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Everything posted by guinty1

  1. germany attempting to clear out the UK commandos from its vassals ports ,LW gets Jets 1
  2. germany made good gains in france,made major mistake in commiting navy to try and damage/sink the carriers attacking ireland,they are at bottom of the sea now,still landed a corps in scapa flow ,wonder if they will offer me some haggis !
  3. very low bid i know but im not that great a player .... but u never know ,my luck must change sometime
  4. i dont usualy get into arguments about the pitfalls of wars but Waltero is wrong to say that just because we didnt *do ww2* we know nothing about war,in my youth i fought in a war ,a limited one i will admit but still i seen friends killed and some awfull sights a guy shouldnt at 19 yrs old.war didnt end in 1945.... it has never stopped since man lifted his 1st axe in anger.
  5. the offical guide is pretty scarse to be honest m8 ,i would read terif^s guide - its got loads more usefull info
  6. and p.s. jersey john ...where did u get the *beria was strangled by the politburo* from ? ,1st ive heard of it...........
  7. Having recently read some books on stalin i would have to say that he was one of the most well read political leaders in history,like many a psychopathic maniac he had a very high i.q.
  8. as a post script ,i know that if u are behind a tech u get a slight % increase in obtaining it ect ect,i was just wondering if certain techs at certain times are more likely to suceed.
  9. How random is the tech advances ?,im currently playing a game as allies and ive had 2 (now 4) chits in jets UK from mid 1940 ,its now late 41 ,germany has lvl 4 jets ,UK still lvl 0 (same thing with LR except ive got 3 in that),is it totaly random or am i doing something wrong ....
  10. WOW !,the more i read about Terif the more i think hes like been landed from outerspace to *borg* us all.How the hell did you win from that start ??,with that tech advance against you ??...ah well the mortals struggle on ...
  11. i will m8 ,sounds intresting ! guinty5@hotmail.com
  12. Some battle that turned out to be...still it was no war turning point as many state... that surely goes to hitler DOW on usa...not that really screwed him !
  13. how many units do u need on the polish/ussr border to check ussr readyness (for a bit) ?,is it 4 ?
  14. msn - guinty5@hotmail.com icq - 240757951
  15. Hindsight is a great thing and all these arguments have plus and minus points BUT the main fact is that the USA would still have developed the atomic bomb before any other nation and therefore made conventional *total* war obsolete,...what good is 30 panzer divisions if 3 b29s can take them out ?
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