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Posts posted by Avatar

  1. Yep, DH definitely had the worst worst luck in any game i've ever seen. Minimum damage on all attacks for at least the first 3 turns. I think even Terif would have lost in that case. I've always wished that Terif would have 1 incredibly unlucky game against me just to see if he could still pull a victory. But I doubt it :D

  2. Well, I'm in Düsseldorf on business, so no playing this week, until Friday afternoon. However, I'm going to reserve my SC playtime to finish off Rambo first, which we can only really play me on weekends. I did (didn't quite finish tho smile.gif ) beat you as Axis, so we can try the reverse. I look forward to a new game w/ you for sure. Let's aim for Sunday. Probably can manage you and Rambo in the same day.

  3. Hey! I haven't lost that game by a long shot. You forgot to mention that it was a successful Spanish Gambit, and altho western allies have suffered some damage, so have you. Its 1 turn into Barbarossa, and you only have 6 AFs, no Rumania, and Jet 0. US is at Jet2, UK Jet1, and USSR jet1. You'll have a really tough time cracking west or east. Consider this game lost as well :D

    Ed: Misunderstood Rambo. Ok, were in the middle of it, and it could still go either way. Exciting game actually, because I've had some unexpected losses, and so has he. Plus, I've never even attempted a spanish gambit against a top player, and im somewhat thrilled that it worked (well too).

    Terif, is a successful Spanish Gambit a big or slight advantage to the Allies overall?

    [ November 09, 2004, 04:07 AM: Message edited by: Avatar ]

  4. Here's MY power ranking:



    3-Tie between Rambo/Zapp/DH



    These only represent active players of course

    Also, imo, DH is not slow. Has he improved? Hard to say, i never played him in his 'hey-day'. But I can't complain. Zapp is somewhat slow, but slow for some is fast for others. I personally like playing those who play quickly. Around 5-7 mins a turn is more than enough. Think faster people.

  5. Rambo, you have to nominate somebody.


    Avatar nominates Rambo

    Rambo nominates Dragonheart

    Dragonheart nominates Zapp

    Zapp nominates Trapp





    I suggest nominating those who YOU think will be a challenge. I hope all newbies, and those who don't get nominated not take it personally. Actually, you shouldn't, because I only nominated 1 person!

    BTW, thanks JJ, without you giving out the honors, the tournament wouldn't have half the worth!

  6. I agree about a tournament. I have a unique way of figuring out who gets to play. First, 8 players would be a very convenient number. Players play 2 games, one each side, at bid 225, 1:5:20 (these #'s can be modified of course). I would recommend that each person record when the other 'gave up', if they do at all. I would almost consider playing the first game 'to the end', but the 2nd can be given up earlier if it appears all is lost. Another rule, play will end when UK or USSR surrender. You do not need to conquer both.

    How about an invitation tournament only? What we could do is this; I'll invite 1 person, that person invites another, then that person invites another, then that person invites another...etc, until we have 8. This is assuming they want to play of course ;) . Obviously not everyone can play, and I'd prefer it to be smaller than bigger as it's more manageable.

    Tournament rules:

    - No Terif

    - No landings upon DoW of Italy/Russia

    - No Bidding, set bid of somewhere from 200-250 (i suggest 225)

    - Players have 2 weeks to finish their games before moving to the next round. Those not being able to finish forfeit. I remind you all how much winning by default sucks (try to finish your games), even if they are Homer Simpsons 2 favorite words.

    First Place get's the illustrious title of 'Number 2' for the next 3 months! And Jersey John will give out the medals too, if he'll have that honour.

    I invite Rambo as the 2nd person in the tourney. Play will commence as soon as everyone is chosen.

    [ October 26, 2004, 06:37 AM: Message edited by: Avatar ]

  7. 1. But you save ~12 turns on USA not being in the war (~2160mpp), as well as USSR's ~3 turns (~1500mpp), so that's ~3600mpp. As Germany, it seems like it could be an alternate strategy to delay those DoW's until USA declares war.

    2. You can't really group all White families as being from the same 'class'. What I meant, was that overall, we see a huge disparity in wealth overall between racial groups. Although not a 'new' phenomenon, I feel that if the trend continues, the USA (#1 super power) will become in a way, 2 countries, one living inside another. 1 being the White USA, and the other being Everyone Else USA.

  8. So I'd like to discuss two issues here.

    1st: Is it in any way worth it as Axis to not declare war on Spain, Vichy and Sweden? They all increase USA readiness by a large amount (as well as USSR). Isn't the bottom line in favour of the Axis NOT declaring war before the USA is in?

    2nd: I just read on CNN that White family households on average have assets worth 88,000$. The average Hispanic owns 11 times less, and the average Black, 14 times less. Those 2 minorities make up almost 40% of the US population. How can the gap still be so large? Haven't the last 50 years of civil rights' protesting led to an increase in equality of salaries and such? IMO, I think these statistics are quite embarrasing for the USA. It seems like nothing has changed since 1860.

  9. Depends how good the Axis player is. A crappy Axis player will lose every time. However, with a good player at the helm, Allies will surely lose without the extra mpps.

    If you're both 'good' (not many ppl meet this criteria), bid should be: 1:5:20 (UK:USA:USSR)

    Else: 1:8 (UK:USSR)

  10. oh yeah. in my games (whether im axis or allies), russia normally gets around 4000-4500 bonus mpps. You're talking around 5500 mpps when russia gets the first turn. However, mpps aren't enough to stop the germans. You also need the right pieces in the right hexes at the right time.

    Good axis players WILL get through no matter how solid your defences, but these defenses will buy you the time you need.

  11. There is a 'perfect' russian defense imo. I could write every little detail here, but I'm not.

    The basics are:

    - Give up Kiev and Odessa, as they're impossible to defend at the start. Only if Axis has launched a very weak attack are they worth defending.

    - Buy 6-7 armor units, 4-5 HQ's, rest corps. Put 1 armor unit into Riga and Minsk. East of Kiev, defend the mine hex, and the adjacent hex with 2 armor units. Germans can only attack either of these positions from only 1 clear hex.

    - Keep 2 of your HQ's in Smolensk and Kharkov (very difficult to kill with air), and the other 2-3 a little further back.

    - Don't use your air until you are at least 1 jet level within reach of opponent. You can use your air to attack iraqi oil to gain xp (good method), and then later in Turkey.

    - Minsk can be very very hard to take if you have forces to counter-attack. That 11str armor unit in Minsk, plus a corps directly north of it, and then 2 armies/tanks covering the 'breakthru' hex. Axis has to use a lot of air taking it.

    - Once this Riga-Minsk-Kharkov-Sevastopol line falls, retreat to Leningrad-Moscow-Rostov. Don't defend between Leningrad-Moscow too much, your siberians can activate. Rostov is important, but not that important to defend. Germans will have a tough going this far into russia.

    - And lastly, a must for 'russian defence', is the invasion of Finland AND Turkey, both of which should/must be subdued. It's actually much easier than you think.

    - Invade Finland turn 2 or 3. Seaborne invasion is better than land, but both work alright. Finland's a piece of cake compared to Turkey. Turkey should be invaded once the western allies have put pressure in France (or somewhere). What you really want to do is not have Turkey surrender, it's nice, but not necessary. You really want the most eastern city (name?), then drive down to the east med coast and cut off iraq and the middle east. Then you take Iraq, etc....

    [ October 18, 2004, 01:55 AM: Message edited by: Avatar ]

  12. I'd vote for Rambo, but since he's already won before... In that case, I vote for JJ... wait, he's also won before ;) . Kuni seems a good candidate. I like him, he's kinda kooky, and tries his best to add life into this board. Also perhaps Edwin. Even tho we never spoke, he's full of ideas, and puts a lot of energy into the future of SC wargaming.

    Most Valuable Rookie: Aesop? What about me? Not to be arrogant here but......

  13. Minsk taken. Russian losses in Iraq were 2 tanks vs my 2 italian armies. US army destroyed near Tangiers, US corps about to suffer same fate. Russian battle losses have been very heavy in last 4 turns. 3 tanks, 3 armies, 5-6 corps + 1 HQ to LR air. German losses also heavy as Terif said, but I'm getting the better loss ratio. Only bad thing now is allied corps preparing to disembark and cut off Scandinavia! I'm reacting, but will it be fast enough??

  14. Don't forget to mention the UK AF that was lost the same turn the transport was sunk (transport was a FF army). And my subs are simply changing positions to attack ;) Also, 1 corps adjacent of London was also killed. UK losses very heavy. I expect little attack from the west any time soon. Well, at least if I keep some sort of defence.

  15. I love it! This is great, misinformation everywhere! Ok, I lied, I did lose 4 subs (2 were original tho), and repaired some major damage to the Italian BB's. Seriously, I AM intending to invade England..... or am I?? To be completely honest, I'm still thinking about it. Hard choice honestly.

  16. I admit, I did buy some extra subs. Germany bought 2, Italy bought 1. I do have a total of 4. I lost 3 in total, but 2 were the starting ones (almost don't count!). I lost 1 of them in the naval battle off Brest (along with a CL). IMO, I barely invested anything in a 'fleet'. I simply moved the Italian navy up, and the Baltic fleet to Brest. Nothing huge. I repaired (once) 3 points of damage to one sub. Also, Terif's carriers have been badly hit, not just minor damage. They were each took around 2 hits, and I believe the strongest one has str. 6. The RN has lost 5 BB's. 1 BB is at 10 str, 1 CL is at 5 str, 1 CL at full, all 3 carriers damaged. I've lost 1 CL, 1 It BB (exchange for 3 RN BB's tho), and 3 subs. A worthy exchange! IMO, Terif is in a really bad position, and I've been thinking about what to do. Since I have ~5 turns before Russia joins, I'll poll you all on what I should do hehe. Ok, I have complete COMPLETE air mastery over England, and I intend to permanently keep it that way. 2nd, although I didn't want to reveal this, I don't really plan to invade England (even though there is nothing on the isle). The reason is, is my army IS small still (4 pz units, 5 army units only, but I DO have 5 turns left, ~3000mpps)I'm only threatening the isles now because I want Terif to THINK I'm going to invade England, so he brings forces back sooner (so I can sink transports smile.gif I want to deal Russia a crushing blow, investing most of my forces (all of my army, half the air force (9 AF's) ). With the mpp advantage, I can keep both allies on the defensive. By my next turn (July 7 `41), I will have destroyed another UK air (2 total destroyed), and have sunk at least 1 transport off scapa flow. UK has around ~75 mpp income (or less), and so western allies will be no threat for a long time. And THIS time hehe, I won't move as many forces east. I know better now. Furthermore, yes, my russian capabilities might be my weakpoint, but I think I will suprise you all this time. In all honesty, I think Terif has no chance. I'm pretty sure around mid-42 I'll be invading England AND crushing Russia. But we will see.

    You might think I got really lucky with LR4 (i did smile.gif , but I did invest 5 chits. Besides, i AM playing Terif, so some luck is in order!!!

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