after years of waiting and anticipation we proudly present our new Ferrari model CMSF .... No, it is not a sportscar, because we found that station wagons are more reliable and more people like them ..... No, we don't have them in red, because we found most people like less vibrant colors better .... No there is no manual transmission, because automatic transmission is the way into the future ...... What do you mean "the tires are too tiny" ?? It seems you have no idea what you are talking about ?? What ?? You are not interested in buying one ?!! You just don't get it !! :D

  6. Originally posted by Martyr:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by wolf66:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Martyr:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by thewood:

    I agree, what are the Syrians saving their AP for. If that was SOP, why even load APFSDS rounds.

    Not all of Syria's potential enemies have Abrams tanks, and I imagine the APFSDS goes through a Bradley or a Stryker pretty well.

    Anyway, if you were a tanker, wouldn't you want to bring along your AP rounds even if you knew they wouldn't be effective against the best the enemy has? </font>

  7. Originally posted by Martyr:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by thewood:

    I agree, what are the Syrians saving their AP for. If that was SOP, why even load APFSDS rounds.

    Not all of Syria's potential enemies have Abrams tanks, and I imagine the APFSDS goes through a Bradley or a Stryker pretty well.

    Anyway, if you were a tanker, wouldn't you want to bring along your AP rounds even if you knew they wouldn't be effective against the best the enemy has? </font>

  8. Originally posted by Leopard2:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by wolf66:

    ... I'm sorry but this behaviour just kills any scenarios with tanks on the syrian side when up against M1s ...

    I have completed this scenario in my second attempt playing as Syrian with a total victory, all US vehicels destroyed, and with difficulty set to elite. With all respect, but I think the problem is on your side. </font>
  9. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Some quick responses.

    1. There is a reason the Syrian vehicles fire HE when they do... it's because their limited quantity armor piercing stuff doesn't have a chance of penetrating, so HE is actually the better thing to shoot. It is more plentiful and has a better chance of a mobility kill, turret jam, sensor kill, etc. In effect, the HE firing thing is not a bug, it is the better thing for the vehicles to be doing.

    Having said that, there is a case to make that the poor training and heat of the battle would make them fire AP instead of HE. The result will be less effective results, not greater. So be careful for what you wish for :D


    Sorry Steve, but that doesn't cut it, because I did, like someone here suggested in another thread, get rid of all the HE for the Syrian tanks in "Allahs Fist" in the first turns with area fire and so they only had the AP ammo left - when the M1s came, my Syrian tanks did way better than in the first tries when they fired their ammo ..... I'm sorry but this behaviour just kills any scenarios with tanks on the syrian side when up against M1s .....
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