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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by DEY

  1. I can remember having that tiger in the Italian battle in the cmak demo killed at least once by a stuart frontally, the stuart was on that hill and the tiger was in the backend of the village, that would have been about 300 meter shot.

    It's just so hard to believe that a little dinky toy gun could be that deadly.

    But from what I understand though is that the allied later war ammo was deadly on flat vertical angled armor but had problems penetrating sloped angled armor, it was very prone to glance off any thing set at a sloped angle.

    Also from what I understand is that the german blunt nose ammo was far more deadly on sloped armor.

  2. One problem with the withdraw order is that anything below regular will panic when given that order, regular is affected somewhat but is helped if within command, but I think they are rattled for the rest of the battle though.

    But sometimes you can save low experience units this way, though it's unlikely they will fight again in the battle.

  3. Is this notebook the Dell Inspiron 8200, if so this has the GeForce4 440 Go video chip.

    So what may be happening is that windowsXP is installing a microsoft driver for this notebook's videochip that is branded as the name your getting.

    What name was the video using with the Dell drivers before the repair took place.

    The next thing I'd try is to force it by using the UPDATE DRIVER option and update to the newer DEll-nVidia video drivers you was using.

  4. You just need to get windows to redetect your video again.

    Try going into your "CONTROL PANEL", double click "SYSTEM", go to the "HARDWARE" tab, click the "DEVICE MANAGER" button, right click on "DISPLAY ADAPTERS", then click "SCAN FOR HARDWARE CHANGES".

    This should redetect and set itself back up again for your nvidia video.

    I strongly suggest that you don't do anything major like a reinstall until a tech looks the situation over.

  5. I've been doing some more tests with the T34's because frankly something about the model-43 bothered me.

    I've found in my tests that the model 41,42 and the 85mm gun model-44 seemed to be more or less an even match.

    But there does appear to be something very whacked with the 76.2mm gun model-43.

    It appears far to hard for the russian model to kill the german one.

    From what I can see is that even for the german made ammo it's rare to achieve a partial penetration let along a full penetration on the turret, so frankly the only real way that either russian or german model can kill the other is from hull penetrations.

    For some strange goofy reason the russian T34-m43 seems to have a mega hard job to penetrate even the hull of the german model, but with the same gun and same ammo can penetrate the earlier models hulls with the same armor thickness and slope, and that even with the german model-42 having a 90% armor quality rating.

    Though I did have the russians come out ahead on one of about a dozen tests, but that only adds to the confusion

    I found that the Tungsten ammo on either side being fired on this tank from 800 or 1040 meters is far less effective then regular AP.

    Something is for sure not right here.

    [ April 06, 2005, 07:18 AM: Message edited by: DEY ]

  6. Here is my thoughts on the german captured russian AFV versus the same model russian original owned AFV.

    It would appear to me that BFC has given a penetration credit to the germans to simulate the better quality german manufactured ammo, though this seems to be offset by given the germans a lower quality armor rating.

    This better ammo credit seems to really come into play where the model 43 faces each other, where the german ammo seems to be able to achieve penetrations on the 70mm armor, but the russian ammo seems to have great difficulty to achieve this with the same gun.

    (Below added in edit)

    Actually after reading this post I see that I didn't explain myself very good. I forgot to mention the thicker 52mm turret side armor as well which I'm guessing is to be the biggest factor here as to why the german model T34-m43 can kill far easier then be killed by it's russian counterpart.

    [ April 05, 2005, 12:13 PM: Message edited by: DEY ]

  7. I did a test with four panthers a side.

    Year set to 1944, regular experienced crews, map is 800 meters.

    This first test set is with the russian tanks setup with NO TUNGSTEN.

    Test one:

    After 3 turns,

    Germans: 2 killed, 2 perfect working order.

    Russians: 3 killed, 1 backed off map.

    Test two:

    Battle ended after 2nd turn,

    Germans: 2 backed off map, 1 immobilized, 1 perfect working order

    Russians: All 4 dead.

    I did notice that germans at this distance seemed to achive many more non-lethal penetrations, while the many of the russian on target shots were riochet glance hits, mostly all of any russian penetrations were lethal.

    This next set of test is with the map set at 1040 meters.

    Test one:

    Battle ended after turn two,

    Germans: 1 killed, 2 abandoned, 1 perfect working order.

    Russians: 3 killed, 1 backed off map.

    Test two:

    After turn three,

    Germans: 1 killed, 3 perfect working order

    Russians: 3 killed, 1 backed off map.

    I noticed in this test that a much higher percentage of german on target shots were riochet glance hits, it was pretty much about on par with the russian glance hits.

    This last set of tests were done with the russian panthers setup with only TUNGSTEN ammo.

    I left the map at the 1040 meter size.

    Test one:

    After turn three,

    Germans: all 4 killed.

    Russians: 1 abandoned, 3 in perfect working order.

    Test two:

    After turn three,

    Germans: 1 killed, 1 backed off map, 2 in perfect working order.

    Russians: 3 killed, 1 backed off map.

    I noticed that the russian on target shots were every bit as many riochet glance hits as the regular AP ammo.

  8. Posted by SpitfireXI:

    Since more tests are probably needed, has anyone tried using Russian captured tanks vs. Germans

    I did the stuggIII-F earlier today, one on one.

    Run the test two times and both times the russian stug was killed and the german still in perfect working order, ready to rock.

    I see the penetration values for all the russian tanks are weaker then the german.

    (edited april-05)

    Thats the penetration values for the russian captured german AFV's, by the way

    [ April 05, 2005, 07:22 AM: Message edited by: DEY ]

  9. The germans did at least two different things in regard to captured guns.

    1) They manufactured the same equivalent calibre ammo of the captured gun.

    2) Modified the guns to fire standard german ammo.

    It does appear in cmbb that the german stuff gets a small credit in penetration values, but it doesn't seem to do a whole lot for them in my game version.

    I just tested the T34-85's at 800 meters with four each again and after three turns the germans have two dead, one tank alive and one backed off the map, all russian tanks are dead.

  10. Okay I was a bit bored so I thought I'd try some one on one tests with the 76 gunned T34's.

    The map is 1040 meters long and my ground bmps are gridded so I was able to place the tanks exactly toe to toe across the map from each other.

    The year is still 1943 and the crews are still regular experience.

    Model 41

    Out or three tests run,

    German: killed twice

    Russian: killed once

    Model 42

    Out of three tests run,

    German: killed all three times

    Russian: survived all three times

    Model 43

    Out of three tests run,

    German: survived all three times

    Russian: killed all three times

  11. Well I run that model 42 test again at 1040 meters and finally it worked out that the germans just came out a tad ahead in this match.

    After turn 3,

    Germans have two dead burning tanks, one panic and one in perfect fighting order.

    Russians are all killed.

    I have the battle saved at turn 3 if anybody wants me to email it to ya.

    Tried the model 41 again at the 800 meter range.

    At turn 3,

    Germans have two killed and one driven off map. one is still in working order ready to fight.

    Russians have two killed and burning and two still in working order ready to fight, but I suspect one may be gun damaged.

    Again if anybody wants to take a look I have the battle saved at turn 3.

    There is no special code written or any bug that makes german capture AFV's better then the original owners counterpart.

  12. Sorry, I don't believe a word of it.
    Frankly I don't care what ya believe.

    I can see the results right in front of me, and the German shots all go in at 800m to 1000m with upper hull hits, and the Russian shots bounce. I am using Kursk era T-34s for both sides.

    I posted my test results, I saw in front of me.

    It's no doubt that it's damn odd that each time I ran these test the germans always get slaughtered, it should swing over to them winning a slugging match once and awhile. So it would seem for me to be things in reverse of the OP's problem.

    So maybe we found another quirky bug.

  13. Okay just tested the T34 model 42's.

    Germans have four T34-m42's and Soviets four T34-m42's again on a default featureless map.

    This was real bad for the german T34's this time.

    After 3 turns,

    Germans have 3 tanks killed and again another one backed off the map.

    Russians have one killed and three standing their ground ready too fight still.

    So I can't see where the deck is stacked on the german side of things.

    Oh by the way both these test were done with the year set for 1943.

  14. when I play a very huge scenario vs AI my PC is very sluggish ; I only have 256 Mo RAM,
    I guess I'm getting old I was under the impression you meant that moving around a huge map was giving you problems, but I gather you mean anysize map with a lot of units on it is a big problem.

    sound on board chipset AC 97
    Okay you did mention what soundcard your using, again I blame old age.

    As I stated considering your running WinXP, you need to increase your system memory to at least 512meg, the more ram you have the more cache windows will make, improving all around performance.

    Frankly I don't know what kind of sound method is used in the combat mission games.

    But I do know that much of that integrated AC97 sound is a real pig on a PC's performance, in regard to games.

    First I would boast up the ram, check out those other things I mentioned about the videocard and see how things are, if still having performance problems I'd condsider next looking at doing something about the sound processing ablities of your machine, by installing a soundcard capable of hardware acceleration.

  15. Pat,

    Without doubt that low amount of ram would be a real performance bottleneck in your current setup.

    I would suggest you add a 512meg stick if you could afford it. I'm running 768meg of 266mhz stuff.

    You didn't mention what kind of soundcard your running, do you have any performance problems when there are a lot of units on the field active at any one time.

    Then of course videocard settings can affect performance big time, such as Antialiasing, Anisotropic Filtering. Also whether Vertical Sync is enabled or not.

    And even the videocard driver version can affect things alot in that regard.

  16. When I tried get partisan (from 1943) as polish Home Army in scenario from Warsaw Uprising 44 I found impossible to play singiel palyer mode.

    I don't understand about this impossible to play statement, what was impossible!!??.

    If it was me making a warsaw uprising scenario, I'd just use the regular polish army units as much as possible.

    That way you would get polish tank hunter teams, flamethrower and pioneer units.

    As far as captured german stuff, you would have to use the russian stuff, so in 1944 you can get the panther and then you have to go to 43 to get the stug, though it's the F model but it would do.

    As far as captured guns a lot of the russian guns use the german hardcoded ones, say mostly all of the AA guns use the german coded guns.

    The russian 76.2 mntn gun is the grey german 75mm inf gun, and things like mortars all use the same coded ones.

    So if it was me I'd use regular polish and russian units.

  17. The partisans have a tunic color change starting in may/43 that is reflected throughout the rest of the war.

    So the tunic color is blue before may 1943 and then brown after may/43 until the end of the war.

    This is some of the rare exception to that suggested trick, I didn't say that method was flawless.

    The polish flag is the only unique hardcoded entity that the poles have in the game that isn't shared with anything else in the game.

    I believe there are some mods of the polish flag out there somewhere that are different at least from the original game artwork. Now whether they are correct also, is another matter.

    By the way the germans are the only country in the game that have any real on map artillery guns.

  18. Maybe I need a Dell techie to return and do this driver thing correctly?

    I suggest you head your own advice Tooz, a notebook is not a desktop computer, it's a very different beast and an unforgiving one at that.

    That notebook is mega mucked up now with drivers for two different videocard types along with god knows what other things are screwed up now.

    You need someone now over there who is trained on this device to get things squared away for you.

  19. There is several things needed to be know of your PC Pat.

    What type of CPU does the PC have and what is it's clock speed.

    Is this a brand name PC or a Clone. We need to know what type of motherboard is in it.

    Does the motherboard support SDR and or DDR RAM, is your current ram sdr or ddr.

    Does the motherboard have a AGP slot or is your videocard PCI.

    What type of videocard are you using and how much ram is on it, and is it a PCI or AGP.

    Also what your using to process sound can have a major affect on overall game performance. Mostly all of that intergrated sound will kill a PC in regards to gaming.

    What version of Windows are you using, if it's XP and your using it as a game rig, you for damn sure want to boast that up to 512mg of ram.

  20. It's unfortunate but does seem to be the case, that there doesn't seem to be any unique hardcoded stuff for the Poles, other then the flag.

    What Polish units there is use only the same hardcoded stuff as the Russians, so use the same bmp textures.

    As far as when the Poles appear in the game, you can always set the date in the editor to the time the Poles appear,which is Jan/45, get what units you want, then reset the date too whatever time period you want the scenario to have.

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