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Erwin Rommel

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Posts posted by Erwin Rommel

  1. I think I may have found the culprit.

    Redwolf seems to be closest to the problem.

    I did do a reinstall of my drivers to no avail.

    I ended up messing with the sounds in game though.

    What I ended up doing was turning off the ambient sounds and just leaving the main sound effects like gunfire etc on...but no wind or bird chirping sounds.

    After I did that the game stopped stuttering and freezing on me.

  2. Yes I looked in the Tech Support area and there was 1 thread with the same problem but nothing in that thread helped.

    I did the reinstall of video drivers,DirectX etc. to no avail.


    This is the only game that it is doing this in.It was working fine until a few days ago and then suddenly it started the stuttering/freezing problem.All my other games run just fine.

    I am completely lost as to the problem.I may end up just having to reinstall my OS as it has been awhile since the last time.

  3. Hey all.

    Its been awhile since I played CMBB.

    I recently put a new power supply and video card into my system and reinstalled the game.

    Now when I go to play the game freezes briefly and then goes again.Then freezes and then runs again etc etc on and on.Especially when fighting starts it freezes more than normal.

    Nothing in my system has changed from when I ran it before except the above mentioned video card and power supply.

    My system is as follows.

    P4 1.8 GHZ

    768 MB RAM

    Ge-Force FX5700OC video card w/256 MB ram

    Turtle Beach Santa Cruz sound card

    I am thinking it may just be I need to redo my system

  4. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    The treatment of bocage in CMBO sucked, why would you want to repeat it?

    Bocage in real life was not set 20 metres apart, for one thing, secondly - it provided overhead cover which in CMBO it did not. Thirdly, Rhino-equipped vehicles simply moved at will through the bocage, which was horribly unrealistic, not to mention all AFVs were simply assumed to have the devices after a certain date, which again was overly simplified. Not to mention bocage was simply treated as a tall hedge when in reality it was a thick hedge atop large mounds of earth with tangled foliage and in many places a discernible canopy over the road.

    The bocage in CMBO, in short, was nothing like the real thing, so why do you keep clamouring for it to be included in the desert game? I'm sure they'll get it right in CMX2. If they do get it right in CMAK, hey, so much the better, but given that the focus is the desert and the Med, don't get all pissed off when it doesn't come to pass.

    Gee, I seem to recall Battlefront posting once upon a time that they were in the business to make money. That kinda runs counter to releasing CMAK as the be-all end-all of computer games for all time. Did you know that every troop and tank type for 83 different nations will be included, covering the years 1921 - 1974? India-Pakistan, Vietnam, Marines in Central America, Russo-Japanese 1945; should be a great add-on!

    Not. :mad:

    Honestly, the ability to redo some of our CMBO favs in CMAK will be a bonus, but if they decide not to include King Tigers, bocage, The Maus, motorcycles or the doodlebug, I am still going to be a refresh monkey on order night.

    Sounds like someone forgot to take his medication for the day :rolleyes: Geez!!!

    I would love to have the posibility to recreate some of the scenarios from CMBO to CMAK

  5. Originally posted by Jack Carr:

    Got any examples of this?

    I'm betting this thread has the potential to get really hot!

    I dont post much here...mostly lurk...So am somewhat a "newbie" to the forum.

    Here is prime example of what Donan is talking about.


    Now for some the kind of response given would run them off for good..Im to stubborn to let someone like that run me off.

    Also responses like that have a tendancy to turn into flaming wars as well..Nother reason to be polite about something.

    [ August 29, 2003, 05:19 PM: Message edited by: Erwin Rommel ]

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