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David I

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Posts posted by David I

  1. Fredrico,

    I just made my own by making a shadow came of CMAK and called it Italy 1944-45. I populated the CMAK game with plain gelb vehicles, heavy imphasis on tropical uniforms (both Axis and Allied) and cherry picked terrain that had a Sicilian/Southern Italy feel to them (like red tile roofs, sandy roads, brown paving and walls, etc). I populated my Italy 1944-45 with more camo vehicles, more contintal uniforms, cherry picked terrain (darker roofs, granite paving and walls,etc).

    All in all an excercise to allow me to use all the plain gelb vehicles in one game and camo in the other. So many mods, so few slots.

    I am such a mod slut!


  2. Col. Lee,

    Oh no, I ment CM Africa Korps 1939 to 1944, so it would be Ethiopia to Italy December 1943 in the Mediterainian.

    However another chap has put out a Shadow Game called CMWest (available at CMMODs) that has the Germans and the Brits having at it in France '40, and Pat put out "Fall Weiss" for CMBB that is the 1939 Polish Campaign for CMBB.

    Junk2Drive put out a Vietnam and a Isreali/Arab Wars mod as well.

    Sorry about the confusion.


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