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Posts posted by JoMac

  1. ian.leslie,

    Ok, don't take these terms literally, but CM is indeed still a Tactical Game in Nature. Womble & Paper are just saying that there are different levels of Tac AI within this Tactical Game.

    -There is the Tactical AI: How troops react during combat ( Individuals, Teams, Squad ).

    -Grand Tactical AI ( Strategic, Operational ): How any formation ( Team, Squad, Platoon, Co, etc, etc ) is going to be used in a Scenario by the designer ( When troops will be moved, Where they will be moved to, and How will they get there...the When, Where & How ).


  2. Hello Walt,

    How about a 1000 Point, Combined Arms, Meeting, Random Date, Village, Moderate Trees & Hills, Random Weather...

    PM me your email addy, and will send over a file.

    *Side Note* I also play CMBB & CMAK if your interested ( I generally Mod CMAK in place of CMBO, and don't play CMBO much ).

    Thanx, Joe

  3. A slight hijack of this thread...

    I still have the CM:BN Demo ( v1.10 ), and have been playing it for past several months.

    The MG effectiveness works fairly well as intended, but it seems there was an out cry from the Battlefront Community to increase its effectiveness even more so...All that was needed was allitle more detrimental Moral effects against troops shot from MG's.

    I think the SMG's are alittle to effective, and should be tuned-down abit...Not sure if that has been changed in later versions ( didn't notice in any of the verision descriptions ).

    The above two alone would reduce the Casualty ratios to more realistic levels.


  4. Hey Sly,

    Actually, once you install the Utah Mod ( or whatever Mod you decide to use ), it will be there for all games ( Scenarios, QBs, etc ), and not just a particular Utah Beach Scenario...I think you have one of those Mod Packs where you will have to decide which Mod type ( Blowfish vs. whatever vs. whatever ) you want, and download only those.

    Basically, you want to download general Mods that will be used for all Scenarios or QB used through-out the Theater, such as Terrain, Buildings, and Uniforms.

    If you have BO with the additional Mod Disk ( which I think you are referring to ), then that should be pretty much most of the Mods that you will need.

    I have no problem playing BO ( still have it installed after all these yrs ), and we can play whatever you want that's upto Reinforced Company size engagements.

    AK, is a just a more refined version of BO ( better Moral System, Covered Arcs, etc, etc ), and folks simply download NW Europe related Mods to represent the BO Theater.

    Let me know regarding BO, and I can send over a small PBEM File ( will start small and make it 600 point QBs, then eventually 1000 points )...Let me know if you have any questions regarding the game mechanics, appropriate tactics, etc, and will help you as much as possible.

  5. Hey Sly,

    In general, it's 1st best to download MOD Folders into your desktop.

    In order to get the New Mods working, you will need to rename each New BMP file to exacly the same as the Original Games BMP ( basically deleting anything after the last number ) Then, copy and paste ( or Drag n Drop ) the New BMPs into the Original Games BMP Folder ( don't just drop the new BMP folder into the old BMP folder as it wont work...Afterwards, just delete or save that New MOD folder for future use). Ofcourse, you may want to back-up the Original Games BMP's in a seperate folder incase you want to go back to stock.

    You can check out these sites for both Mods, Scenario's & Opponent's:





    I still play both BB & AK ( not BO...I Mod my AK to play NW Europe as well as the Med Theater ) and could use another opponent ( only playing one opponent on a consistant basis ). I only play upto Company size Scenarios or QB's ( no Battalion size ), and only AXIS in BB, but either AXIS or ALLIES in AK...Let me know if interested and I will send you setups ( just PM your Email Address ).


  6. Hello Tuhhodge,

    Yeah, that's what my fear is aswell...No matter how well you think your doing, the casualty ratio is still abit to high.

    Actually, I think the Time constraints are failry good, especially for up to Reinforced Company size engagaments ( 1 hour for an Attack/Defense seems sufficiant, just not the the casualties you suffer from it. ).

    Now, in saying the above, a Unit ( Squad or Platoon ) that runs into an ambush might still inflict say %25 or more casualties in the first minute or two of contact.

    However, the overall running battle might not produce that same percentage of casualties throughout the rest of the battle.

    I still remember the days of CMx1, when all the talk about how High or Low the casualties were...The end result being that the casualties seemed to be about right.

  7. Hello womble,

    Yeah, I figured that the limitations of the AI is causing it's high casualty count, and a human opponent will generally take a more cautious or serious appoarch. However, I still think from reading player's AAR's that Casualties are pretty high overall ( close to %50 and still functional ), and above the already high %25. I also, remember another player mentioning that Automatic Fire is alittle to high ( think he was referring more to SMG's then LMG's ).

    In saying this, I will probably get and stick with v2.0 for now ( I just wont be able to get the other good stuff thats in 2.1 that should be in 2.0 ). This will give me time to test play Platoon vs. Platoon or above level actions ( against myself ) to see the casualty ratio and flow of play. May reduce the Moral & Experience levels by one to help achieve the desired results, maybe add a pause at the beginning of a waypoint ( never liked the instant move each turn...takes alittle tiime to issue an order every turn and for it to take place ), etc. I can't do this with the Demo, and will need to purchase the game...The above will hopefully give alittle more realistic Movement & Fire effects that I'm looking for. Then again, I can be completely wrong, and v2.01 will be closer to being right...Time will tell.

    I guess CMx2 it's a complete turn around from CMx1, and will have to play accordinaly.

  8. Hello CM Gamers,

    I'm also a longtime CMx1 gamer since 01-03' ( still play both BB & AK ). I visit the Forums from time to time to keep track of members Thoughts or Experiences with the CMx2 WWII series.

    I have recently downloaded the CM:BN Demo v1.10 about a month ago, and still playing around with all the game mechanics. It appears that ( like CMx1 ) I will probably stick with Up to Reinforced Company size engagements ( at most ), as anthing bigger is just to much to handle ( and personally think outside the scope of CM )...It's beyond me that people play CMx2 anything bigger then this.

    I have gotten use to the Inf & Armor ( movement, split squards, fire, etc ) and some of the Arty aspects ( still working on that ). However and for me, it seems Units have a to fast reaction & spotting times, the Inf firepower is alittle to high or accurate ( especially LMG's and more so SMG's ), while the Suppression Effects alittle to low.

    It seems like in one turn, the enemy moves into view and half the squad gets cut down before continuing to cover, then the next turn or two the remaining squad in cover gets killed. Now, I know if playing against a human opponent the effects might be different, but the high casualty results will still be there for both sides.

    if this was RL, then there will be no Vets to continue on to the next battle. I figure casualites up to %25 being high, while %10-15 the norm. I know Ballistics and other effects have been moddeled in more correctly, but just seems eveything happens to quickly.

    In saying the above, what version should I get ? 2.0 or maybe just 1.11.

    From what I've read in v2.01, the LMG effects have been increased ( not good ), but the Small Arms Suppression Effects increased ( good )...Does this mean more dead troops that will have nowhere to hide.

    Your overall Thoughts, Opinions or Suggestions...

    Thanx, Joe

  9. Sounds Good, and will get back with you next week...

    When playing against the Computer AI, always give a +2 to the 'Computer Experience Bonus'. This will help eleviate the AI's dumb down effect during the game.

    ex- The AI doesn't know the difference and moves Support Weapons as regular Infantry to the Front lines -or- Vehicles will approach objectives at unusual angles, or stay away from it altogether, etc, etc. You probably have an idea by now of how the Computer AI thinks and the +2 helps balance the game alittle ( +1 might be to little and +3 might be to much ).

    When I use the 'Scenario Editor' and use the 'Random Map Generator' ( just to give me a base map to work with, then manipulate the map for Realism ), I delete-add things I want. ex- I don't like how Villages are represented, so I move buildings around, add fences-stone walls to their appropriate places, add Streams, etc ( adding Streams is the difficult part as I have to lay where I want it, then use the elevation tool )...I don't want to take the time and build a Map from scratch as that will take to long for me, lol.

    When Selecting Units for a Scenario, I try to do this to make it more realistic:

    Troop selection ( Green through Elite ), I always give all HQ's a +2 to Command, +1 Moral. If troops are Recon Oriented, then I will also add a +1 to Stealth. If troops are specialized ( Para, Ranger, etc ), then I will make it a +2 to Command, +1 Moral, +1 Firepower, +1 Stealth. Never use Conscripts, but instead use Green without any bonuses.

    Unfortunately, we can't do any of the above in a QB and have to take with whatever the Computer deals out.

  10. No problem as all is Good :-)

    Unfortunately, I don't believe there is an openware for CMC ( I was dissapointed when CMC was cancelled several yrs ago...Sigh ).

    - Side Note -

    I have been playing BB & AK for several yrs, and it gets difficult to find opponents over time...I'm playing the same opponent now for past few yrs.

    If interested in BB or AK, 1000 point Combined Arms, QBs or Scenarios, then let me know ( however, I only play AXIS in BB, but either AXIS or ALLIES in AK )...I don't own any of the CMx2 games as of yet.

    I generally play by PBEM ( 1-2 turns day ), but sometimes TCP on late night weekends.

  11. Hello Fry30,

    This is probably obvious, but did you go under 'Hot Keys' and use 'Shift & N' together to get the variables from 'No Terrain Effects to 'Extreme Terrain Effects' ?...While there, you can look at other 'Hot Keys' of interest...I generally use 'Moderate Tree Coverage ( shift T )and 'Moderate Terrain Effects' ( shift N ).

    I believe Both CMBB & CMAK defaults are at 'Moderate Terrain Effects', and at some point you might have accidentally used the keyboard and clicked it off without knowing ( I do that from time to time ).


  12. Hello kohlenklau,

    If you have CMBB or CMAK, then I would be interested in playing up to 1000 Point QBs or Scenario's, Combined Arms, Meeting Engagements ( then Attack/Defense future games ). PM if interested...

    Thanx, Joe

  13. *Bump*

    I'm finally back after a long hiatus of not playing CM, and losing all info on my last computer. Now, I have a new computer and ready to start playing again.

    Let me know if anyone is still interested in playing 600-700 point QBs ( or up to Reinforced Company size Scenarios ), Combined Arms, Meeting Engagements ( Meeting in first game, then Random future games ), Random most other Settings, and I will send over a file.

    Please let me know if you have both BB & AK, or just one or the other...

    Thanx again,


  14. Hey Daviduke,

    Since you have returned the D630 at the Online Store, try and opt for a slightly newer Dell D820 w/Centrino ( not Celeron ) 2.0 or higher CPU w/ATI-X600 Graphics ( or even the D830 Core2 Duo w/Nv140 Intergrated Graphics ) as you will find that eithter of these Dell Laptops work much better playing CMBO, CMBB & CMAK.

    I first started playing CMBO with a D630 w/basic integrated graphics back around 01' time frame and it was barely adequate...You will be more impressed by either of the two listed Laptops above that came out around the 04'-06' time frames, and can be had on Flee-Bay for around $150.


  15. Just to mention again, my old Dell Desktop Optiplex 755, Win 7, Core 2 Duo, ATI HD2400 shows Fog on all 3x CM1 games. However, the issue with the Fog is that there are faintly colored earth-toned lines mixed in ( more noticable at edge of Battlefield ) which doesn't give that 100% realistic Fog look that I had in Win XP.

  16. I know that many Scenario's have multiple Setup Zones for either Allied or Axis.

    Example, Setup Zone #1 ( Blue ) has a Company of U.S. Infantry and a Platoon of Armor, and Setup Zone #2 ( Blue ) has identical units. Is it ok in a Scenario for me to take all the units out of one Setup Zone and put it into another ( effectively doubling my units in one zone, and leaving the other zone empty as a tactic ).

    I just wonder if the Scenario Designer intended to have two seperate Setup Zones for a reason ( or let the player decide what he wants to do ), and players should only keep the units in their respective Setup Zones.

    I'm about to play Carentan, and the U.S. have two Setup Zones ( I noticed the AXIS don't have any in this game ), and wondering about the above.

    Your thoughts on this...

    Thanx, Joe

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