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Posts posted by Retributar

  1. As much as i like 'Strategic-Games',...i still very-much like situation's where particular theatre's are specialized for game-play!.

    For Example!:...North-Africa_The War In The Desert!, The Italian Campaign_War In Italy, Crete_Krete_Airborne Assault, The Battle Of Britain, Stalingrad, Hypothetical Axis Invasion Of Spain.

    With these example's listed above,...we could have MUCH-MUCH-LARGER-MAP'S and a much more detailed study of that particular theatre,...instead of a Generic Punching Contest that to some degree look's much the same in many places on the game-map-area!.

    I like both!!!..can we maybey someday have both???.

  2. All my life i have understood barrier's such as RIVER'S... in a 'Military Sense' to be an obstacle or an asset!.

    Meaning,...in this particular case that if you are behind a RIVER , perhap's even "ENTRENCHED!" , that you should receive a bonus for being behind that river... if 'attacked or assaulted' from across the river from the other side!.

    Yet!,... in SC2_WaW...i am seeing that RIVER'S have no bearing either way???. Why is that so???.

  3. arado234!:

    NORMALLY!!!... since the Russians, Americans & British are supposed to be on the same-side!,...what you say is true...

    ORIGINAL QUOTE by arado234:

    would it not make sense to have all their political chits addup since they are both fighting the same enemy?
    HOWEVER!!!... For the RUSSIAN'S it was a matter of 'NECESSARY-NECESSITY' that they became 'Allies' with the British & American's,...BUT!!!...were very-likely much more interested in achieving thier own-goals & aim's rather than having a concensus-spirit to undo the 'Nazi-Regime!'.

    Sooo!!!...in this particular instance,... instead of COMBINING-EFFORTS! ...this effort to swing nation's over to the British & American side or to the Russian side,... would be effort's that would be diametrically-opposed!.

  4. let's say that we actually had 'Realistic- WEATHER-EFFECTS' in this game which amongst other effect's,...would obscure the tracking of ground-unit's past a 'set-range!'.

    So-Now!!!,...'say' we had a "SAND-STORM!" ,...and now during the 'this-SANDSTORM-game-turn'... we have just now lost the 'VISUAL-POSITIONING' of some of the enemies unit's...that we had bearing's on during the previous turn ...so now...i would like to ask if it would be an idea to put into game-play...a "LAST-POSITION-TRACKER" ...that could show you after pressing the appropriate-key,...perhap's using somekind of 'translucent-image' of the original-unit ..."where" it was positioned "where-ever" during the previous turn!.

    In other word's,...telling you where unit's during the previous turn were located,...since now during this present SANDSTORM-TURN... you are now no-longer able to see them for now!.

    [ June 21, 2008, 09:31 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

  5. I've come to the conclusion that "VISUAL-CAPABILITY"...is presently "too generous!!!" during 'Sandstorms & Snowstorms...and perhap's also Cloudy-Rainy weather'!.

    Should this not be considered?, as we strive to achieve a realistic [True-To-Real-Life] atmosphere in this game?.

    "WEATHER-EFFECT'S" would then perhap's spin-off into taking on MISSION'S that would normally not be chanced!.

    ...Such as the 'assault/gamble' through the 'Thick-Ardenne-Forest' [Reasonably Suspected To Be IMPASSABLE To Tanks ]-[ In WINTER DURING A SNOWSTORM ]-[ Battle Of The Bulge ]...wherein the German's tried to capture the American Fuel-Dump's,...and also try to get to 'Antwerp' in order to split the British & American 'solid-front effectiveness' against the German forces!.

    "Splitting the American & British forces",... depending on how effective it actually became?, may have permitted the German's to be able to seek some kind of negotiated settlement on the war in Europe, and would have permitted Hitler to then carry-on with his 'Weapons Research & Development'... as well as then to be able to possibly reshift some of his European Western forces and his forces in Italy...to the 'Eastern Front!.

    Im just thinking outloud as to how a realistic Weather Simulation could effect the playability of this game!.

    [ June 21, 2008, 04:00 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

  6. Minty!:

    You really need to do more research on WWII Military History!. Most of your comments which projects the Allies as Technologically Superior overall as compared to the Axis, is in error!.

    * Those 'Night Sights' that didn't work???. Yes!,...the German Night-Fighters were giving the Allies a very good run for their money!. At the last days of WWII the Germans were also starting to outfit their Panzer Forces with Night-Vision-Capability, but!...alas...too late in the war.

    * 200 ton Tanks that didnt move?, Well during the last days of WWII the Germans didnt have to cross the Russian Steppes at breakneak speeds in order to surround or cut off Russian Tank Armies. At this juncture, all they wanted to do was to defend the homeland, so therefore...no particular need for very swift Tanks!. Those so called 200 ton Tanks were designed to be nearly invincible or nearly impossible to knock-out!.

    * Rocket Planes that blew up! : Yes, they were pushing the envelope all they could to try to gain an upper hand in the air war!. They were succeding in doing so at some cost. The Germans were also working on an 'Orbital Bomber' and had...it seems a half chance of pulling it off!.

    * The Atom Bomb: I have come across many references to the German race to aquire the Atom Bomb, so even though im not dead sure that they had this project on the go, there is a good chance that they were working on it, and ohhh!!! that Orbital Bomber if it had come to fruition and really had been able to fly as they had planned, could very well have been used as the delivery platform to carry an Atom Bomb overseas and drop it on New-York-City!. The V-2 could have also probably been used as a likewise vehicle to deliver Atomic payloads to Britain and the advancing Russian armies.

    * The Wehrmacht being so heavily dependent on mules and horses , Yes!!!...that is very true, since their major sources of Oil Supplies were being continuously bombed or obliterated!. The Germans were even before WWII working on 'Synthetic Oil Plants' that converted Coal into Diesel Fuel!,...which is what carried them through those lean times. Their Tank's and some Jets and Rockets were either using Diesel or were being designed to run on Diesel Fuel!.

    * Albert Speer was also spreading out some of the War Production into separate smaller production facilities as well as moving some production underground, such as V-1,V-2,Tank's and other items in order to evade damage from the Allied Bombing Effort!.

    * With what the German's had going for them before WWII began and also for what they invented even during the early days of the war...could have very well have carried them to the Victory that they sought!. However, thanks to Hitler's incessant meddling , the war was eventually swinging over in favour of the Allies to be able to finally win it!.

    [ June 17, 2008, 10:56 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

  7. Miech!:

    Yes!... the German's did have many more aircraft, i would guess that it was for-sure more than 3-1, it was probably closer to at least 4-1 or more!.

    However!, the German aircraft could only stay over England for only a very short time, perhap's a half-hour or less depending on where they launched from. The British on the other hand could relaunch those Spitfires and Hurricanes perhaps up to around 5Xday!.

  8. Original Quote by Hubert Cater!: ...

    "Glad you liked the improvements to the WaW AI ... and the good news is that it will only get better"
    That effort to make improvement's on the 'AI' until it is 'A-Great-Formidable-Beast!' ...will only put the "Strategic Command Game" at the upper level of 'recognition/fame!'...in 'Military-Gaming-History!' .

    Think of all the games that we would like to see created using this 'AI-Engine' ?,... "NO-LIMIT!" ...'Me Thinks!'.

  9. Right On 'CSS'!...

    Quote by CSS!...

    "3.The Germans fought the war with the technology of the 50's in it's infancy, and the Allies fought the war with the technology of the 30's at their zenith."

    Many here in the past have been delusionary in believing that all that mattered was the count of the number of men and the number of the count of guns,...and have so designed their games based on that misguided pretext/principal, which is concluded from an ill thought out conclusion!. Not So!!!,...the TECHNOLOGICAL-DISPARITY is what really made the opportunities open up for such nation's such as 'Germany'.

    That's why British & American equipment for the most part 'could not/would not' compare-too!,...or be equal-too!,...or better than most German Equipment!.

    And so,...'unit for unit' on the game-board, they should 'NOT-BE-EQUAL' to in capability!. Yet!... the consensus of many is that...'ALL-ARE-EQUAL'???.

  10. The Russian's, i believe had a slight operating-advantage during the Winter, as they were well used/acclimated to the situation at hand!. As are Canadian's, since many Canadian cities are at nearly the same Latitude/Longitude???...that the Russian cities are~!.

    The German's & most European's usually experienced less aggressive winter's,...and so were not used to them like the Russian's were!.

    Check your WWII history to see if this was not so!.

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