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Everything posted by Curry

  1. On Das Boot - 293 minutes, that is REALLY an uncut version. I have seen the original several times and I will have to see this one.
  2. Thanks for the tip Kuni, I went to amazon.com and read the first chapter. Will have to get the book. Das Boot is a great movie. I hope SC II will have a better place for a good U-boat campaign if the axis would choose that route.
  3. Greetings fellow SC war gamers. Here is an email on two topics. But first special greetings to new players. We are always glad that new players join the league and I hope you will find and play a game. You can check out the thread on our sticky that is at the top of the battlefront forum. There is enough information in that to help you but if you need more help finding a game drop me an email. 1) RULES AND SUCH FOR THE LADDER. First please know that the SC PBEM league was simply set up so that people could have a place to record wins and losses. The main purpose of the league was to build a base of players to find a game via email. There is of course going to be some competion when you have a league but the email system does not suit itself for majoy competion. So above all remember this league is for fun. Many have asked me how does the ladder work. Here is the simple version for an answer. * When you win the person who has lost the game or match needs to record the win. They need your league name to do so. * When you win your first game you are recorded in the standings. You need to win one game before you show up with a record. * When you win a game you move up the ladder 50%. That means if you are the 10th person on the ladder and you defeat the #1 player you move up half way between 10 and 1 which would be the 5th space. * If you have not played a match in 8 months or 240 days you will be deleted from the league. * If you are in the top ten and have not played a match within 60 days you will drop 3 spaces. I have just changed this. It was set at 90 and I thought I would move it up to 60 days giving the many new players that play a lot a better chance to move up. Especially since competion is not the number one goal of the league. Rememember there are better ways to see how good a player is then the position they are in on the ladder. For instance, how many games have they played? If they have played a lot of games they will usually be a dependable player. What is their rating and wins verses losses. This will show how good the player is perhaps better than anything else. For instance Rannug has the highest rating and for a good reason, he is a very good player. Terif also is undefeated for a good reason, he is the best player in any league. I hope this helps those that have asked me about this. 2. Cheating. There is or was a recent thread on the battlefront forum about an incident where it looks like a player was cheating in a pbem game. I am glad to say that player who is suspected of cheating is not in our PBEM league. Mistakes can happen so be careful before saying anyone is cheating. I even started a game with the wrong file once, but if you see how many games I have played and started it can happen. If you suspect someone is cheating you may ask other players or even list it on the battlefront forum without giving the name. I have suspected cheating in some games. What I do is resign and even give the win but never play that player again. I have played so many games that I can tell when tech increases come too often and when combat results are just too good to be true time and time again. However, unless its so evident I cannot be 100% sure and I will not accuse someone falsely so I just resign and move on. PBEM is not a secure system yet. I hope the creator of SC in SCII will help us make it more secure. I hope everyone is playing in at least one match. Remember above all - have fun, win with respect and die with honor. Best to all Curry
  4. Aztec, where did you meet this dude to get a game with him? I take it that he is not in the SC PBEM league. So just wondering. ?
  5. I have heard from the player in question and he told me that this was not a SC PBEM league game. Therefore I will not get involved. Its between Aztec and him and for Aztec to give out the name if he wishes. Aztec - was this a PBEM league game? The player did not defend his actions but only said its not good to hang someone without proof. I asked him to come here and defend himself as that would be the best thing to do in my estimation.
  6. Terif, Good point. I understand it may be to hard to stop all cheating. But if this simple step can be done it would help. I would also hope that Mr. H.C. could come up with any other simple steps to help.
  7. Aztec gave me the name of this person yesterday and I have written this person giving him an opportunity to explain himself. So far I have not heard from him. I dont know for sure if this was an sc pbem league game since I dont have his pbem league name. If it was not a league game it is sort of out of my jurisdiction. If he is in the league then he has the opportunity to explain himself. However, already in my mind things are looking bad for him. If he had an explaination I would have thought that he would have posted it here. My guess is he is reading all of this. Unfortunatley playing via email is not the most secure system for competative games. JJ had a good thread on this subject and it would be worthy to find it again. I found the one on the SC-II thread and bumped it up again asking Mr. H.C. to try to do whatever he can in SC-II to make the pbem system more secure. The SC PBEM league is not meant to be the hard competative league the old TCIP leagues were. Its meant to give a good idea of players abilities with win/loss records. I hope all the new players in the league understand that. Unfortunatly I think I have run into some cheaters via PBEM. When tech increases are just too much and when combat results are also just too good to be true too often. I have played so many games that I have come to be able to sport those things. However, its never anything that one can prove. My way of solving the problem is to resign and give the other person the win. Then never play that person again. Because I could be wrong and I dont want to accuse someone falsely. But I have had such strong suspicions that I would rather just give the win away and move on to a new game. I do hope that Mr. H.C. will be able to do something to make the pbem system better. [ July 05, 2004, 08:47 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]
  8. Aztec, if this is a sc pbem league you should announce the player. You should warn him in an email and then announce the player here in this post. We can kick him out of the league if he is a league player. We would of course give him a chance to defend or explain himself. As Terif said sometimes there is real reasons like starting the wrong file. But this does not seem to be that case and I would like to hear his explaination if he has one.
  9. Terif, quick question. Do you ever invest in Tech before France falls? That in itself seems very strange to me. But perhaps some players may do that. I could actually see putting one chit in Jets as Germany although I wouldnt do it nor think it would be wise at that point in the game. That I would not see at least as suspicious. But to place tech in tanks is just not wise at that stage of the game and to get such tech would be so super lucky.
  10. Aztecace who is it? Is it in the pbem league?
  11. Has someone started a new forum and not told me? Because this one seems to have died. I hope Mr. H.C. gets SC-II out soon to get some life back in here.
  12. WOW that is very suspicious. Normally players dont invest in tech until after France falls for the Axis. At least that is how I play it. That a person would get those techs before France falls I seriously doubt it. If it was me I would just give up and never play that player again because its just too suspicious for me. Is it possible, yes, likely, NO. I have a hard time believing it.
  13. trying this out my icq is 311973913
  14. What happened to firebase Bastone?
  15. Its seems the play of SC via tcip or live internet is way down from the past glory days. It use to be you could easily find a player in the find games section. I also noticed that the World league has been cancled now due to inactivity. That is the bad news. The good news is the PBEM league and players in it are still going strong. You can find the sticky at the top of this forum. Once you get to know many of the players many also play live internet once you get to know them. There are lots of players in the league from newbies to very experienced. Take some time and play some games and you will get to meet some good people and good players. [ July 02, 2004, 11:52 AM: Message edited by: Curry ]
  16. Comrade, great point. I dont think aesop has caught on yet as to why waste the time when you can play REAL people with REAL strategies.
  17. NEW PLAYERS For any new players interested in playing SC via email please check out the sticky thread at the top of this forum. New players are always welcome. SC PBEM League players . The email list has "finally" been updated. We now have 126 players signed up according to the league web site. We also have just gone over our 600th match played. Thanks to all the players out their making this league a success. Keep playing, good luck and happy gaming.
  18. HERE IS THE UPDATED EMAIL LIST OF ALL SC PBEM PLAYERS 1. The List is getting so long that you may wish to email just a part of the list. But dont be afraid to send out an email asking for a game. Its still the best way to find a game 2. Remember to agree on houserules before you start. 3. We have gone over 600 matches played and have 126 players signed up. fordiplomacy@msn.com, kurt_vanlooy@hotmail.com, suworonow@wp.pl, elgenstrom@hotmail.com, wbotsford@cinci.rr.com, transam00@cox.net, robert.buki@telia.com, dcelozzi@comcast.net, d.p.dailey@worldnet.att.net, bill.run@ntlworld.com, jkthomasser@adelphia.net, chsideri@anco.gr, durape@yahoo.es, pmbedard@attbi.com, kaiser_1982@hotmail.com, jubel@freenet.de, sbelisle@mwt.net, maludwig55@web.de, gnomism@yahoo.com, smithstacey29@aol.com, fwd0006@hotmail.com, tigleth.pilisar@shaw.ca, dmackey@dhq.nu, true_avatar47@hotmail.com, billyray71@hotmail.com, headquarters21@mchsi.com, sddobrzy@comcast.net, gmclauch@bigpond.net.au, michael.kriechbaum@chello.at, imaginationgraveyard@hotmail.com, robcrimm@aol.com, pgeets@es-ko.com, pjflanag@aol.com, skanvak@wanadoo.fr, alexandrebleu@aol.com, valheruorden@hotmail.com, michael@bsdbistro.com, dhorkoff@hotmail.com, chrisjowalsh@yahoo.com, derek@t-10.fsnet.co.uk, junke65@hotmail.com, augeross@hotmail.com, bintravkin@one.lv, av8rpei@hotmail.com, andre.stadel@ewetel.net, chloeinfl@hotmail.com, bigbaldone@cox.net, kani@jippii.fi, max1978mi@netscape.net, lange_kristian@hotmail.com, nogue@hotmail.com, noel60@midsouth.rr.com, michis@ny.airnet.ne.jp, jw_mchugh@comcast.net, lepatriote5@yahoo.ca, jesus.soria@mi.madritel.es, arron.driscoll@rogers.com, henrycc@erols.com, fukuokadave@hotmail.com, applehammond@juno.com, felix.machin@btopenworld.com, x-com@axelero.hu, eorlinga@terra.es, markos83@hotmail.com, edyvm82@hotmail.com, bas13duin@hotmail.com, soennichde@yahoo.de, nanafs@vodafone.es, antitero@jippii.fi, thecursedsoul@hotmail.com, ervil@netcabo.pt, jfly1@yahoo.com, martinvonwillebrand@helsinki.fi, blashy@hotmail.com, nort0135@d.umn.edu, robmfisher7@tiscali.co.uk, arngrim@chello.se, craig@ckcentral.com, pascal.sgm.39-45@voila.fr, jstory@stx.rr.com, tsalmeli@paju.oulu.fi, zastrow@cae.wisc.edu, jamescherib@msn.com, kool_cold_craig@hotmail.com, sanruan@san.rr.com, lvanloon@shaw.ca, kjgel@telus.net, s.clayton87@ntlworld.com, mike.clayton@cwgsy.net, abulbulian@hotmail.com, archibald@blueyonder.co.uk, kimmellm@cwu.edu, redy82nd@pacbell.net, mkwiddie@amigo.net, drbargus@aol.com, robertasp@runbox.com, snakepits_4ever@hotmail.com, rrharris@erols.com, jnricotta@aol.com, boozer2004@earthlink.net, greggvontell@sbcglobal.net, jeff@jeff4mandy.fsnet.co.uk, amosgraber@hotmail.com, powerfull_god@hotmail.com, aesop123@hotmail.com, michael_urquhart@onetel.net
  19. He bumped this thread. OMG this tread has become the most popular thing we have going with SC at the present. "these were the best of times, these were the worst of times, it was the age of wisdon, it was the age of foolishness, it was the spring of hope it was the winter of despair, we had everthing before us we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven we were all going direct the other way" yes from memory, its the great classic of English literature we should all know and love.
  20. Good one Jersey, this thread seems to have lasted as long as the life of the Gipper.
  21. This thread really shows how bad we need SC II Come on Hubert, please...........
  22. Give up and take refuge in Switerland. OR You need to read Terif's hints on how to beat the LC gambit. It can be beaten using his way, I have done it, it works, it takes a bit more patience but the war is not lost. Its in the stickys up on top.
  23. I have resinged from the game. I have informed aesopo of reason why.
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