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Gen Von Television

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Posts posted by Gen Von Television

  1. Hey, this thread is going down too deep for me! :rolleyes:

    Did it all start because we wanted to shoot the damned prisoners in the game, and forget about give'em orders!? Yes, you also lose some benefit points, but it's so much as to pull and push the mouse here and there, or to forget about them and maybe it comes a counter attack, and you lose the benefit points too! :mad:

    No, seriously now: since when would you believe good and bad are just an absolute in life? Is the Winner Moral superior just because he won? But this is a case coming from the middle age chivalry code, or even an ancient rule, unavoidably REAL: the Truth is always True; a peasant saying goes like 'Lies have short legs', so as to mean they cannot walk the far distance...

    I.E. Patton was obliged to resign his command because he actually let his troops to shoot surenndering enemies, and not because he slapped a broken-up private; never the less he was maybe the best general in the US Army, and possibly in the Allied Field. You can admire him for his soldierly qualities, but despise him as a human being... Much more than him you can despise the scum such like Himmler or Hydrich, who lost all their humanity just to have the illusory power of what, in the timeless history of the Cosmos?

    The Real Heroes are those who lose their separateness, those who can 'feel' unity with life even in dying, and to reach that, how can they deny the unity of all mankind? Suffering, Joy, Pity, Compassion, Forgiveness, Generosity: this for me are human qualities. Greediness, Attachment, Fear, Ignarance, Egoism are the human weakness... Are you able to choose and discriminate between them? Good! Are you able to actually live the qualities and subdue the weakness? Better Still! Does that make you a Saint? I don't know, but at least that effort for me makes you a human being.

    [ February 10, 2006, 08:08 AM: Message edited by: Gen Von Television ]

  2. Hem, first of all I should apologise to Colin, who started this thread just to see it 'snatched' by some shameless intruder like myself :D , but he may as well profit from our presence!!! :cool:

    Dear Wicky, after I saw your portrait, I have gained a full 'blind' faith in you! tongue.gif But I have to write you in this last case you're wrong: CM runs without a pro' on a multi-video-card system, to the point you can load it on the NVidia or on the ATI without any fuss (well, in the Display panel you just have to drag the starting screen bar on the monitor you wish to use to load CM)... Finally I was able to grab the Display panel screen on OS 9.2.2 (yes, I also use an Aqua interface Ambient for the Classic, but no Kaleidoscope): when you call this ATI utility, it opens on BOTH screens, but on the NVidia Desktop it just DECLARES it NON ATI screen, while on the 9200 Radeon it says what you see here



    Possibly I would try to install the 9000 controls and extensions and have a try, if you would kindly point me where to get them and exactly which ones you're using (or will you be able to archive them and just send them to me?)...

    Again, the ATI card displays the CM game very well at max res, but it has a problem displaying smoke and dust (but NOT fog!): i.e. the dust is shown in its 'thick' and compatible way (so it gets useless). On the other hand NVidia has no trouble at all, but I don't like the way many textures are shown, as if too much blurred in a way (or was it something I smoked or drunk, I don't know?!?); CM load alternatively on one or the other monitor, but since I also have an old Gossamer pumped up and using the ATI 7000, I can compare directly the differences between all the ATI and NVidia cards...

    BTW I also need to know since many years what are the differences between Cricket and Baseball, knowing the latter a bit: a friend from Sidney promised me one day to teach me all the Cricket's rules, but that was happening in India some five years ago, and now I believe she should be married and possibly busy with children as well, so she should have forgotten her promise. Do you believe they are playing with the same rules in Corfu too?

  3. Hey Wicky! You've got the point: surely the functions on the left don't matter about the CM's graphic engine, but I suspect many functions are not working because the board is NOT activated, that is in your panel above you'll get just the Info option, and no Radeon logo up above, but just Unknown, so nothing about 3D Memory as well.. I cannot remember which version I'm using of the ATI panels/extensions, since I'm writing from the MS-PC at office, and possibly from the system profiler the board is identified OK... I will check and write you... Would it maybe possible you can send me your Extensions/Control panels to have a try...??? Or point me to the ATI archive you've installed, even though it's for the 9000, and not the 9200, but it may work...


  4. hehehehe, there is no end to learning! ;)

    Finally I've realised there was no absolute need to have another partition to be able to start another version of the Mac OS Classic/X, though I still believe it's safer to have them separate...

    Sorry to indulge in the ATI debacle, at least about the Classic lack-of-support, but my problem is not about the functioning of the board: at least finally, after installing all available latest firmware and Display extensions and Control panel from ATI, the 9200 is working fine with OS 9.2.2, but starting the ATI Display proggy, the board is reported as 'Unknown' where usually you see the 'stylish' title (like 'Radeon 7000'), so you cannot choose any function from the left panels (if I remember correctly there are MacTV, 3D Graphics, Multimedia, etc.) just do not show, but just Informations, where you also get the device's driver aptly called 'Bugsy' from the jockers of ATI...

    So the game loads and play fine, except you do not get any effects, as I wrote before...

    Again, I can compare directly the look of the game with a NVidia Titanium Geforce4, but CM graphics looks more detailed, less 'anti-aliased' on the ATI...

    To resume, I believe the problem would be solved if just the board would be recognised by the driver, as it actually happens under OSX!

  5. As an after thought, Wicky, can you confirm you can start your Mac in OS 9, i.e. choosing a different system to start with both using the Startup Disk either from classic control Panels or from X System preferences... Even starting up with the Alt key pressed, I believe you shall have a different physical location (a different HD) to be able to choose a different version of the OS...

  6. Originally posted by Wicky:

    [...] There is a ATI CM patch which I use for my 9000 to improve the poor smoke/dust graphics but still not as good as 7000.


    Hi Wicky, and thanks for the infos: which ATI CM patch are you talking about??? Any link, please...?

    The main problem with Radeon 9200 is about being 'Unknown' for the driver, so CM cannot possibly know there is a 9200 ready to show its 'power'... It display full resolution and crisp textures, but no effects... While loading ATI Display using a 7000 you clearly see it's recognised and named accordingly, so CM can use the specific routines for transparencies and effects...

  7. Here we GO AGAIN! Yhepeeeeeee!

    Great work COG! As an after thought, maybe I wasn't the culprit for the last downfall of the site... :D

    Thanks a lot to Fly for his generosity, but I hope Win server security would be OK as it was under LinuX (BSD/Tiger IS the way to have a secure and customizable system STILL very user friendly!!! Look out :eek: for MacIntella in a few months...!)

    TIA COHG!!! :cool:

  8. Hello "tar"!

    It seems you're experienced on the mac, so I venture to ask you a question: actually I can play our fav games ONLY starting 9.2.2 from a different partition: the other trouble is about the ATI 9200 board; in detail I'm using a DP 1GHz Quicksilver machine with NVidia Geforce4 Titanium 128MB AGP AND the 'infamous' (as per Classic support) ATI Radeon 9200 128MB PCI as a second screen; this last board is working well under OSX (but no quartz extreme, being PCI), or at least using the ATI Display utils, its name is shown; but under OS 9.2.2 and the latest ATI Display (Gen 2005) it's shown as 'Unknown'!!! It's a pity, since you lose all the subtleties of smoke and dust of the last two modules (I've checked on a ATI 7000 on another Mac and they are shown correctly, the board BEING supported by the utils), and even if the NVIDIA is working fine, to me its textures are less 'CRISP' than the ATIs.... If you have any hint or suggestion, I'll be grateful!


  9. Hello MikeyD!

    Funny you talk about that Scenario: I've just played it twice on each side... It's a tough one, from either side, so I suppose it's well balanced... Is it called Greyhound, isn't it? Is it from you? I'm at the office using MS 'Exploder' Win, so I cannot check on my faithful CM G4s Macs about it: Is it also a battle described on the 'Cook' book? If I recall well, I've read about this battle somewhere: there was the Commander's Tiger stuck on the road for some mechanical troubles, but was soon repaired and joyned the retreating Heavy tanks company in a delaying battle against the advancing armored Kiwi troops... I believe in reality the Germans were almost anihilated by the close support of the air forces... Nice and huge map: I still have to travel again on that road to check if it's realistic enough, but surely it reminds a lot the kind of terrain you encounter on the 'flat' lands of Emilia Romagna...

  10. To make CM run on a Mac you should have a machine able to boot with the OS 9.2.2: make a double partition on the system disk, or use another HD and install the OS 9 there; starting the mac holding the Alt key will load the boot screen where you can chose the disk where you have ONLY the OS 9 installed (the OS X will be displayed as a different disk, and Classic cannot be loaded as OS if it's installed on the same OSX disk); beside this procedure you can also use the control panel/Startup disk or the System Prefs of OSX to choose the disk on which you did install the OS 9. For me it works even on a G4 DP Quicksilver, so I presume you can run it on all the G4 series, but NOT on the G5! where you cannot have the Classic as a separate OS... I hope it's clear enough...

  11. ahem...


    Or so it seems! Well, I have to confess it, since I was kidding with Vossie about being the responsible, and later on I just learned I WAS the responsible for it! But, anyway, I apologise to everyone, and all is well what ends well... redface.gif

  12. Thanks Xavier,

    I already have three Cassino's scenarios on my HD, but I'm afraid what Jason writes may prove correct, since the 'realism' of those maps is almost ludicrous: I've not yet played with them, and possibly the game is fun anyway, and maybe you cannot really simulate that battle after all... I have a quite detailed printed map of the town, the castle above it, and the huge monastry above all; all streets, railway station (where the Maoris attacked), and the surrounding hills from where different Sussex and Gurkhas attacks were made; surely enough if I'm able to build a realistic map, I can use it for different fierce and interesting battles, beside using it for a wide Campaign... I remember I also visited Cassino on a summer day, and the positions of the castle and the rebuilt monastry are very impressive!

  13. RHZ, I liked your bare and exploded pine trees MOD: in fact I installed it anyway, but for the rough terrain I still use other choices of stones... Wouldn't be great if the next CMX2 would use the rubble effects for woods/trees as well? That would simulate the devastation of a wood bombardment, as in the woods of Foy Easy Co 506/101 had to endure... And the graphics of your kind appearing after the shelling would give more realism to that effect.

  14. Dear Sirs,

    I'd like to start a briefing, but actually I would rather need someone briefing me... :confused:

    Well, the fact I just got some Hors series of the french magazine Militaria about the Italian Campaign: these are very well made collections of testimonials and photographs coming mainly from the IWM, and most of them are un-published materials; there is one volume dealing about Cassino has really awakened my interest showing a picture, possibly taken just after the battle ended, showing this grey moon-like hill were once was the town, and now only rubbles and burned up trees scattered here and there: not a wall is still standing; above this utter desolation is tovering the dark burned mountain with the remains of the once great monastry... So to cut it short, I wonder if is there any faithful map of this, and if you think feasable to create a campaign that can simulate such a destruction (air bombing, heavy shelling, etc.) I mean, surely I can imagine you can use a lot of craters building an already devastated land, but to be able to see it 'in motion', starting as a well cared land, ending up like a dusty and crumbled up hell to that magnitude...

  15. And I forgot to mention it: I still have to see a faithful map of the Cassino battle... I have in mind a famous picture of this moon-like landscape of the hilly town where there is NO WALL standing, and above it the mountain with the dominant ruins of the monastry: I don't know if it's possible at all with the Map editor to reproduce that...

  16. Seq,

    well, it depends... E.g. at this moment the Northern Italy, where I live, which is surely more like a Northern European country, as far as we're talking about landscapes, is sunny, and South Italy is under the snow, and usually that part of this Country is more like Greece, or even North Africa. The centre of Italy is quite peculiar, given the fact you're projected in the middle of the Med Sea, but is quite impervious: here the 10th US Mountain Division fought very harsh battles... Maybe I'll make a scenario, or at least a good Map to give you an idea of the landscape: actually I never saw narrow valleys with a small river, and a road carved out of the steep mountain, running along it, with stone low walls on the side of the precipice, and a bridge, with some village with up going small lanes that separate the stone houses... As for AK, I've played a few of the Italian scenarios, and mainly those fought on the flat lands north of Firenze and Bologna, and they were quite realistic, as far as I know. Sicily should be more like Tunisia, with Mountains and rocky ground, and some green as well. Well, just consider Naples is on the same long as NY City.

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