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Shaka of Carthage

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Posts posted by Shaka of Carthage

  1. June 14, 1942

    Army Group West reports that other than air strikes from the UK, all is quiet. American transports scout the coastline of the continent as well as deploying for a possible landing in Norway.

    Army Group North reports the Russians have withdrawn.

    Army Group Central and South report continued fighting along the Eastern front with the Russians. Italian units relive Romaninan units, and do quite poorly.

    Army Group Afrika is still contesting for control over the mountain passes.

    In a stunning blow to the Italian aircraft industry, the Italian Air Force has licensed and started producing He112s. These were a German design rejected in favor of the Me109s. Citing reports that they are a better dogfighter than the Me109, the announcement has put the Italian aircraft industry into a frenzy, since it is no longer business as usual. Though they were technologically leaders in the 30's, the Italian Aircraft industry is no longer state of the art. This annoucnement confirms it.

  2. Based on the way it currently works, I sometimes wonder if the lack of minor HQs isn't intentional. In other words, the game design wants you to send a German HQ to Finland or a British HQ to Greece. In Greece's case, the amphib assault on Athens knocks it out in a turn, but maybe the game design is to use the British fleet in the Med to prevent such a thing. Even with that thought process, Spain and Sweden should have a HQ. Turkey as well, though we don't complain about it because it hardly gets involved.

    The more I think about it, the Allies (assuming they had a HQ in Egypt) sending a HQ to Greece would in SC terms come very close to representing what really happened. Any offensive in North Africa by the Allies would come to a halt because of lack of supply. Of course, none of us play it that way, since building a HQ and sending it to Egypt is considered a waste.

    If Germany commits a HQ to Finland, Finland will survive. This also seems a accurate way of representing German support for Finland.

    I can't say I'm convinced that Poland should have a HQ. But I wonder if some of its units shouldn't be more entrenched.

    [ August 18, 2003, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

  3. May 17, 1942

    I Aero (Itl), II Aero (Itl) and Luft II (Ge) sink the American and British BBBGs north of Algeria.

    Army Group West eliminates last of the Free French Army east of Brest.

    Army Group North eliminates a probing Russian Army.

    Army Group Central and South continue the attrition war against the Russians. AG Central breaks a Russian Shock Army.


    This would be a good place to point out some of the issues with SC (ie how to turn the Greys into Germans). Some can be fixed by modifying the campaign, some require system changes. This is related within the context of a "limit" game. "No limit" games address the problems other ways.

    German units need experience upon initial setup to properly reflect Eastern front combat.

    German and Russian Armor units should have a tech advantage over everyone else.

    Without those two advantages, the Eastern front quickly becomes an attrition war. If it happens too soon, Axis are in trouble unless the Allies make some mistakes.

    The experience can be solved by modifying the campaign setup. While two (2) bars would be correct, because of the way combat is resolved, its too much. Will have to make do with one (1) bar for the Germans and some of the British units.

    The armor issue depends on your viewpoint. Russia should be +1 over the Germans. Everyone else, with the possible exception of the US, should be worse than the Germans. One could make the point that by giving Russia the tech upon setup, it forces the Germans to invest in Heavy Tank tech. Maybe thats the intent. Neither method solves the problem with the Heavy Tank tech bonuses having no effect on soft combat. There are numerous threads discussing this issue.

    [ August 18, 2003, 08:06 AM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

  4. April 19, 1942

    North of Algeria, one US BBBG is sunk. Massachusetts BBBG is reduced to str 4, Valiant BBBG is reduced to str 3. The Regia Navale (Italian Navy) is but a shell of its former self, even more embarressed since the main damage to the Allied ships was done by I Aero, II Aero and a Luft Air unit. The Royal Yachts are being outfitted for combat.

    Newly formed Army Group West assumes the defense of France. 11th Army, I Field Luft Corps and X Volksgrndr Corps attack the 3rd Army (Free French), reducing it to str 1. VII Corps has been placed into the Brest meat grinder.

    Security units eliminate the Yugo Partisan faction.

    Army Group South receives a rocket detachment, which is put to use against Odessa. AG South and Central continue the slogging match against the Russians.

    Gneisenau CABG and Scharnhorst CABG attack the Marat CABG (Russ) holed up in Kronstadt port.

  5. March 22, 1942

    Major setback in France. 6th and 4th Armies have ceased to function as combat formations, under massive naval and aerial attacks. Free French forces, acting as mercenaries for the British, landed and captured some German POWs. XXIII Corps and X Volksgrndr have been rushed to fill the defensive positions that 6th and 4th Armies occupied.

    Army Group Afrika continues its fighting with the Russian forces over control of the mountain passes.

    Scharnhorst CABG and U-47 submarine pack sink a Russian cruiser battle group. One still remains at full strength.

    Security units engage another Yugo partisan faction operating in the mountains.

    Army Group Central eliminates a Russian Army.

  6. February 8, 1942 ...

    Army Group Afrika battles Russian forces in the mountains north of Iraq.

    Army Group Spartan eliminates the last of the Greek resistance, Greece surrenders. 4th Army transferred to France.

    Army Group South eliminates last of encircled Russians and reduces Shock Army to str 2.

    Army Group Center eliminates a Russian Army and reduces a second one to str 7.

    Italian submarine pack sinks British merchants in the Med (4 MPPs).

  7. December 14, 1941

    Army Group Spartan occupies Athens, while continuing attacks on Macedonian and Epirus Armies.

    Naval bombardment of American 1st AF in Gibralter. Rocket bombardment of Free French Air in Malta.

    Army Group North takes surrender of two Russian armies.

    Army Group Central breaks newly arrived Russian "army" and reduces a second one to str 4.

    Army Group South assaults an encircled Russian Army, but it refuses to surrender.

    Italian submarine pack sinks British merchants in Med (5 MPPs).

    German intelligence reports that the newly arriving Russian armies are armies in name only. There seems to be a shortage of combat support troops and equipment. The older style armies will now be referred to as Shock Armies.

    [ August 16, 2003, 02:28 PM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

  8. November 16, 1941

    "Dull War" is over. German intelligence reports Russia is preparing for war. So war it is, Axis declare war on Russia.

    Army Group North, consists of 7th Army, 9th Army, 1st Army and II Corps under Kesselring. AG North attacks and envelops one Russian army, while reducing to 7 str a second Russian army. OKM supporting attacks on a third Russian army have little effect.

    Army Group Center, consists of XV Panzers, XIV Panzers, 10th Army, 3rd Army and 49th Gebjr under Rommel. In the drive towards Kiev, supported by Luft, they overrun a Russian Army and the 2nd Guards Tank Group.

    Army Group South, consists of 1st Army (Romania), 5th Army, 14th Army and XVI Panzers under Manstein. In thier drive towards Odessa, supported by Luft, they overrun a Russian Army, isolate a second and reduce to half strength a third.

    Army Group Afrika strikes at Iraq and takes Baghdad in support of a pro-Axis coup. A temporary Italian administration is put in place to support the Arab government.

    Army Group Spartan, consists of 4th Army, 16th Army, 5th Army (Itl), 12nd Army and 2nd Army under Albanian GHQ. 12nd and 2nd Army pin down Epirus and Macedonian Armies in the north, while the remaining units, supported by Andria Doria BBBG shatters the Athenian Corps defending Athens.

    Security units operating in Yugo, uncover another Partisan faction and destroy it.

    Italian submarine pack sinks British merchantships in the Med (5 MPPs).

    PS... Germany has a ground unit limit of 35. I've got 29 units so far. Italy has a limit of 8, which I have already. I mention this so there is a understanding of the importance of the Axis minor units. If they are lost, I can't replace them. Which means German or Italian units committed elsewhere, have to be used instead. Having a huge MPP production, just isn't good enough anymore, since you can't instantly create units to plug the holes. So now it gets interesting. In other words, you need a strategic reserve, since you can't buy one instantly.

    [ August 16, 2003, 08:06 AM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

  9. Italy had a Air unit located in Algiers, after capturing Algiers from France. Ireland was Axis.

    Once France fell, the Italian Air unit that was in Algiers, was relocated to a hex outside of Dublin (Ireland).

    I thought it was going to Italy, ending up in Ireland was a big surprise.

    PS... duh, had to reword some of it, since I used the wrong nations. It should be clearer now.

    [ August 16, 2003, 04:15 AM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

  10. June 8, 1941 ... US 66%, Russia 55%

    Bulgaria signs military pact with Germany.

    Malta bombardment continues.

    Newly formed Army Group Balkans, consisting of I Corps (Hungary), V Corps (Romania), I Corps (Bulgaria), XIV, XV and XVI Panzers, eliminate all Yugo rebels except those holding the capital.

    Army Group Nordic, faces fresh forces in Bergen (Norway), consisting of 2nd Army (Free French). 2nd Army is reduced from 10 to 4 str.

    Italian submarines sink British merchants in the Med (5 MPPs).

  11. April 13, 1941 ... US 58%, Russia 55%

    Army Group Nordic, renews assualts on XXX Corps (UK) in Bergen (Norway). 3 str.

    Bombardment continues of Free French Air in Malta.

    Yugo signs an agreement to join the Axis alliance. Traitor elements within the Yugo military, fueled no doubt by British support, have overthrown the legal government in a coup, then declared themselves part of the Allies.

    Italian submarine pack sinks British merchants in Med (5 MPPs).

  12. I want RAIDERS!

    E-mail is in my profile. I'm assuming we get team names. If so, it would be kinda cool if the European and Canadian members used the team names from the European/Canadian football (American, not soccer) teams.

    But, can't you do something about limiting the Air units?

    [ August 14, 2003, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

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