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Posts posted by Avatar

  1. Note: I'm writing about a game that was started yesterday, but hasn't finished yet. It needs mentioning, since I'm playing my best game ever. However, it's not over yet.

    Avatar (Axis), Terif (Allies)

    - Poland Breakthru didn't happen, but I manage to rollup polish forces anyhow by turn 3. Denmark falls turn 4.

    - LC falls turn 2, and attack commences on Fr soil. Terif puts up a corps defense, and manages to hold back the horde until June 28th, when Paris falls. Game was fairly standard at this point, nothing spectacular.

    July 40:

    - I move over 3 AF's to Denmark to prepare for Norway/Sweden campaign. I leave 2 AF's in France, and build 2 more, 1 in Paris, 1 in Brussels. Brest is still held, Bordeaux was abandoned turn after Paris surrendered.

    - Moved forces to take Brest, including a corps and a Pz unit. Terif attempts an ambush near Brest with 3 carriers, 2 AF's, some BB's and some landed troops, including a FF army. He manages to destroy the corps and Pz. I counter-attack with the LW, destroy a UK AF, a corps, and damage all the carriers. Terif retreats.

    - Operations run very smoothly in the rest of the map. Egypt overrun by 2 It armies, 2 It corps alone. Terif has AF there, does some damage, but it ends up going back to UK after 2 turns. I lose an Italian army, but capture Alexandria/Suez.

    - Vichy France invasion goes off well, but I fail to capture Marseilles. Terif attacks the next turn east of Gibraltar with 3 BB's (out of range from AF's on Sicily), and takes out a Italian BB. I counter-attack, and block his escape route with corps. He loses 1 BB that turn, and the other 2 the next turn.

    - Around March 41, I have LR3, getting LR4 in April. I move both german CL's and sub from Baltic to Brest, and build another sub. Supporting AF's are around Brest. I recon around and find a BB. I attack, and find carriers nearby. I attack them too, not sinking any ships, but heavily damaging 4. He counter attacks and destroys a sub and CL. Next turn, I attack with LR air and damage his carriers again, as well as sinking 2 more BB's. US readiness is around 75-80%.

    - May 41, took Scapa Flow. Raiding heavily for last few turns, taking average of 30mpps. Subs are all around Liverpool. 1 It BB (GL2) and 1 It sub around Brest. The other 2 ships, CL and BB are still bombarding Gibraltar, which will fall next turn. Spain surrender a few turns ago.

    - June 41, bombarding Ireland, Ireland almost taken, or will be taken shortly. German transports all around England. Manchester has 0 ent, and only 3 units are in England, on all 3 cities. Corps are moving in from the north trying to land near Scapa flow. All ports (Liverpool, London, Scapa) being guarded/closed-off.

    Note: I did get quite some luck by getting LR4 in May 41, and I acknowledge that. I did however, invest 5 chits in it since late 40. Also, before we started this game, we had 2 quick (2 turns) games where I, as Axis, gave up after not conquering LC. Terif was very nice in letting me restart after such a bad start smile.gif . Other than that piece of luck, England looks to fall relatively shortly.... will Terif lose his first game within 100 consecutive wins?

    The game continues another day....

  2. Saturday, probably can't make it... damn... what about tomorrow? Screw going to work, this is more important! I'm out at the in-laws Saturday, no chance, really.... wish i could. We had some good playtime last weekend, but can't this time around. Let me know..

  3. LOL... turn 3 Rockets. Good idea though, I wouldn't have thought of that. You can argue that I have no Axis ability, I disagree. I admit I get frustrated and emotional when luck doesn't go my way, but that doesn't mean I can't play.

    There's only one way to settle this. First of all, let's admit you're losing our current game. You lost so much in France, you have only Vichy? and it's past 41... so let's say our record is 2-2 ok? The problem is, how can you possibly determine who really is better? We need to play 10 games, at "A" game level (no rocket bull****), 5 times Axis, 5 times Allies. It's the only way. 1 game doesn't decide squat. Or, another method is each of us playing Terif like 5 games, and then he decides....

    And furthermore, that elbow crap was a LONG time ago. I really don't use it more than once in a game. I tried a strategy awhile ago, but that WAS awhile ago. I'm into other stuff now. And who the hell is better than I that I don't rank top 5??? You're the only other ACTIVE player than can arguably beat me. Sombra's good, but not as good as you or I (not personal Sombra, you'll be good with more xp).

  4. In case anyone doesn't know, I'm a (proud) canadian too. Anglophone living in Quebec... man, you westerners DONT know what that's like. All the francophones like to state that they're a minority in Canada. Canadians are a minority of North America.... well I'm a minority in a minority in a minority! And now, I'm living in germany, so i'm still a minority! Heck, I don't even know what it's like to live in a land where english is the primary language!!

  5. Was a tough decision to make, but after analyzing everything, I made the educated decision that I'm #2. Yes, yes, I know, it's immodest of me, but the truth needs to be told. Rambo, it's not personal, you're a great guy, you make great hamburgers i hear, and you know the stock market... but, sorry to push you over, I'm claiming the #2 spot. I came waaaay later than y'all in this game, but I've made leaps and bounds here, and I think my assessment is fair.

    HOWEVER, only Yoda can decide who's really #2, so the final decision is up to him. I do NOT expect him to vouch for me, because of the relatively few, short games we've had.

    Come SC2, I expect to be #1.

  6. You're right. Actually, I wrote this referring to around 5-6 players. Terif, Rambo, Me, Zapp's gone, Condor?, anyone else's name here?. It very tough with this bid if you're not THAT good with Axis. If you're just GOOD at Axis, then the old bid is fine. However, if you are methodical and deadly with Axis (Terif), then Allies require a higher bid, or the game is boring and already decided before the action begins.

  7. Sombra surrenders in April 41. He should get Paris next turn, or the turn after, after losing a 3rd Pz unit. Total casualties for Axis were 4 armies, 2 Pz units, 3-4 corps, 2 AF, plus 3 Italian Ships. Russia stood at 64% readiness. Sombra gave up. BTW, I had no intention of capturing LC turn 1, it's only a setup to a superior defensive wall. Fr HQ was bought turn 3, and the armies kept on pounding whatever managed to come through. 2 UK AF were intercepting (+ Monty), so LW casualties were high. After a year however, I had to fall back, even disbanded Monty to get more corps.

    Fun game, even though the action exclusively took place in LC!

  8. I don't believe the 1:5:20 bid gives enough to the allies. It clearly isn't strong enough for veteran players unless the Axis make major mistakes (which veteran players don't make). I'm think along the lines of 1:10:25, or even 1:15:30. Anybody else have some input? The point is that if your name isn't Terif, it's very very difficult to win as the Allies. Period.

  9. July 41:

    russia 78%, US 86%.

    On the verge of alexandria, UK lost an AF there, and will lose Alexandria next turn guaranteed. 2 Brit corps cut off west of alexandria. Cookie-cutter strategy pulled off remarkably well for my lack of experience on the Axis side. Greece had to be conquered pre-USSR because Tobruk was taken. LR 2, Jet 1 are only techs right now for Germans... Things could look bleak for allies after entire UK fleet sunk, except for the 3 carriers + 1 BB. Italian fleet all sunk save 1 BB. Was even losses I think. BTW, this is the first time I play Axis this long into the game (without allied player quitting), and I realize how easy it is. Cookie-cutter is too strong. Getting Spain and Gib. make guarding coastline too easy. I'm intending to massacre all the front-line russian pieces (ala Terif), and destroy Russia. UK losses have been too high, and western allies won't be able to do ****. We'll see though.

  10. http://www.infoukes.com/history/ww2/page-09.html

    Site about Ukrainian losses in WW2. Poor people. According to the site, Ukrainians suffered more than any other people in the war. I believe it. They seemed to have lost 25-30% of their population, thousands of museums, libraries, and most of their industry.

    And yep, the intention was to provide some figure support to your (our) arguement. Although I agree it's hard to pinpoint exactly how helpful all this lend-lease was, it was clearly a huge boost.

  11. I quote:

    "The USA supplied the USSR with 6,430 planes, 3,734 tanks, 104 ships and boats, 210,000 autos, 3,000 anti-aircraft guns, 245,000 field telephones, gasoline, aluminum, copper, zinc, steel and five million tons of food. This was enough to feed an army of 12 million every day of the war. Britain supplied 5,800 planes, 4,292 tanks, and 12 minesweepers. Canada supplied 1,188 tanks, 842 armoured cars, nearly one million shells, and 208,000 tons of wheat and flour. The USSR depended on American trucks for its mobility since 427,000 out of 665,000 motor vehicles (trucks and jeeps) at the end of the war were of western origin. "

  12. America's entry into WW1 did more than just add manpower to the Allied effort. It added badly badly needed moral support. Moral support added to the allies, and subtracted from the central powers. You can't just add the tangible items. Regarding WW2, without their lendlease to either UK or USSR, both those countries would have been direly short of many many things. Do you have any idea the number of tanks/trucks/airplanes/many other items that were shipped to USSR? It's unreal. Who's to say that USSR could have pulled off what they did in 42/43 without America's unflinching support? USA trebled the allies' fleet, and because of them it became possible to defeat the u-boats.

  13. Jesus, this thread went a lot longer than I ever thought it would! Okay, since I'm thread master, I have final say on issues smile.gif

    WW1 would not have been won, indeed, it would have been lost had America not come in the side of the Allies. If you disagree, you haven't read enough about the war. If you think you have read enough, you haven't, so read more.

    WW2 would not have been won, indeed, it would have been lost had America not come in the side of the Allies. If you disagree, you haven't read enough about the war. If you think you have read enough, you haven't, so read more.

    Oh, and this whole bias between Americans/Europeans is very normal. Been going on for a couple hundred years. No point really getting involved. I will suggest however that the average european gets along better with an average Democrat voting american than Republican voting one. Think Kerry is softer on military than Bush?, not so true. Take a look at http://www.globalsecurity.org/org/news/2004/040823-kerry-bush-military.htm .

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