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Posts posted by Retributar

  1. Ive heard a wide array of argument's for this game engine,...'Pacific-Theater'!,...and it's very interesting!. I have a few conclusion's...even though im not a studied student/diciple of the Pacific-War!.

    ***I have concluded,...based on some knowlege or no-knowlege of all said above!...***

    -The 'PACIFIC ISLANDS',...were VERY-IMPORTANT!!!,...for what-ever 'Historical' reason!,...which i think that the reason for what-ever it was,...is not being reflected in the/this game???. I am sure that some of those island's,...such as DAVAO had 'Oil-Resources' as an incentive,...to cause the JAPANESE to make it ever-important to take!,...and for most of the other's,...One reason or another had made those island's an important directive to aquire!. [some-One-Else...will have to find out why!].

    -"CHINA"!!!,...i don't know why the JAPANESE didn't make a more concerted effort to take China?,...perhap's they were too-widely strung out overall everywhere else to be able to make a definite effort there?. To my limited understanding,...it seem's that a 'Tragic-Mistake' was made there!.

    -'AMPHIBIOUS-TRANSPORT'_Situation's were avidly discussed!. Im 'No-Marine!!!',...so i can't vouch for what the ordinary recruit can or cannot put up with,...when dealing with inordinate period's of time abord 'Troop-Ships'!. That's when i noticed that someone [LampCord] mentioned that something like 'Amphibious-Tech' could be developed in the game to make this hard-ship for marine infantry less of a debilitating factor on longer-term voyage's preceding debarkation!. "It makes sense to me!".



  2. "LampCord!",...Somewhere??? in the Main-Discussion-Forum for 'SC-Pacific Theater',...is a listing of the cities that need to be garrisoned to delay Russian Intervention [3-4?_Cities].

    I wish that a BULLETIN would be displayed turn by turn for the JAPANESE-PLAYER...until the BULLETIN requirement's are fullfilled...indicating exactly what action need's to be taken!, such as to what particular CITIES need TO-BE-OCCUPIED!,...to thus assist in alleviating this Conondrum!.

    Of course!, this is all taking place,...when...'JAPAN' can 'Ill-Afford' to release any troop's at all for such action in the face of 'OverWhelming-Crises' everywhere else!.

    I Blindly-Garrisoned only 3-Cities in "Manchuko",...and was still 'massively invaded' by endless RUSSIAN-HORDES in early 1943!.

    Someone-Else can take it further from here!.

  3. ...Blashy is right, but so is Lampcord. It doesn't FEEL or seem right to be able to conquer Iwo or any island help by Japanese troops with just airpower alone. I know that's a tactical or operational issue and this is a strategic game. But that doesn't change how the experience feels to the player...


    Good-Point's!!!,...Carrier's are 'Too-PowerFull!'. When Troops are embedded in HillSide Mountain-Caves...or...obscured in Dense-Jungle's,...'Carrier-Air-Power' should not be able to liesurely obliterate them as if Nuclear Weapon's Technology were being employed!.

    Overall,...the Carrier's represent that particular weapon's system quite well!,...but...more 'fine-tuning!' is required,...to make it's contribution more realistic!.

    Finally!,...the "FEEL" of the game need's to be addressed!,...as mentioned in previous comment's!. That aspect as well,...requires a little more 'fine-tuning!'.

  4. Hello SeaMonkey!:

    YES!!!,...you 'Salty-Sea-Dog!',...this is my '1st-game' against the 'AI'! [Operazione' "Z"!].

    That RUSSIAN involvement THING???...need's to be "EXCISED/REMOVED!...OUT-OF-THE-GAME!" [bAD-GAME-FEATURE!]. They nearly have MORE Ground Units Than the 'Entire-JAPANESE-EMPIRE' has???. Not only that,...but Germany is supposed to still be invading Russia [Right???], or at least in the latter stages of that effort,...or being rolled back to Berlin!,...depending on what your time-frame is!. 'And...here',...'in my game',...the Russian's have nearly more ground forces than i do??? [Go-Figure???]...not counting/including the Indian-Army Hordes,...the Communist Chinese Hordes,...the other regular Chinese Hordes,...the Australian Hordes,...the American Hordes & the British Hordes???,...Et-Al',...Etc!!!...Etc!!!.

    The JAPANESE never would have started WW2 in the PACIFIC if they knew that the Russian's would kiss & make-up GOOD...with GERMANY in a great-big-hurry...in order to use their entire War-Machine to attack Japanese interest's!.

    Also!,...i don't like how the 'AI' can ALWAY'S seem to spot my 'Aircraft-Carriers' [& Sink Them] with EASE,...while i rarely can ever see theirs???.

    The 'AI' ground units seem to usually be able to attack across Rivers with IMPUNITY!,...and SURVIVE THESE IDIOTIC ATTACK'S!. The 'AI' can attack a strongly ENTRENCHED UNIT,...across a river and kick the 'Brown-Chunks' out of it???,...while usually sustaining little to no-casualties???...and inflicting as much or more harm than they receive!. I think that the 'Cheat-Slider' has been slightly overadjusted/overused in it's favor?.

    EVEN SOooo!!!,...with all of my complaining, i still enjoy the game!. I would enjoy it much more without ROOSKIE-INVOLVEMENT!!!.

  5. Hello!:

    I think that i am at march 6th/1943,...and so far it's been a 'hell-of-a-mind-bending experience!!!'. The JAPANESE [Whom I Presently Represent] have undergone absolute hell to maintain any viable postioning at all!. My situation has had many unforseen situations develop that i ignorantly thought would not occur in that WW2 Campaign!,...and so i have been caught with my 'Pants-Down' many times more than once,...& even so...i have still not yet lost the war!.

    My greatest aggrivation is how the 'Russians' come on so overwhelmingly-strongly in the game in early 1943!. "They-Wreck-The-Game-Completely" [Or-Can],...even if i have been so-far been able to control their iirrational-incursion!.

    Otherwise!,...so-far!,...a 'Great-Game!' has been borne'!. Hail 'Carter!!!'.

  6. I too like historical games,...But!,...within those historical boundaries/parameter's are alway's the 'What-If' variable's.

    Just because history has worked out in a particular fashion,...it does not iron-out other alternative possibilities or outcome's that may have resulted from a 'rich-matrix' of events!.

    So,...i do not believe in a 'One & Only One Outcome',...i believe in alternate outcome's in an event,...dependent on the choices/decisions made, and of course...resulting outcomes that then derive new direction's in a game,...with perhap's different ending's!.

    That's why im 'not convinced' that 'Germany or Japan' could have...'not won?',...even though that end-result was perhap's 'Slim to Non!'.

  7. 'thetwo'..."WoW!!!"...what a historical dissection of the subject-matter!. I was unaware of a good deal of it!,...and from what knowledge i do have of these historical figure's & event's,...what you allude to seem's to make a lot of sense!. Let's keep this kind of research & analysis ongoing,...as it will tweak up this game into a superstar!.

    At the same time,...what 'Clarke' mention's about the U.S. being for all intent's and purpose's...as far as being immune from being broke,...or short of cash to finance the 'War-Effort!'...is something im not well versed in,...but!,...he may very-well be right!.

    So!,...i guess,...upon further reflection,...'The Powers That Be!',...will likely make somekind of determination as to how the game evolve's based on your information!. The more 'Historically-Correct' the game is!,...the more valuable it is!.

  8. ATOM-BOMB'S!...are historical...and for game purpose's if used as they were or in some other similar fashion,...is acceptable!.

    However!,...going 'Bomb-Crazy' is a 'Game-Turn-Off!',...and i would like to see/have an option to turn off this Psychotic-Bomb-Fetish...'Gone-Wild!'.

    As i correctly or incorrectly understand it,...the 2nd & last bomb dropped on Hiroshima...was the last bomb in the American Atom-Bomb Inventory!.

  9. Me-Think's that most of these suggestion's are workable and employable in this game!. Im against instant repair or instantaneous transport of equipment!.

    For Example...if your Aircraft-Factory is obliterated,...then the penalty should be ~6 Month's to repair it!. As far as the "Instantaneous-Relocation" [Operate] of Unit's goes,...that feature should be restricted to an actual historical minimum,...providing it could actually have been carried out!.

    As alluded too!,...the JAPANESE had the real possibility of aquiring Physical-Jet-Technology...they already had the research well underway and were in the process of beginning to construct 2000-Jets of various types in preparation for the Allied-Invasion of Mainland Japan!. Those Jet's,...if ever constructed...could have destroyed the Allied Invasion Fleet as it approached Japan!.

    The German's were also using long-range 'Condor-Bombers' to fly to the Middle-East,...and then to somewhere in the vicinity of the Japanese Air-Force area of operation's in order to meet and exchange technology!. As mentioned previously,..."Submarines" were also actively used for the same mission as well as for transporting disassembled Jet-Fighters and so on!.

    Yes!!!...Yes!!!...Yes!!!,...it's time to make the game 'Much-More-Interesting!!!'.

  10. I am glad that you were able to stumble across this deficiency!,...as now it open's up the idea of...the 'Player' being able to have the 'AI' play both sides of the Contest!.

    There are time's that i would really like to excercise just that particular option!.

    While were on this subject,...i would also like to be able to change the 'Driving-Direction' in a game!.

    Such as for 'Example',...when the 'Axis' has conquered 'Mainland-Europe',...and i have no desire as the 'Axis player' to pursue the game any-further,...i could then direct the 'AI' to take over command of the 'Axis-Forces'...and give it "Directives" to 'Assault Britain' and later 'America!'.

  11. Im so glad that the 'AI' is finally reaching somekind of 'neural-acendency!',...it's been far-too-long-downtrodden as a "total waste of time & effort!".

    If what i have read is 'ANY-INDICATION' of "Huberts" improvement's in this avenue,...Then '3-"Hail-Mary's!!!" For Him!'.

    To have EXCELLENT-WARGAME-SIMULATIONS,...we need to have EXCELLENT-GAME-DESIGN as well as an EXCELLENT-'AI'-ENGINE...Which now appear's to finally be APPEARING/MATURING!.

    To this end of EXCELLENCE_there must never be an end!,...as to the 'in-finale'-achieving dominace...in game dominance...in creating a most 'Au-a'-a-La'-Naturale' "Re-Creation" of this 'Pacific-War-Event!'.

  12. Well!,...im hoping that the 'SURPRISE' might be???..."JAPANSE-SECRET-WEAPON'S" for the 'End-Game' of a Campaign!. I have already made them known [Those That I Know Of...] in an earlier forum subject's...[youtube - "Shinden Jet Fighter!". ] & [Pacific Theatre Links_Information].

    If these concept's [Which Are NOT-Fabricated Ficticious Evidence's] are ever incorporated into this game!,...no-longer will the JAPANESE be considered a "Roll-Over" just because of IMPOSSIBLE-AMERICAN-INDUSTRIAL-OUTPUT-MIGHT!!!.

  13. Iv'e have been an EMPIRE Fan for quite a while, & alway's will be one!,...i wished that they had an updated game for the present Windows System's!.

    Anyhoo!,..."Empires of Steel"...will just have to take over that honor now!.

    ***True!,...EMPIRE was no 'Mind-Boggling' Complex_Military Strategy Game!...But!!!...it was just so much fun!,...rarely boring!. ***

  14. "xwormwood!"_'Agreed!!!',...the endgame finale' is a dissapointment...after such an investment of a great-deal of 'Time & Effort!'.

    Much more information for the player should be available in order for the player to see where and how his effort's actually compared to Historical Result's as well as possibly the player could compare his present result's with previous result's where the same game was played.

    As a "Cherry-On-The-Cake-FINALE!' "...I would like to be able to select what VICTORY-MUSIC for the victorious side that i choose to listen too!,...as well as perhap's a short VIDEO showing for example,...the Japanese Army raising their Rifle's and Arm's in the air...in Jubilation while shouting the 'Banzai!!!' Cry!,...with the Japanese Flag waving in the Background!.

    Not only do i agree with your desire for a more satisfying 'End-Game-Conclusion-Assessment',...but i would also like to see what the Actual-Historical-Losses were in comparison with your personal game losses!.

  15. Hello Hubert!:

    Iv'e just got home from my Work-Site-Project only to come home to more project's to get my new house completed,...so all i have had time for so far...is to briefly load up the game and play around a half-a-dozen-rounds!.

    Even-So!,...from just only that much exposure...the game look's like another dimensional reality apart from the present day,...and i can't wait to really get into it!. I Might get dissapointed if i am unable to invade "America",...especially early in the game!.

    To 'Blah-Blah' with historical outcomes,...permutation's & combination's may have delivered an entirely different outcome!...Despite 'Blashys' dogmatisism on the straight and narrow being that former hindsight is now the only foresight!.

    I don't for an instant believe that only & one and only one outcome was available...in that situation,...if it was,...what would be the point of playing any of these games?.

  16. I hope that these 'Behomouth-Beauties' are included in this game!.


    The Ships:

    The largest warships of WW2 were the three Japanese Yamato class ships - the battleships Yamato [http://z.hubpages.com/u/258084_f520.jpg] and Musashi, and the Shinano (completed as an aircraft carrier A fourth ship was laid down but never completed). As designed, the Yamato and Musashi mounted nine 18" and twelve 6", later two 6" turrets were removed from Yamato in favour of a heavier anti-aircraft battery. Destined to never fight their rival American battlewagons, both Yamato and Musashi were lost to American airpower. Musashi was the victim of 20 torpedoes, 17 bombs and numerous near misses before succumbing on 24 October 1944. Yamato lasted until 7 April 1945 when she was sent on a one-way mission to bombard the American invasion fleet of Okinawa and then to beach herself and her crew were to join the troops ashore. This wasn't to be, instead Yamato was caught by American carrier aircraft and sunk along with the light cruiser Agano. When Yamato blew up, the blast was seen from over 200km away and the force of the blast destroyed many of the attacking aircraft.




    Battleship Musashi 1942-1944




    Battleship Musashi, sister of the 65,000-ton WW2 battleship Yamato, was built at Nagasaki, Japan. Commissioned in August 1942, she was stationed at Truk from January 1943 into 1944 as part of a heavy force covering the Central Pacific against the threat of an American offensive. When the latter materialized, with the invasion of the Marshalls and raids by aircraft carrier planes against Japanese positions further west, Musashi's base was moved to the Palaus. She was torpedoed by the submarine USS Tunny (SS-282) on 29 March 1944, necessitating repairs in Japan, during which her anti-aircraft firepower was enhanced.

    In June 1944, with the torpedo damage repaired, Musashi took part in the Battle of the Philippine Sea. Her next, and last, major operation was the Battle of Leyte Gulf, in which the Japanese surface navy made a final major effort to repulse the U.S. drive into the Western Pacific. On 24 October 1944, while en route to the prospective battle area off the Leyte landing beaches, Musashi and her consorts were attacked by hundreds of U.S. Navy carrier aircraft. In this Battle of the Sibuyan Sea, she was hit by some nineteen torpedoes and seventeen bombs. Though her heavy protection withstood this massive damage to a degree probably unsurpassed by any other contemporary warship, Musashi capsized and sank about four hours after she received her last hit.




  17. I hope that these 'Behomouth-Beatuties' are included in this game!.


    The Ships:

    The largest warships of WW2 were the three Japanese Yamato class ships - the battleships Yamato and Musashi, and the Shinano (completed as an aircraft carrier A fourth ship was laid down but never completed). As designed, the Yamato and Musashi mounted nine 18" and twelve 6", later two 6" turrets were removed from Yamato in favour of a heavier anti-aircraft battery. Destined to never fight their rival American battlewagons, both Yamato and Musashi were lost to American airpower. Musashi was the victim of 20 torpedoes, 17 bombs and numerous near misses before succumbing on 24 October 1944. Yamato lasted until 7 April 1945 when she was sent on a one-way mission to bombard the American invasion fleet of Okinawa and then to beach herself and her crew were to join the troops ashore. This wasn't to be, instead Yamato was caught by American carrier aircraft and sunk along with the light cruiser Agano. When Yamato blew up, the blast was seen from over 200km away and the force of the blast destroyed many of the attacking aircraft.



    Battleship Musashi 1942-1944




    Battleship Musashi, sister of the 65,000-ton WW2 battleship Yamato, was built at Nagasaki, Japan. Commissioned in August 1942, she was stationed at Truk from January 1943 into 1944 as part of a heavy force covering the Central Pacific against the threat of an American offensive. When the latter materialized, with the invasion of the Marshalls and raids by aircraft carrier planes against Japanese positions further west, Musashi's base was moved to the Palaus. She was torpedoed by the submarine USS Tunny (SS-282) on 29 March 1944, necessitating repairs in Japan, during which her anti-aircraft firepower was enhanced.

    In June 1944, with the torpedo damage repaired, Musashi took part in the Battle of the Philippine Sea. Her next, and last, major operation was the Battle of Leyte Gulf, in which the Japanese surface navy made a final major effort to repulse the U.S. drive into the Western Pacific. On 24 October 1944, while en route to the prospective battle area off the Leyte landing beaches, Musashi and her consorts were attacked by hundreds of U.S. Navy carrier aircraft. In this Battle of the Sibuyan Sea, she was hit by some nineteen torpedoes and seventeen bombs. Though her heavy protection withstood this massive damage to a degree probably unsurpassed by any other contemporary warship, Musashi capsized and sank about four hours after she received her last hit.

  18. ~QUOTE: 'By...scottsmm' _ "Yes I'm sure it's different, but I can't imagine it's totally different, and if it isn't I bet people like yourself, moon, etc could beat the US outright by being Japan".~

    That's What i also plan to do!. What-If The Japanese had withdrawn their main forces from 'China',...and were then able to reconstruct/reconstitute those forces, into amphibious invasion forces_[Depending On How They Would/Could Have Planned Out The War]...then...maybey an invasion of the American-Shores would have be possible!. To what extent you say & why?,...well!,...of course with the intention of so redirecting American effort's to protect the U.S.A., instead of the U.S. forces being totally preoccupied with the Pacific!.

    This...then could perhap's buy some time for other Japanese forces to have the opportunity to capture & consolidate stategic vital areas [Resources] to help the Japanese maintain the war-effort/machine to accomplish their objective of controlling the Pacific & winning the war or achieving a reduced victory out of it!.

    Whether this new game will allow anything like this or not i do not know!. However!,...this is what i would like to try out!,...to see what happen's!.

  19. To 'SeaMonkey'_'WormWood' & All!,...Thank's For Coming Out Of The Closet To Pummle/Fandangle 'Avante-Garde-Ideas' To Enhance/Enrichen The Game!.

    I've been Too-Busy Working To Get Too Involved As Of This Time-Frame!,...I will have 7-Week's Off Soon...So I Expect To Participate More Then,...Than I Have Since June!.

    Someone Has To Build These 'Tar-Sand-Projects!',...I Am Nearly Thoroughly Burned-Out As I Speak!.

  20. I brought up this subject-matter about a year ago or more and was heavily verbally assaulted for it!,_I was considered as a:"Physchotic-Doom & Gloomer"!!!.

    Even though the 'Global-Economic-Situation' is Dire [And That's Putting It Mildly]...we will still be better off than most of the rest of the world! [As far as pain/personal suffering goes].

    At any rate!,...batten down the hatches to ride out the on-coming storm,...& let's be grateful that we will have 'Huberts' Games to help us get through this night-mare!.

    What-Ever we can do to help make this next game in the series be a 'Smash-Hit!',...let's try to help out where we can!,...even if the/our proposition seem's to be preposterous at first-glance!.

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