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Posts posted by patboy

  1. Originally posted by Nick Legh:

    Pat,thank you very much for these. They are particularly good, especially the eight wheelers which up to now imho have lacked the "killer" mod. I am sure they would be not out of place in the Italian campaign or CMBB for that matter. Would it be possible for you to produce the relevant bmps for the Aufklarung pack without the Afrika Corps signs? I think that one of the vehicles( can't remember which but it is one of the four wheelers) has the same bmps for Africa and Italy so the additonal bmps would be helpful in that respect as well.


    Nick thanks,

    I remember this weird thing, BMPs for Italy 223 are shared with DAK 223, for Italy theatre you ought to add 10 just before the bmp number ex: 8420 for Afrika become 108420 for Italy etc...

    If you already overwritten your 223 mod with my mod you can download Heinzbaby 223 222 camoed version(they are perfect for Italy) at www.cmmods.com CMBB section you don't need to renumbered the mod, unzipped 'em in you CMAK bmp folder and you'll get new sdkfz 222 223 for Italy.


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