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Posts posted by Arngrim

  1. Turn 24 August.

    Malta is evacuated after heavy bombardment, Italian transport shows up. German army destroyed, new French corps purchased, and the brits just keep up the airpressure. Considering moving the fleet to the med. The Rogue itlaian reached the resource hex, and was destroyed, since it had now become a nuisance.

  2. Turn 20

    7 Juli 1940

    Axis attack hard and reposition their forces all along the border. No breakthrough.

    Italian sneaky corps move towards mine, intercepted by a lone corps from paris, Armor bought to hold the city. Gibraltar now protected by corps. Fighting across maginot, costly airbattles over france. My only hope is that it will be as costly for the germans…

  3. Turn 16 9:th of June 1940

    The sub runs into Glouchester, two battleships promptly come to their aid, and it is sunk.

    Again heavy airbattles. I throw everything at the germans to allow a carrier to take out Sharnhorst, which it does. The German navy is no more, good news Norway!

    The French line holds, but no kills. Damn, I _got_ to resenad a corps to Gibraltar! That’s the lid on the Navy! I can’t believe that I didn’t think of that before!

    The loose Italian corps is on a picknick in the French countryside. No problem…

  4. turn 14?

    French line is stale mate. Italians land a rogue corps next to Marseilles, I’ll let it run around an d have fun. Gneisenau sunk, Sharnhorst at 5. Airbattles over LC, carriers lightly damaged. Third one on its way. Sub slipped away, hunters are out.

  5. Re´taken by some unit.

    G+I Desert dorps training on french corps in Egypt, (need turn soonnor I'll drop) Naval battles inthe baltic sea, my army was ambushed by the bllody Russkies, will dstoybtheir navuy for revenge.

    minsk taken, Kiev taken, Odessa surrounded. Idf Derek dioesen't send gis turn soobn he'll hav te fightr nme sober.

    Germany rocks tonight!

  6. Axis HQ:"Hungover is no wxcuse, i'm drunk as we speak... type, play, ah whatwever..."

    Ready for court tomorrow... don't ask

    Yes, siortry: AAR:

    Some date, slightly later than the ladst post everyone is at wer, so no matter really.

    The horrifieng brits think that firebombing europe is a good iodea, musteva gotten that ftom their football fans. :D Russia declares war on the finns again! :rolleyes:

    didsn't they get enough the last time? :(

    but, in retrospect the ruyssian fleet runs north, which will... Iäll let tyou know latyer :confused:

    british carrierts train on bergen, man, they gotta be pissed on that quislng guy.

    Madrid is rtaken by

  7. Heavy drinking tonight... AAR as follows, forgot the date, if Derek sends another turn tonight (22:56 here) I'll try to remember to popst it...

    British bomber and three air with at least Jet 3, (fuzzy icons) bombard france, I gotta remember to relocate some air there, looks slihtky pelilous.. damn hickups, spwelling is hard...

    Heavy airsupport and the glorious 10:th Italian army destroy a corps in Egypt, but plenty still there.

    Malta Pinged, Italian naviy is soon elites all of them.

    Germans rock on in the east, but no cities taken. I have the feeling I've forgotten something...

  8. Turn 10

    The bloody Germans manage to destroy a French army despite river and aircover. B corps plug the gap. Carriers move to French coast. Bomber on Malta damages Fiume to 8. Fierce fleetbattles around Denmark:Sharnhorst at 9, Gneisenau at 6. Montgomery takes command of the british forces.

  9. Turn 6

    Forgot to note the date again, bummer.

    Poland annihilated by the fiendish Huns. But on the bright side, the Italians are still not at war.

    RN Med are running for their lives. Irish corps destroyed, no more training, but it relieves the carriers to fight in France, or chase subs, who are still not found.

    French navy finds KM sub squadron, and sinks half of the wolves.. Bilbao appears, this time the French will fight back!

    Bomber relocate to Malta.

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