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Posts posted by Retributar

  1. Original Quote by 'Hubert Cater!.' "Hmmm.. a Pacific Expansion for SC2 you say? We'll just have to see if we can put something like that together if there is enough demand"
    Fantastish!!! ..."""I'm DEMANDING this game!!!."""

    We have "FOREVER!!!" been wanting a 'WAR IN THE PACIFIC THEATRE' Campaign!.

    Whatever you & the team can come up with within a reasonable time frame will just be 'Fantastic!'. Later-On...Full-Scale-Sea-Battle's...Carrier's & all...& Full-Blown Invasion Battles on Fortified Japanese held Island's with raging sea battle's taking place off shore, as well as contributing by Naval-Forces to the Island invasion effort would be a 'Blast!'.

    Depending on how the game goes,... 'The FINALE' could result in an invasion of the Island of Japan or conversely...a full-scale-accelerated-assault on San-Diego & San-Francisco!. "What-Think-Ye-All???".

    You have the talent 'Hubert' as well as your 'Band of Elves',...not withstanding "US!!! Malingering GROGNARD'S ."...who are at the ready to assist helping out however we can!.

    Napoleone had a 'Core' of 'Veterans' who were never-happy, they were alway's complaining,...hence the term...GRUMBLER'S or GROGNARD'S!. He never discounted their ability to contribute their best effort's in his greatest time of need!,...they were mostly the member's of the 'IMPERIALE GUARDE!'

    [ March 01, 2008, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

  2. I've been too-busy with 'Pre-Commissioning & Start-Up' at a new 'Tar-Sands-Plant' to keep up with all the latest happening's!.

    After reading this Posted Topic and a few other's, i see nothing but further development and long-life for this game!.

    I agree with most of the comment's given by the great host of contributer's and as well...greatly look forward to experiencing the new "Patton Drives East" expansion!.

  3. Unfortunately 'Stragic Command'!,... the answer is 'No!, Nien!, Nyeit!, Non!, Nicht!'.

    The Russian's get their 'Siberian Transfer', the European Allies get every allied nation, from all-over-the-world, including those from 'the Pacific' to contribute forces to the war in North Afrika!, BUT!!!, "ROMMEL" & the 'Afrika Korps', have NO-DEBUT'!...no appearance!...no forces!. Even the Italian's are extremely-weak and underpowered!.

    'Vas is Loss Mein Herr???'.

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