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Posts posted by patboy

  1. Originally posted by junk2drive:

    Thanks again. They look great.

    Andrew did a nice 250 mod but his tan is darker than the sand color used on most everything else.

    Hi Paul,

    Disparity of desert paint scheme in Afrikakorps vehicles was in common use ! Afrikakorps often used captured British paint stock, 'cause German supply was not reliable. That's why is not necessary in CMAK to have the same paint scheme with AfrikaKorps (armoured or not) vehicles.



  2. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    Ah! I just noticed - the turret side slogan isn't mirrored! I had forgot the Churchill has its own bmp for each turret side.

    I've grabbed it and loaded it. now all i have to do is get around to playing russian Churchills in snow! ...um, your Zimorodok and commods mods are the same thing, right?

    Hi MikeyD,

    First, about turret side not mirrored, I was surprised nobody try to mod "Churchill" ; especially you MikeyD :D 'cause your improvement you've done with Russian slogan on turret give to this game a good ambiance, however the fact is that, all turrets weren't as "Churchill", I only noticed for russian tanks, also "SU 100" use BMPs for each side ; not mirror effect I hope, give you idea to redo some Russian "Summer Churchill" and some "British Churchill" ;) It's a prayer :D

    Second, The mod is almost the same, I only had changed gun, too bright, and I had added an alternate running gear with snow-mud.



  3. Originally posted by Dogface:

    Here ya go

    One manhole cover from Isola Bella, Lake Maggiore, Italy.


    Nice street BTW. Put me in line for it.

    That's writen "Pont A Mousson" was a town in North East of FRANCE with a big manhole cover manufacture ; if I go outside my house, I can see in the street all manhole cover come from "Pont A Mousson" and I've seen the same in the remaining of FRANCE. I think ITALY bought some manhole cover to this Factory. NF meant Norme Française.

    ;) Pat

    [ May 25, 2005, 02:19 PM: Message edited by: patboy ]

  4. Originally posted by WindyCity:

    I have just about finished up a town street mod.I added some more realistic bricks to the street/curbs/sidewalks and color tones. I also added some rubble in the road way. Will get it up as soon as Cmmods is up again a0001.gif

    Hi Windycity, I only inform you that CMMODS is up now, When do you think to post this beauty street?

    ;) Pat

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