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Posts posted by Salkin

  1. Originally posted by Axe2121:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Underfire:

    My order is placed. Now excuse me while I stand next to the front door for the next 10 days. :D

    You might want to set a trap next to the mailbox in case Soddball tries to pinch it. A tiger trap might be good. Make sure the sticks are extra pointy. </font>
  2. Hmm...we have actually turned this thread into a thread discussing how stupid another thread is...we need to get a life, or CMAK...whatever comes first....

    On the other hand , that Tittles guy seems a little to impressed with himself for my liking.

    Emrys - established as Famine (stay away from my refridgerator)

    Berli - Remind me, who are you supposed to be ( I don't have enough patience to wait for the apocalypso...)?

    Seanachai - Stay out of the apocalypso, you are complicating things :D


    Bringer of bad grammar and swedish meatballs

    [ November 16, 2003, 07:25 AM: Message edited by: Salkin ]

  3. Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    Lars, Seanachai, dalem and Berli enjoy a bit of childhood trouble.

    As produced and directed by Boo, the Cess-tech geek.


    Wow...that was lame...I usually stay out of the cesspool , but I just have to say...lame...

    Steve...you just wasted 5 minutes of my life :D .

    Now carry on with your bickering and treat my fellow swedes nice !


    [ November 11, 2003, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: Salkin ]

  4. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Salkin:

    My lack of a question mark has really disturbed the delicate balance of the BFC forums .

    You know something is really wrong when Seanachai is going on clean up duty :D .


    Bringer of bad spelling/grammar and chaos

    Why do you leave extra spaces before your periods? Is that some kind of upper-class affectation? :confused: </font>
  5. People have no respect for the average rider of death anymore.

    Here is your question mark o great bringer of little food:


    I felt editing the former post would deminish your following intelectually impressive posts.

    Thank you for your kind advice and may everyone go hungry for a long time , your grogship.


    Swede repenting

  6. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    There, there, Soddy. Find yourself a good long novel to take your mind off things. Or find a good porn site and take up masturbation as a fulfilling hobby.



    I'm a firm believer that masturbation would have saved Master Goodale....allthough there are rumours about him beeing married .....

    Well I'm going for masturbation myself and I'm the coolest kid in the forums :cool: .


    Depraved swede with a spelling problem

  7. I've been a CM player since CMBO.

    I have to say that I'm a casual gamer and that I vary my CM sessions with some other games and activities.

    Right now I'm playing a very simplified homemade european campaign that takes place between the russian border and Berlin. These two being the targets of the campaign depending on which side I play.

    I go from city to city fighting the enemy , the size of the battle depending on the size of the city. I sometimes win several battles by a small margin or I even get beaten by the AI. This resulting in not enough winning points to buy new troops.

    If this occurs I do an "operatinal halt" awaiting possible reinforcements.

    I roll a die and check my charts :

    * I can get a random nr of reinforcement points in a random troop branch (mech, naval, infantry etc)

    * I can get ordered to assault an enemy depot for troop points (resulting in a small battle)

    * I can ambush enemy forces on their way to counterattack me

    * I can get outright assaulted by one of their generals ( he get's a lot of extra experience and extra troops, scary stuff)

    Well in the end I just want to emphasize that the QB generator with it's changing forces/weather as time goes by and the fairly competent AI, especially on the defense is providing a lot of fun !

    Oh, and I like that the AI isn't cheating.

    For CMX or whatever you call it I wouldn't mind a simple and fairly unlinear campaign smile.gif .

    I know some of the groggs here would want the advanced monster campaign , but for us casual gamers it would be nice with something simpler .

    Steve, any comments on a possible campaign ?


    Fanboy material

    [ November 04, 2003, 06:20 PM: Message edited by: Salkin ]

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