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Shaka of Carthage

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Posts posted by Shaka of Carthage

  1. May 31, 1943 (?)

    Army Group Nordic reports that Bergen has fallen, along with the lost of XI Corps (Ge). In addition, three (3) Russian tranports are spotted south and one (1) north of Stockholm. Waffen SS is withdrawn from Bergen to face the greater threat of the Russians.

    Army Group Southwest occupies Bilbao (Spain), Lisbon defenders break and Lisbon occupied. 1st Army (Sp) reduced to 6 str. French mercenaries occupying Gibralter are blocking the Spanish Foreigh Legion, trying to return from North Morrocco to defend Spain.

    RAID, reinforced by XXXXIX Gebjr, shut down another Yugo Partisan faction.

  2. May 2, 1943

    8th Army (Ge) overwhelmed by Allied Air and Naval bombardments, falls to an amphib strike by the 2nd Army (US). Army Group Nordic responds by replacing the shattered 8th Army (Ge) with XII Corps (Ge) and positions Waffen SS Corps (Ge) to repel the invaders.

    Army Group Southwest reduces Lisbon defenders to 3 str, encircling those that remain. Madrid falls, Bibao defenders are scattered. The only organized Spanish resistance is the 1st Army (Sp).

    RAID puts down one Yugo Partisan faction, time to deal with the other.

  3. March 31st, 1943 (?)

    Army Group Nordic units in Stockholm and north of Stockhom are bombarded by Russia naval and air units. U-47 submarine pack, in support of Army Group Nordic, strikes at the Russian Marat CABV, reducing it to 2 str.

    Army Group Eagle, eliminates the 1st Army (Swiss) and reduces the 2nd Army (Swiss) to 5 str. Acknowledging the futility of resistance, the Swiss join the Axis.

    Army Group Southwest proceeds to eliminate the Madrid Corps (Sp) and in the process surrounding Madrid with three (3) Panzer Groups. IV Corps (Itl) engages Lisbon Corp in Portugal. 1st and 5th Armies (Itl) reduce V Corps (Sp) to 3 str. 2nd Army (Sp) takes refuge in Bilbao.

    RAID units trying to stop the infestation of the first Yugo Partisan faction receive reports that another Partisan faction has been spotted.

    Italian submarine pack sinks British merchant ships in the Med (5 MPPs).

    [ August 22, 2003, 01:45 AM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

  4. Some of you are looking at this the wrong way. It isn't a issue of TCP vs PBEM. Those are just the means of conducting the game. A person who wants to play competively against someone else can do so thru TCP, PBEM or even HOTSEAT (if they lived close enough).

    The problem is the speed of the game. Complaints about PBEM games taking 30 days to finish are just as silly as TCP games where your opponent never seems to have time to finish the game. I think everyone who has played TCP has a game that they can never get the opponent to finish.

    Its very easy to switch back and forth between TCP and PBEM. If a mutual time can be arranged, play TCP. Then go back to PBEM until you can get together again. Two to four turns a day thru PBEM are better than waiting a week or two until your TCP opponent can get some free time.

    The competitive TCP/PBEM players can coexist and any reference to "second class" status for either is in poor taste.

    The key to being a competitive player is to limit the concurrent games so you do have the time to finish them before starting another.

    And TCP isn't "foolproof" against cheaters. The easiest way is for you to be playing against someone who isn't really the person you think they are. It has happened. There are other ways to cheat in TCP, assuming you have the technical skill.

    But is it really worth trying to fool proof it or eliminate the cheaters? I guess it depends on the importance you place on winning. If your ego and self-esteem are so wrapped up in winning a SC game, then nothing on this Forum will provide you with the help you need. And since there isn't money at stake, cheating will never be solved.

    As an example, look at Terif. Does it really matter how many times he losses? I don't believe anyone here can claim to be a better player, no matter how many times you beat him. He is not in the same class as any of us when it comes to playing SC.

  5. The Rocket unit suffers the same problem that the Strategic Bomber unit does in SC. SC doesn't really represent the effect they had as strategic weapons. And trying to use them as if they were a Air or "scaled up" Artillery unit they fall short.

    Rocket development should be a pre-requisite for Jet tech level 4. It would be much more interesting for the Allies to have large numbers of Air (tl3) and Strategic Bombers facing a smaller number of Axis Air, that are tech level 4 or 5.

  6. March 7, 1943

    Another stern note has been delivered to Turkey. There are no middle places during these times. You are either for us or against us. Direct your attention to the West if you are unclear about what we mean.

    Army Group Southwest strikes at Spain and Portugal. XV, XXXXVI and XIV Panzers swarm ashore in Valencia, brushing aside the weak resistance. 1st Army (Itl), 5th Army (Itl) engage main Spanish forces in and around Bibao. IV Corps (Itl) isolates the French mercenaries in Gibralter.

    Army Group Eagle engages Switzerland. XXXXIX Gebjr move against the Swiss militia but are stopped dead in thier tracks. German Stuka dive bombers and Italian Bv155 strike aircraft are ineffective because of the mountainous terrain. Even the Rocket Detachment is used, also with a poor showing.

    Security units operating in the Balkans have been redesignated as RAID, for Rapid Anti-Insurgent Divisions. The name also appears to have something to do with the constant reoccurence of the Partisans and how its reminiscent of a certain insect. RAID units have engaged another Yugo Partisan faction.

    Army Group Nordic units, in and around Stockholm are under naval and air bombardment by Russian forces.

    In an effort to achieve greater productivity from the Flak units, women have been recruited to operate and run the homeland defense Flak units.

    Italian submarine pack sinks British merchants in the Med (5 MPPs).

  7. Oak

    Before we discuss any Bid, I'll send you the campaign. There are some changes so it will give you a chance to see everything. As usual, you can pick your side.

    The amphib option is just about driving me crazy. If you read the "enhancements" I want, basically if you do an amphib, you will be limited in how many hexes you can move. Tranports (port to port) will be as normal, so no problem there.

    There there will be the weather. In Winter, the Air will be grounded.

    [ August 21, 2003, 06:05 AM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

  8. ... Dammit, could not SC editor include off-map MPP production? That would solve all the Russia and UK problem. UK could have 30 MPP off-map MPP and Russia about 100 off-map MPP instead of the MPP BONUS they start with. Bid system would not be needed then.
    As has been pointed out by JerseyJohn and others, giving Iraq to the UK solves the UK "problem" as you perceive it, as well as making the Middle East as strategically important as it was.

    Can't say I agree that Russia needs an additional 100 MPPs off-map. Thier production is already over inflated, at the expense of the US. Besides, Russia's "off-map" MPPs is called Finland.

    I think Terif has already realized this, if the rest of you haven't already. The Bid system, with all its variations, isn't needed to "balance the game". What its used for is to expand the playability options. No matter how many "tweaks" are used, you will always have some sort of Bid system since the more expeirenced players use it to give them more choices. Or as Terif puts it, "make it more fun".

  9. Response to the Comments

    As far as moving air units around in response to the changes, in my case, from the very beginning, I have been moving my air units around. Early on, it was an attempt to catch the carriers (to avoid what is happening currently). But at a certain point, they had to be moved every third turn or so, depending on what neutral was being taken out.

    Air disadvantage for the Axis. The problem is real simple. Its the carriers. Remove the carriers from the equation, and the flow is exactly what I am after. Before the US or Russia enters, the UK has 2 air to face the German 4 and the Italian 2. Italy can't get the 2 very fast because of the MPPs, so you have to decide what your strategy is with them. That is exactly what happened. Remember Battle of Britain? In our case, its Axis 4 air vs UK 2 air. If they are eliminated, UK is wide open. That assumes the Axis go after UK. If you go after neutrals, you will probalbly use the air for them. That gives the UK the opportunity to hurt the Axis the only way it can, thru strategic bombing.

    Once the US enters, then things change. Now there are 3 air. More options are availiable to the Allies, and this is where the Italians come into thier own. It takes time, but eventually the US will get another air. So now the "west" has 4 air units and Russia has 3. Axis have to decided where and how to employ thier 6 units (4 german, 2 Italian). Same sitauation that our historical counterparts went thru. As time goes on, the US gets even more, and if they are using strategic bombers, the Axis are now losing MPPs. If we went the historical path, which we dont, the strategic bombers (4 to 8 units) would be pounding the crap out of the Axis positions. But we don't go that route.

    Those numbers represent the historical reality, giving us the same strategical decisions and choices.

    The problem is the carriers. Unless you eliminate them early on, you are now in a position where they will snipe you to death. Or as everyone who has played a no limit game knows, you end up with Germany having 6 or 8 air before Barbarossa.

    The "fixes" have been discussed and discussed and discussed. But we are still in the same sitatuation. Until then, the two (2) North Atlantic carriers will have to be replaced by battleships (and one strat bomber given to UK).

  10. November 30, 1942 (?)

    The Axis have received a major shock. The Allies are flying a new jet aircraft, which upgraded models of the Me109s and Fw190s are having a hard time contending with. It appears that the British Meteor jet aircraft has been scrapped for a more advanced American design, known as the F-84. Axis engineers are baffled how such an aircraft can operate off of a carrier, especially during November in the North Atlantic. There are rumors that the F-84s have a model with swivel engines, allowing near vertical take off and landing (VTOL). The design for these aircraft have come from a group known as the "Skunk" works, operating out of a secret base known as Area 51.

    The Axis have pressed thier scientists to accelerate work on the individual rocket packs for the military, while another group works on disruptor hand weapons.

    Two (2) Luft units and the majority of one (1) Aero unit are in shambles. Once again, pilots have to shorten thier training time to fill the losses.

    Italian submarine pack sinks British merchant ships in the Med (5 MPPs).

  11. November 1, 1942

    Putting a damper on the celebrations of throwing the Americans off the continent, comes news that the Russians have invaded Finland. With the loss of the Helsinki port, there is not much that Germany can do. While holding out against overwhelming odds, its just a matter of time before its over.

    Using Finland as an example, diplomatic pressure is increased on Turkey to join the Axis. There is no middle ground between Germany and Russia.

    Low Countries has been liberated from American oppression. 12th Army (Ge) takes the surrender of the last elements of the 2e Army (FF).

    I Aero assists Security elements eliminate a Partisan Yugo faction.

    American air in Gibralter leaves, replaced by more French mercenaries.

    Italian submarine pack sinks British merchants in the Med (5 MPPs).

  12. October 4, 1942

    Army Group West

    Luft II, Luft III attack II Corps (US), but have to deal with the land and sea based UK combat air patrols. Rocket Detachment is ordered to engage II Corps as well, which may have been a mistake as will be seen later. XV Panzers and 11th Army both attach and break II Corps (US).

    3rd Army (Ge) is now able to attack the 4th Army (US) in Brussels. German forces are eager, because the 4th Army is the only thing that stands in thier way to getting a shot at the CVBG sitting in the Brussels port. XXXXVI Panzers and 1st Army (Itl) launch a second assault against 4th Army (US), which goes down to 1 str pt. Now the lack of the Rocket Detachment tells.

    12th Army (Ge) and XXXXIX Gebjr Corps attack the 2e Army (FF), reducing it to 3 str.


    Security units engage another Partisan faction in Yugo.

    Italian submarine pack sinks British merchants in the Med (5 MPPs). The Gibralter garrison is seen offshore in there transports.

  13. September 6, 1942

    OKM has lost contact with U-459 submarine pack.

    Luft IV, caught in the midst of a reorg, attempts to intercept Russian aircraft with a understrength unit. Not only are all the aircraft lost, but more importantly, the pilots.

    Army Group West, using Italian Aero units to bleed off the Allied Air interceptions, conducts strikes against an American Army in the Ardennes Forest. Follow up assaults by the 3rd Army (Ge) and XXXXVI Panzers (Ge), supported by Luft II and IV, as well as the Rocket Detachment, succeed in breaking the American Army. XV Panzers hits the gap, attacking an American Army in the flank. Additional assaults by 2nd Army (Ge), 1st Army (Itl) and XXXXIX Gebjr succeed in shattering this Army as well. Pinned by the German attacks, the XXXIX Panzers pass thru the XV Panzers and scatter an American Air unit, id'd by the initial XV Panzers assault. The American beachead has been split in half, but more importantly, the remaining American units are at a disadvantage because of the river terrain.

    IV Corps (Itl), acting on reports of transport movement off of Gibralter, board thier own transports and go on a amphib recon mission. They find that a American Air unit now occupies Gibralter.

  14. August 23, 1942

    Army Group West, reinforced by the strategic reserve, has been tasked with removing the American intrusion. U-459 submarine pack has been sent after the Dunkerque CABG, reducing it to str 3. 11th Army (Ge) and the Essen garrison (2nd Army) attack the 2nd Army (US), reducing it to str 3. The other US units have been identified as 4th, 1st, 3rd Armies and II Corps. The French unit is the 2e Armee.

    Army Group Center and Army Group South have been ordered to withdraw to shorter defensive lines.

    The lack of results in Russia and the OKH orders to withdraw, have caused massive political repercussions. Hitler countermanded those orders and demanded that AG Center and South hold thier ground. OKH refused. The end result was that the Nazi Party has been overthrown in favor of a simple military dictatorship ruled by Prussian military tradition. Hitler had been confined to his bunker, Goring has been shot and Himmler cannot be found.

    Other changes have resulted in manpower from the Luft being transferred to control of the Army and the disbanding of the SS, except for the Waffen SS. They are being organized into a elite Corps, utilizing the now unemployed SS manpower. Resources are being poured into the Flak units to defend against the Allied aerial assault.

  15. Axis situation as of late August 1942

    Western Front MPPs... UK 318, US 260

    The Low Countries has six (6) French and American units inside it, with the French unit actually spilling out into part of France. There may be a HQ supporting those units but that has not be confirmed.

    The US navy has been destroyed, and there are no transports afloat. There are four (4) more US ground units uncounted for. If we assume that there is a HQ in Benelux, that would leave three (3) more. Suspect they are garrisons for Canada and/or US. Doubt they are in the UK. Time will tell.

    UK only has eight (8) ground units reported and roughly eleven (11) naval (transport?) units.

    US and UK have four (4) level 3 Air units between them. The UK also has one (1) strategic bomber and the Free French Air in Malta. There are two (2) UK carriers as well. Thats six (6) air units and one (1) strategic bomber supporting the US invasion.

    Eastern Front MPPs.... Russia 483

    Russia has roughly 30 ground units, of which we can identify 15 or 16. They still have manpower reserves they can tap into (another 10 or 11 units). No Russian cities have been taken and the initial 200 mile penetration by AG Center hasn't been able to make any additional progress.

    Russia has three (3) Air units, at least level 2. Good chance that Russia has heavily invested in Jet tech. We know they have already done so in Anti-Tank weapons.

    Summary MPPs... Germany 681, Italy 293

    The Axis cannot raise anymore units. Our manpower is tapped (ie reached unit limits). Our strategic reserve cannot be in two places, so once its committed, its not available for any other use.

    The Allies and Russia on the other hand, have the ability to commit to a two (2) front war and sustain it. The Western front may not have alot of ground units, but its heavily supported by air units. The East has a large number of ground units, and sufficient air support.

    This is what German High Command is faced with during August of '42. What will they do?

  16. August 9, 1942 (?)

    Army Group South and Army Group Central both conduct probing attacks against the Russian defensive line.

    Luft units initiate air strikes against Odessa, which are countered by Russian air. Luft has quite a difficult time getting past the Russian air and attacks against Odessa have minial effect. Army Group South's Rocket detachment fires into Odessa as well, but no effect.

    Italian submarine pack sinks British merchants in Med (5 MPPs).

    The stalemate isn't a good thing for the Axis, as we lose the MPP battle. But very few choices are available to the Axis.

  17. Amona

    Ignoring the oil and other constraints, yes, there is the ability to increase the Air Force and Navy at the expense of the Army, specifically the armored forces. But thats a bit too much to ask for someone to handle using House Rules. I don't like the fact that you have to count your units so as not to exceed the max. If I could somehow modify the setup of Italy, Russia and US, I would offer an alternative, but it cannot be done. Hence, the limits. And even there, instead of accurate restrictions, like Germany having 16 Armies, 11 Corps and 8 Panzers, I just go with the limit of 35.

    I'll start another topic about the Amphib option, since I suspect quite a few people will think I'm nuts for doing it this way, and I don't want to clutter this thread up anymore than it is. It is already 4 pages long.

    Like I said, we can do a PBEM at your convience.

  18. July 26, 1942

    The German 5th Army, of Army Group South, is no longer effective as a combat unit. The Russian 13th and 3rd Shock Armies launched an offensive against the 5th Army NW of Odessa. While no ground was lost, the 5th Army position has been replaced by the Italian 1st Army.

    Italian Aero units increase attacks against Konev HQ, while being intercepted by Russian air units.

    Security units in Yugo are engaged in combat with another Partisan faction.

    Italian submarine pack sinks British merchant ships in the Med (5 MPPs).

  19. You bring up something that every game designer from day one has faced. Playability vs Realism.

    You are correct, I want each side to have the historically correct amount of units so we as players are faced with exactly the same decisions those nations were faced with. Replayability would then come from not making those same decisions, as well as the effects that tech advances and the random starting because of readiness. Germans vs Russians, not Greys vs Reds.

    Since you can appreciate the importance of the Panzertruppen, you should also understand why the action points of the existing units bugs me. The German, French, Polish, etc (all the horse supported) Armies and Corps should have one less action point. Currently, they move as if they are motorized. Only the US, UK and later year Russians should move that fast. When or if we ever get a Unit Editor, that will be taken care of then.

    You created a new e-mail account, which I responded to. By then, I think you had gotten your game started with JerseyJohn. At your convience, we can try again. I'm always willing to listen to another objective opinion regarding the Limit House Rules. Especially since I'm about ready to implement the "no amphib invasion" option.

  20. I don't mind the interruption, I'm sure Oak doesn't either.

    The unit limitations are based on the actual number of combat divisions each nation had at a specific point, as well as an allowance for what could have been raised historically. That is also how I arrived at the limits on the air units. I'm sorry, but Germany just could not have raised 8,000 fighter, fighter/bomber and dive bomber type aircraft.

    You're repeating the same mistake that others do in regards to SC. You need a way to bust thru the enemy line, you use Air to do that, hence you want enough to be able to achieve a breakthrough. The breakthroughs in the east were not accomplished by air power destroying units. Its a complex problem in SC, since we can create "instant units", so given enough MPPs, Russia will end up with a coast to coast line of units.

    I didn't bother to limit the strategic bombers for the Allies, because I have yet to play or hear about a game where the Allied player bought anywhere near the historical numbers of strategic bombers. Players just don't do that in SC. At some point, UK and US should have around eight (8) strategic bombers between the two of them. It could even be more, depending on how you interpet the historical numbers. No one does that. I think the ease of doing amphib invasions indirectly causes people to avoid the strategic bombers.

    I agree with the statement about giving heavy tank tech advances for free. Its the same problem I have with the Allies not using strategic bombers. It just doesn't feel like WWII, because every SC player will put MPPs into Air, since its the most powerful unit in the game. So the Armor and Strat Bombers get shorted. Yet, the Russians get the bonus to represent the T-34, which technically was not the majority Russian tank at the time of Barbarossa. How many Axis players have eight (8) Panzer units at the time of Barbarossa? Out of a total of 32 units, thats how many should be Panzers. But everyone has either played in a game or heard of one, where the Axis have eight (8) Air units at Barbarossa. I go back and forth on how to handle the issue all the time.

    I am reading the AAR between yourself and JerseyJohn. I have also read the modifications you are using. I try and understand the reasoning behind all the different modifications people make, to understand what the effects they are after. I "borrow" other peoples ideas all the time if it gives the effect I am after.

    The four (4) German limit on Air being unbalanced in favor of the Allies is really based on another issue. Carriers. At the moment, I've concluded that the two carriers in the North Atlantic, should be replaced with battleships and UK given an additional strategic bomber. The carrier in the Med would stay. Then that brings up the next major issue, amphib invasions. If you look at the newbie sticky thread, you'll see how I think that should be solved.

    [ August 19, 2003, 08:57 AM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

  21. June 28, 1942 (?)

    Newly arrived 10th Army (Itl), which sufferred losses as it took its place in the front lines, has been broken and overrun by the 1st Guards Tank. Army Group South has had to recall the 1st Army (Romanians) and call up 1st Army (Itl) to try and plug the gap. The Rocket division stood its ground, taking losses from the 1st Guards, but was able to inflict losses on the Russians as they fought the recalled units. Italian air and Luft air also was called in, but even so, the 1st Guards are still holding thier positions.

    Italian submarine pack sinks British merchants in the Med (5 MPPs).

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