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General Jack Ripper

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Posts posted by General Jack Ripper

  1. This was reported some time ago, so am sure BF is aware. IIRC I dislodged a trooper from this by giving a waypoint back beside him. Once the team is reassembled at the "stuck location", then give a new waypoint that would make em go in a different direction than before (ie away from the stuck direction).

    I've seen the same behavior on a few occasions, and this solution has worked for me every time.

  2. I'm having a problem now. I just upgraded my CMBN with the MG+2.0 and 3.0 upgrades. I thought my save file would be okay, but when I loaded it, all of the soldier textures were messed up (all of my US airborne now have German uniforms and weird swirly helmet textures). Everything seems to be okay aside from the textures so my question is, if I finish playing through the current battle, will all of the textures go back to normal for the next one? Or is my save file no longer usable?

  3. Thank you very much for the comments, I'm glad to hear my work is appreciated.

    I am still running the old-fashioned CMBN+CW v1.11 I haven't yet purchased the 2.0 Upgrade. I'll be buying that with the Market Garden Module next week (hopefully).

    Part 10 is in the works, there has been a delay thanks to me recently buying Destiny to keep my Xbox Live buddies happy. I thought World of Tanks was good enough, but Xbox Live is like a kindergarten playground, and no I won't explain my analogy.

    I'm probably going to start recording a campaign from CMSF, I figure I'll play the Canadians. Being a native Canadian myself I think it's fitting I kick some butt Canuck Hockey style.

    That's all for now, Greetings!

  4. I tried to make a commentary video showing the tactical plan I came up with for Les Licornets. Please let me know if the voice quality is grating, I will attempt to fix errors in recording quality but if there are no positive results, I will give up attempting to commentate. I can't believe I just used that word off the top of my head! It's amazing how the vocabulary manifests itself from time to time! Oh it really is 1am and I need to sleep!

    My internet was shut down for three weeks, apparently bills are supposed to be paid within two months of their arrival in the mailbox. Personally I think bills are a waste of time, but life without the internet these days, even for a techno-cynic like me, is like living in an old black and white movie. Wow, I just made up that term "techno-cynic" but on a whim I typed it into Google and found a fascinating paper on schools of thought pertaining to the use of the internet as an educational resource! I really need to go to bed now!

    The video is here.

  5. Arguably if you plot 3 mins of moves for your troops and then don't adjust them you are giving the AI a better chance, in that you are hamstringing yourself.

    I'm sorry, that's not what I meant. I only plot one movement at a time when playing the AI. What that means is my troops tend to sit in one spot for up to a minute until the next turn. This gives AI troops a chance to shoot at me a bit and make life more interesting.

    And as for the reaction thing, I certainly don't mean the AI actually plans around my own actions, what I mean is that I give the AI time to spot my troops before moving them again. I also try to maintain a slow rate of advance to allow the AI plan to continue, without simply suppressing everything I see.

  6. As a rule, I do not use area fire except against a spotted enemy unit, or a lost contact marker.

    When calling in air support, I always use an area target, and set the diameter to at least 200 meters.

    And when playing against the AI, I never plot orders more than 1 turn ahead, to allow the AI time to "react" to my movements.

    Those are the only three actual rules I can think of, but when I'm playing against the AI, my general rule is 'slow and steady'. I try not to implement any complicated plans, or try to out think the scenario designer, I just try to react to developments accordingly.

  7. Part 6 - "Not ANOTHER Hameau!" <- Will be available after uploading and processing.

    My Saturday got chopped in half, so this video is shorter than usual.

    Thank you for the comments, the one thing video makers want to hear is that someone is getting some value out of the work, that's what motivates me to keep going. I had thought about doing live commentary on my videos, in the manner of Ithikial, however my voice sounds especially strange when heard through a computer system. I figured I would spare sensitive ears, and provide captions that can be read, or ignored, easily.

    I'm definitely feeling the pressure now that I have entered hedgerow country. The casualties are climbing steadily, and I don't see that changing for the rest of the campaign. Having some tanks around makes a huge difference, they tend to inspire confidence merely by their presence.

  8. The Road to Montebourg is back, with

    I will NOT be finishing "Echoville" because I had to start again from a new save file, and if you had done everything up to 'Waiting for Artillery' correctly the attack on the town lasted less than 5 minutes.

    Basically things were over so fast it would have made a crappy video. However, there will be a two part video with the attack on Le Grand Hameau, and then we will be moving on from there.


  9. I'm also wondering as to the general reliability of liquid cooled systems. My house is a high dust environment, which probably contributed to the destruction of my last PC.

    How easy is it to run two operating systems on a machine these days? I'm thinking about taking the hard drive from my old computer, and putting it in the new one to run old games with windows xp, and also running a hard drive with windows 7 to take advantage of the hardware, and run stuff like CMSF, CMBN, and Kerbal Space Program.

    Is that sort of thing still possible nowadays?

    I had a look at the hardware list at newegg.com, and it read like the Greek alphabet. I think I'm going to have to buy a new machine pre-built, because I have no idea what hardware is compatible with what motherboard anymore. How I do miss the days of PCI expansion slots!

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