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Posts posted by Jaska.

  1. Originally posted by nathangun:

    SO when is the demo coming out then?

    I don't think even they know when it will be coming ! :D

    So all we have to do is wait. It might seem like a long time, but it will be worth the wait I'm sure. Heck, it's the new version of a game that is simply put the best in its genre. It is worth the wait ! smile.gif

  2. Originally posted by _Axe_:

    Where the ***** is Snarker?!?

    *Side effect of listening to Howard Stern on satellite radio.

    You should not listen to him, he obviously has a detrimental effect on your use of language. And you're so liable to pick up other people's bad habits, poor dear _Arse_ :mad: :mad:

    Have started the motor on my lone Pz II in the battle against Ruddy. He will make his commander proud by single-handenly destroying and routing Ruddy's troops with his 20 mm peashooter. :mad:

    Am stalking Simon on a rainy countryside. We're now onto turn 6 and no contact is yet made. Things are progressing slowly here... :mad:

  3. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    No lad, we here at Ker Dessel* have just the thing. It's a challenging scenario for CMAK called ... "Doc It Burns When I Pee!" It has the added advantage of a title with which Prince Huggin' can no doubt relate intimately.

    Or ... we can just send the tosser to Coventry on the grounds of "smilies" ... either way.

    Yes please, that scenario sounds different to the rest. The title doesn't indicate anything to do with doing battle, but problems in the prostate area. I might suggest that the author would have been better off not visiting that woman with a very, very bad reputation. Maybe he was really desperate ?

    As a Waffler, using :mad: is part and parcel. They are not, howeve, "smilies", they are "angries". Anything smiling with this, eh ? :mad:

    Originally posted by SeanileGuy:

    I don't own Sturmsebber, you inbred birch-branch whipped feck. I bark orders at him, and he laughs. I inform him that I want to see him 'straighten up' and 'fly right', and he mocks me. I roundly curse him, and he sings me a jolly singsong.

    Oh well. Your words That is my homosexual strongly implied ownership, and knowing your need of having men below you - you may read into it any way you want - in in order to boost your gnome-like ego I would not have been surprised if you indeed owned him. But it appears he is only but your toyboy. And not a very obedient one at that either.

    Originally posted by SeanileGuy:

    I bark orders at him, and he laughs.

    You bark orders ? Oh, how intimidating you are. I bet you have a deep, bass-like voice that can be heard half a mile upwind when you really are at it. Not.

    So, do you often get laughed upon by people when you open up your piehole ?

    Originally posted by SeanileGuy:

    I'm not sure I like you.

    Oh no. Can this be true that you don't like me ? SeanileGuy, how can you be so cruel to me ? I just want you to make friends with me. Say this isn't true. Say you like me. Say you really, really like me. My heart breaks when you are so mean to me. Oh boo hoo.

    Originally posted by SeanileGuy:

    Man, I hate Finns.

    ... and the whole country stopped to take notice.

    You might wanna do a little history, though. We did not fight for the nazis, we fought for ourselves. Life is different when you're fighting a war with someone next door to you. And that neighbour vastly more powerful than you are, too.

    And yes, I actually do work. Having a working social system doesn't mean people just skive off of work and live off rich people's money, which seems to be what several Americans fear about socialism. You lot seem to be only interested in one's personal gain. Fair enough. It's different in here.

    Tell me, how much an university education in the US costs ? Over here it's free. That's socialism for you.

    In order to get a game... Do I *really* need to suck up to you ? I mean, it's not like I had nothing else to do with my time than trying to please some sad little gnome. :mad:

    Can I pretend ?

    Hey, you aren't such a bad bloke after all, Seanil... Ugh, I don't think I can go on. :mad:

  4. Originally posted by J Ruddy:

    Long Soliloquy short, I need to put CMBB on my laptop so I can play in the 13 seconds of free time that I'm likely to have over the next 9 months... :mad: I'll get it going tonight.

    Little uns... They ****, they yell, they vomit... And still there's nothing better in the world.

    Regards your comment on socialism, I've benefited from our social system. This doesn't mean I'm ripping off the system, just that the support has enabled me to access things, some of which would have been beyond of my reach if it weren't for the support. Thus I'm glad I wasn't born in the ole US of A.

    The land of the rich and the home of the priviledged. The rest aren't worth mentioning. :mad: :mad: :mad:

    I've got a few good laughs from their president, though. So his stint at the White House hasn't been in vain. :D :mad:

  5. Originally posted by Shmavis:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Prinz Eugen_2:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

    To run it decently:

    Pentium 4 2,6 GHz

    512 MB RAM

    Nvidia Geforce 5700 or something similar

    My rig would fall a little short of that... :(

    Now I know what to get myself for X-mas. ;) </font>

  6. Originally posted by Poo Doggey:

    (Looks long and hard at Princess Unguent...)

    I'm sorry but I'm not that kind of guy. Could you stop that please ? You're making me feel uneasy. You should consult Sturmy and/or his master SeanileGuy for your needs. :mad:

    Originally posted by SeanileGuy:

    Excuse me, you clouded puddle of infected poodle urine.

    OI !!

    No need comparing me to Poo Doggey. A man is bound to take offense at such insults. :mad:

    Originally posted by SeanileGuy:

    That is my homosexual you're throwing your feces at

    I can assure you, I am not contesting your ownership of that Belgian poof. He is all yours for abuse and what ever depraved acts you wish to perform on him. I would not interfere with your, ahem, hobbies.

    I could not stomach it. :mad:

    So... Now that we have this issue sorted, who do I have to brown-nose over here to get a game ? I am yet to defeat a Pinger. :mad:

  7. Originally posted by MastahStalePiss:

    I'm gonna shove a T-34 tank barrel up yer ass and out yer mouth then use your fat bulgy bloodshot eyes for spotting Krauts you little maggot!!!

    Do you get a lot of anal penetration fantasies ? Maybe you should get acquainted with SturmSebber ? He can be found over at the Ping-thread. I'm sure you'd be right for each other. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. Originally posted by Boris Balaban:

    That's what they told me for the past 7 years "It will be done when it's done".

    Their company, their product. Their rulez. ;)

    It's been like this with BF.C products as far as I can remember. But I much prefer it this way, for I'm confident that they will not release a game until it is ready. A lot of games have been rushed into markets, only for people to discover they are flawed and full of bugs. This is in no-one's interest.

    So be patient ! It will be worth the wait ! smile.gif

  9. I've got a new monitor.

    Samsung SM713BMS. A 17" LCD-screen.

    CM looks much more beautiful with this on a 1280x1024 resolution. :cool:

    I really don't miss my old, huge 19" CRT display anymore ! Samsung's much more sophisticated and stylish than that old piece of junk...

    I'd recommend switching to a LCD-screen if you haven't done so already !

    The only downside to this is that I'd like to go Dual Core, to complement my brand-spanking new monitor... Not like I had the money to do that, though. I could always just buy that and not pay my rent. The person who ownz my place, a Finnish ex-pat, lives in England, what does she care if I don't pay the rent every now and then ? She's probably suffering stomach cramps all the time 'cos of the gr8 English food. Ah, Marmite... Yeast extract to complement your slices of toast, anyone ? :mad: :mad: :mad:

    [ September 07, 2006, 06:20 PM: Message edited by: Prinz Eugen_2 ]

  10. Originally posted by fytinghellfish:

    You can't fire the PKM from the hip easily, could you? There's no handguards on the barrel. I think the RPK is more of a squad automatic weapon than a light machinegun. The RPK can't swap it's barrel, for example.

    Actually we did try firing the PKM from the hip once. We had this live fire excercise and had ammunition to burn. Some of the guys (not me) tried firing from the hip. It looked cool, Rambo-style, but you couldn't hit anything. :D

    Originally posted by rudel.dietrich:

    And all Syrian RPK SAWs use the 75 round drum, I have said that like 5 times now

    So you did. redface.gif:D

    The drum makes sense, with a 40 mag box you would be changing magazines all the time !

    I'm not convinced why they'd select the RPK instead of the PKM, but it's their decision. I just want, as the Syrian player in CM:SF, to be able to use the coolest kit possible to defeat the imperialist capitalist godless hiphop blastin' aggressors ! :D

  11. Originally posted by rudel.dietrich:


    There is a squad LMG gunner and his assistant.

    THe LMG is a 7.62mm RPK saw.

    I wonder why they carry the RPK instead of This baby ?


    To my untrained eye, the RPK's only benefit over the PKM would be that it's lighter than the PKM. When I was in the infantry though, my LMG gunner had the PKM. Sure, it weighs a bit, but he was a sturdy fellow and handled the gun well.

    PKM packs more oomph with its 7,62x54R cartridge compared to RPK's 7,62x39. It's got bigger belts, at usually 100 rounds each, compared to RPK's 40 round box magazine. It even beats the RPK in firepower, 650 per min vs 600.

    Why select the RPK ? :confused:

  12. Setup sent to Ruddy. Turn sent to Simon. :mad:

    No action/casualties yet. I'll keep you up to date.

    CM:SF - Definately ! It's the frikkin' new Combat Mission engine in action. It can't be bad, even if it was placed in the Antarctis - aka the Canuckistani Civil War. :mad:

    ToW - Demo will go a long ways for me to decide on whether to invest my €uros or not. :mad:

    CMC - Interested. There's a lot of promise with this, with the strategic layer, multi-multiplayer and all. Should be interesting with 2 vs 2, 3 vs 3 and so on. "Goddammit maggot ! You didn't let me know there was a tank regiment in the path of my advancing infantry battalion !!! Some comrade you are !!!"

    Ruddy: Personal reasons ? You got me interested, maggot. Anything that's other people's business interests me. Share your secrets. :mad: :mad:

  13. Originally posted by SturmSebber:

    At first I was afraid

    I was petrified

    I kept thinking I could never live without you

    By my side

    But then I spent so many nights

    Just thinking how you've done me wrong

    I grew strong

    I learned how to get along

    And so you're back

    From outer space

    I just walked in to find you

    Here with that sad look upon your face

    I should have changed my ****ing lock

    I would have made you leave your key

    If I had known for just one second

    You'd be back to bother me

    Oh now go,

    Walk out the door

    Just turn around

    Now, you're not welcome anymore

    Weren't you the one

    Who tried to break me with desire?

    Did you think I'd crumble?

    Did you think I'd lay down and die?

    Oh not I,

    I will survive

    What a frikkin' POOF ! :mad:

    You make all the Real Men shudder with horror ! :mad:

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