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Everything posted by Aces_and_8's

  1. Hey...Doesn't Yogi have you assigned to looking for a pik-a-nik basket or somefink? Shoo!
  2. I think you're confusing aussies with überfinns. /SirReal </font>
  3. Don't be daft. The aussie stayed off the woman, didn't he? And got severely mauled in the process. /SirReal [/QB]</font>
  4. So you are describing a short chick wearing too many clothes riding on a tall hairy ursine through hoary fields? What's so exciting about that? Steve </font>
  5. And of course, don't forget to spay or neuter your garden gnome. It's for the best, really. Now, what's all this rubbish about a Queen? Steve </font>
  6. Well...I just flew in from California, and boy are my arms tired *snicker, guffaw, snort* Fantastic news about your eye Nidan . I am sure the return of depth perception will be a boon. You will once again be able to place a slice of bread into the toaster and pee into the commode vice everywhere but...erm, thats providing you actually ever made the effort in the first place prior to the occular trauma. If not, to each his own I suppose. Just make sure you mop up with one of the pillows provided by Boo , wouldn't want you slipping and breaking a hip. I will get your turn out first thing in the am. Same for you girlie . tiny_turd, did you ever get that oversized paper weight of yours fixed? If so, send a turn twit.
  7. Winging my way to sunny CA. So Berli and Nidan , no griping about turns, I will be back Fri. Tiny , whenever you get that substandard piece of silicon operating, go ahead and hit the send key. I am sure it will break, again , soon after. At least we can get a jump on things.
  8. Aren't those the guys who get to pull guard duty on the Navy's ships? Just checking. Steve </font>
  9. We'll don't sit too close, I would hate for you to breathe on the piece 'o' trash and it go tits up yet again...Why don't you just bite the bullet, Dude...get a Dell
  10. Yes, its that magical time of year again...time to break out the single malt scotch and fire up a cohiba...the B'Day of that most celebrated of martial organizations, The United States Marine Corps. Hope this finds all Marines past and present well; and here's to those who have gone before. A happy 228th to you all. Semper Fi!
  11. Hey...I just noticed something. I am no longer a Junior Member but a full fledged Member with all the rights and priveleges thereunto pertaining...*sound of champagne cork and kazoo goes off in background*... Congratulations to me...congratulations to me...CONGRATULATIONS DEAR AAAAACESSSS_and_AAAYAAAATTTTEEES...Congratulations to me. Ta-daaaaaaa!
  12. LOL...I thought those were photos at first, very good indeed.
  13. For a lawyer, you are surprisingly unaware of the fine print. Kitty, being a Lady of the Pool works outside the pointless rules, and so if she decides she wants this one, there really isn't much ol' Cap'n Bligh can do aboot it </font>
  14. Tsk, tsk. I know reading is a strain for you, but you really need to brush up on your MBT history. It would have told you a few things. First, you would realize that once rune took you to serf, he had rights of first refusal -- you, of course, have no say in this whatsoever. You cannot simply go bouncing from leige to leige like that waterfront trollop you visited in Yokohama last year. Two, the Justicar and Olde Ones have to sign off on you going to to squire. This is to prevent nongs, has-beens, and never-will-be's from polluting our fair Cess (of course, given that you're a jarhead, that would be a pretty fair concern). Cee, you cannot simply abandon one quest in hopes of finding an easier way to gain ground. It simply isn't done. Now, since you are a jarhead, I suspect you will attempt some sly remark, or perhaps an angry response. Just remember this truism (both here and in RL): Steve </font>
  15. Hell yea!...I'm all over this deal. rune , cant pass up the opportunity for automatic move up the chain to squire...plus, she smells better than you. I hearbye tender my resignation (jump ship) as your serf/squire in training and throw my lot in with her. Pack sand you smegmatic mass from betwixt a rats legs, I'm outta here. Kitty , my liege, what is your bidding?
  16. Seanachai... Pox obviously. He's not talented enough to produce plague </font>
  17. So, you are responsible for that map? Looks like somefink out of Ker Dessel... ok, that was a bit harsh even from me. The map isn't quite up to Ker Dessel standards... it does have some redeeming qualities </font>
  18. Let me guess, you spent your last TDY at sea, with lots of sailors, right? Steve </font>
  19. Hmm, mothers are right out. How about the rest of his simian troop? Sisters? Second cousins? That old silverback over there gumming his banana? It's just so fun rattling his cage that it's hard to resist, as you can see from Boo's response. He got so excited beating his chest that he screwed up his UBB coding (again). Boo, your setup will be winging it's way to you tonight. I believe this is the rubber match, so I might even hang a tire in a tree for you to play on. </font>
  20. Logic is just an organized way of going wrong, Boo. And once again, you're wrong. I'm quite capable of losing in a trailer park. Say, $20 to your mother, for instance... </font>
  21. Now, now! We don't do mothers here. Perhaps that could have been better phrased, but that's not important right now. Boo, you must get these things right. Lars would be unbeatable in a scenario involving assault boats. Or rather, the only thing that would overcome him would be the boats themselves... By the way, Boo, I just declared you a wholly owned subsidiary of the Church of Seanachai in another thread. You must be very excited. Finally, after a life of aimlessness and mental deterioration, you've been given a sense of direction and guidance. No, don't thank me. A show of gratitude characterized by unseemly grovelling, while satisfying, was not what motivated me. No, Boo, it was the simple satisfaction I get from leading you up out of the mud and darkness of your existence into the light of my presence. To see your broad, heavily brow-ridged and rather blank face turned upward, squinting, with a look of awe on it; that, Boo, is enough for me. My Self, but I'm just filled with the joys of my creation today! </font>
  22. Logic is just an organized way of going wrong, Boo. And once again, you're wrong. I'm quite capable of losing in a trailer park. Say, $20 to your mother, for instance... </font>
  23. *yawn*...*stretches*...Huh, maintenance? No wonder its been so quiet. No tell tale 'squeek-squelch' of galoshed feet, attempting to navigate the vitriol spewed forth from this electronic land of misbegotten souls, to keep one up at night. Berli ...Your PBEM is flitting its way to you this very moment. Whod've thunk creating a 500x800 slice of a city would be such a pain in the tokus.
  24. Nidan , its on the way. QB with random everything. You do have the Germans. I did not at all expect what came out of that. Berli , make sure you bring your hip waders, lotso' grenades, and shaped charges. You're going to need them. Have it to you tomorrow. Here's a question for this esteemed crew to ponder: If you drop a cat, it always lands on its feet; If you butter anything, drop it, it always lands butter-side down. What happens when you butter a cat's back and drop it? As evidenced by the question above, I'm exhausted. g'night.
  25. Eeeeew!, ****adjusts eyepatch, and strains to see with damaged left eye***** please refrain from making eyeball and vitreous references, use something from the digestive system or brain housing group, will you please. </font>
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