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Posts posted by birdstrike

  1. Here's a small modification of the editor wall tiles. I colored them slightly to make them distinguishable from each other.

    Stone walls use a grey color (light for low and dark for high walls) with blue edges; Brick walls use a sand color with red edges; and rural use a brown color with orange edges.


    There is one issue with trenches, though: the game seems to use the same texture for trenches and low stone walls, so you will have to remember where you put those yourself.


    Just noticed the mod is in the wrong subforum. I reuploaded it - and it has to go through the automated check again. I will post the link when it's up again.

  2. Thanks for the pics, Mord.

    Perhaps the green paint is something like a primer?

    I think it's amazing how red those viewports are. They really stand out with that green paint.

    And another thing which straight out impresses me is to see again, how close the models in game look to the real thing. BF did an increddibly good job on the vehicles.

  3. Instead of all this talking about hiding trenches, why doesn't ask anyone for sandbag positions/lines as replacement/workaround? Yes, I know it's not the same, maybe it even would look odd in some cases - but if it is obviously impossible to hide something that deforms the terrain mesh, why not take something that can be placed on the mesh like a normal unit? It doesn't even must be coded as some kind of container. But since vehicels offer both LOS/LOF cover in CMx2, the most simple 'unit' can be a wall of sandbags. Add as many as you want, place them as you like, hide them from the enemy...

    Maybe sandbags positions could be modeled like currently bunkers or buildings but without a roof?

  4. IMHO, alot of FOW realism issues result from the free camera movement. If the camera would be restricted to a certain area around own units, you couldn't spot trenches on the other side of the map (or pinpoint dust clouds behind a mountain - as a related matter).

    However, since such a thing would massively affect the player's general overview of a battle, there also could arise the need for interface aids, (like a clickable OOB to jump to units directly).

    But perhaps such camera limitations could be incorporated in the selectable difficulty level of a future CM game?

  5. birdstrike


    While I agree that it is highly desirable to have LOS restrictions applied to terrain effects, too, it sure doesn't make the game "unplayable".

    Of course :D

    Um, yeah - that should read "the absence of it sure doesn't make the game unplayable." :D

    Anyway, back to the CM Normandy buildings - are there any plans to distinguish between several types of buildings, like rural farm houses, wooden shacks and city buildings?

  6. From a game perspective, I'd say we already have the "bogged" status of vehicles for simulating damage which can be fixed quickly.

    If anything, the maximum time to get a bogged vehicle back on track should be increased to cover repairs which take longer than currently modelled - though do we really want this?

    And to make a check on what repairs should/could be done in a CMSF combat situation, perhaps anyone interested could keep an eye on 1) how many instances in a scenario a vehicle becomes immobilized due to minor problems, like a blown tire; and 2) how long this vehicle, with its crew sitting close by, could last without drawing fire.

    I'd expect not too often.

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