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Posts posted by birdstrike

  1. Nice work Birdstrike, very handy, thanks for going to the time and trouble.

    One thing I wonder is that increasing the number of textures in use may affect graphics speed in the same way that multiple building textures does?

    Great reference material, much thanks.

    Much thanks, too. :)

    Perhaps I'm just seein things, but I think so far the only consequences might be longer loading times if you use a huge amount of textures - I havent' noticed a speed issue ingame, so far. But if the size of the textures themselves are increased, for example by using a higher resolution, that might very well have an influece on that.

    If anyone notices somehting in these lines, I'd be interested to hear - should add that info to the guide then.

  2. For anyone interested, I've put together some notes I made over the past and wrote up a guide for creating rag-tag uniforms.

    It explains the basics for starters and some more complex things for those who are in the know, already.

    It hope it's not too technical, and somewhat comprehensible. But I will try to improve it - so don't hesitate to give some feedback. :)

    I 've uploaded it to the BF repository:


  3. And it's amazing how the psychological effects of having casualties, or collateral damage restrictions for blue translate to the game level.

    Playing blue, you're so used to being in an advantage that, once faced with a determined, armored OPFOR, I was reluctant to move forward my armor before having cleared the area with artillery and air support - losing time and the momentum as a result. I mean this is somewhat realistic, and even as it is bad thing to do for me, it adds to the immersion of your scenario, because you really feel the pressure of weighing the mission against your men.

  4. This one is literally a blast ;)

    Boy, there were alot of units, it felt like 4th of July sometimes with all those rockets and shells flying around. My poor rig could hardly deal with it. :D

    I think I was too much concerned with unit preservation and wasted too much time at the beginning. I couldn't reach the objectives in the end - but I'll try it again with a more offensive approach, if not to check out the other AI plans. And I will keep an eye on the way the AI tactics change.

    Thanks for this. :)

    --- possible spoiler---

    That barrage at the beginning got me cold. I was totally suprised and it stalled my whole approach. It looked awesome, though. :D


  5. Thanks for the comments cmfan, much appreciated. :D

    btw. reaching the exit point doesn't give you points, it's more of an option to end the scenario early at any point when all other objectives are achieved.

    The CAS works okay for me - except the occasional friendly fire. ;) But sometimes units move out of target zones - and if the aircraft can't spot anything, it'll make a fresh run.

    Also, I reckon AHs should have better chances to spot targets because of superior dedicated A/G sensors and because of being closer to the scene - don't know if that's modeled in the game, though.

  6. Thanks a bunch. Glad you enjoyed it that much. :)

    Very cool, it seems to work as intended.

    As Michael Cain said in A Bridge too Far:

    "Remember what the general said; we're the cavalry. It would be bad form to arrive in advance of schedule. In the nick of time would do nicely."

    I wasn't sure how it would turn out. I've played it so often myself, that in some cases I could get me a cup of tea while the TacAI did the rest.

    If you happen to play it again, there is a total of 3 AI plans, mainly affecting setup and some pathing changes. It should affect the pace and difficulty of the scenario overall, so it's possible to play it again and have a totally different outcome with the same tactic - theoretically, of course. ;)

  7. In terms of small arms firepower, a late second world war German squad with 2 MG42 and a smattering of automatics will have more than a modern squad.

    Modern LAWs are more effective than Panzerfausts, but modern tanks are more powerful too, so that kind of evens it out

    Javelin is a game changer, but I get the impression that it is unrealistically effective.

    Better comms and fire support is more significant too, but you've still got to co-ordinate your squads actions with the artillery effects.

    40mm grenade launchers are new, but not really as capable as a light mortar, in terms of range and weight of projectile.

    Exactly my thoughts.

    And isn't the modern US squad based on the same idea as the German one in WWII - having the same two squad served MGs - only exchanging 7.62mm MG42 with 5.56 M249s?

    I think that the power of modern weapons bring about the results quicker, and more dynamic tactics are rewarded - but all those fancy modern high-tech targeting and dual-HEAT gadgets aside, it basically always comes down to the same principles.

    For example: infantry advances, HMG kills infantry, bring tank forward, ATG(M) kills tank, fire support kills ATG(M), bring forward another tank, kill HMG, rinse and repeat.

    I mean, I loved CMx1, but don't see the WWII game more balanced as others seem to do.

    I lost countless of tanks to German Panzerfausts and Paks, my HTs got ripped by MG42s, whole platoons devastated by 150mm howitzers, and all I got was a lousy 75mm popgun to kill a Tiger. :D

  8. Here's a new scenario. Company-sized; urban and rural terrain; play as blue vs. AI only; requires the Marines Module.


    A team of Deltas must protect a captured insurgent until a cavalry troop arrives to escort him to army base YUMA.

    I used Marines as stand-ins for the Deltas, so those who like can use Normal Dude's Marines SOF uniforms.

    And for those who have M1A1TC's Iraqi Police uniforms, I have used Syrian Special Forces as Police, so you can use these aswell.

    I'd welcome any initial feedback before I put it on the BF repo.

    The scen is currently available for download here:



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