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Posts posted by Jaska.

  1. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Seriously though, I am constantly amazed at how many times I've read/seen guys opening up on a tank with small arms fire. There is a chance of damaging critical pieces, so it isn't like there is NO hope fo damaging it.

    Can you say anything about the damage model on AFV's ? Can you hurt an AFV's systems with small arms fire ?

    Would be way cool to destroy a tank's fancy targeting systems with 7,62 or 12,7 mm firing ! :D

  2. Originally posted by J Ruddy:

    [The Hinterland Who's Who]Observe as the noble Canuckopian digs at the archaeological site that is his desk and finds his copy of CMBB. The air fills with the dust of ages as he carefully blows the filth of an aeon from the jewel case. Inside the case, a priceless artefact awaits in silent dignity. The noble Canuckopian opens the jewel case and removes the CD. Carefully gripping the disk by the edges he places it in his cupholder/cd drive. The screen leaps into action. He feels a sort of strange comfort from the sounds of yester-year[/The Hinterland Who's Who]

    KV vs PzII sounds like a larf. If ye can still find yer keyboard with yer fingers up yer arse, send me the setup Prinzess!

    That was frikkin' poetic, that was. :mad:

    Now I almost feel sad for putting a TNT cap in yer a$$ and blasting you to bits. I feel you might even have potential. Almost: :mad: Which is a rare find in a Canuckistani. :mad:

    As you didn't answer Ze Question of which side you prefer, you'll get the Commies. KV explodes more violently when fused with angry TNT than a Pz II. :mad: :mad: :mad:

    I'll try to dig up the scenario somewhere from my HD. In the meantime, hold your breath. :mad: :mad:

  3. Thou dost not appreciate bad humour. :D:D:D

    Seriously, I'm starting to get a tiny bit tired with all the whining and grumbling going on about ToW. The game isn't even out yet, yet people find all sorts of things to whine about.

    I'm ashamed for some of the things that get written around here. The devs, they probably work their behinds off in trying to finish this game, and what do some of the "grogs" here do ? They whine, bitch, moan. That,if anything, IMO is in very bad taste.

    My take is that if you don't like the game, don't buy it. End of story. I bet for every bitching grog there are 10 non-grogs who would be interested in this kind of game, and might purchase.

    I hope that the game sells well, whether it pleased the hard-core grogs or not.

    This tiredness occasionally might spawn poor humour. Let the grogs be silenced or I'll continue ! :D

  4. Originally posted by Zulu:

    I'd like to see screenshots of shapley Russian nurses sunning themselves or possibly showering after a tough day.

    Wow, in the game, can I shoot cum on their pretty little feces ?

    Will the cum be modelled precisely after real-world data ? If not, I am SO not going to buy this game!!!11one1!!one

  5. Originally posted by Soddball:

    This Suck Force business is boring my todger off.

    I actually waiting for Shock Force. True, they could've done another theater instead of Syria, but this is what we're given.

    But what's interesting is the new engine, and all the new stuff that goes along with it. Relative spotting, 1:1 representation, new infantry modelling and whatnot. Should revolutionize the way we play CM.

    Also I'm looking forward to the new and sophisticated ways to chuck TNT. :mad: :mad: :mad:

    I don't think it will be an easy waltz for the American player, attacking Syrian forces. In real life, and on strategic level, US would beat Syria. But in game-terms, and on tactical level, there will be lots of challenges I'm sure.

    I for one will be waiting for a chance to KORNET/RPG the infidels' asses. Should be lots of fun ! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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