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  1. Dear Jim, Back in university, I came across several texts which documented high collaboration between racists in the USSR and the SS. Both in the Ukraine and especially the Baltic states, many gangs and mobs were more than happy to turn on the Jews before the van of the Wehrmacht showed up (behind whom were the SS Einsatzgruppen). Especially in the Baltic, documents reveal local racists attacking and killing many Jews. And Stalin was a similiar testament to evil. At first trying to ally with Jewish partisans fighting to defend Russia, he quickly turned on them. Antisemiticism has a long, cyclical tradition in Eastern Europe and Russia, going way back. Even the conquered Poles claim that, even if Hitler was a monster, he still did one good thing: empty the country of Jews.
  2. You mean, BOTH Axis subs were sunk. Get out of town! I wonder if they'll be replaced. j/k. It's late and I'm feelin goofy.
  3. Hubert recently said this: Don't rush or bother the man, but I do believe he is thinking about a patch. I believe he has all the input he needs for the 'next batch.' Very, very, very good.
  4. Disbanding ships for MPPs? What the? Every belligerent was trying so hard to preserve their ships. The only major ship that was 'disbanded' (I think) was the Graf Spee, which was scuttled in an Argentinian port somewhat early in the war. It was scuttled only because the Germans felt it was going to be sunk or captured. There was definitely no material return.
  5. SC:ET is the true heir to COS. After beating the AI a few times and beating my friend, I started afresh with a 1939 campaign, set at hard, and decided do some different stuff with the Axis. Attack Spain, leave the Italians to get Suez, invest in research. Only attack USSR when they prepare for war. Well, it was the best game ever because the AI did some decent logical moves. I almost had the Ruskies when this huge Operation Overlord force attacked Brest in late 1943. I was soundly defeated within 6 turns. The AI is just as good as any wargame out there. I hope Hubert pursues AI scripts, giving the computer various choices in where to press the attack.
  6. Yep I'm all for this option. There are two ways to do this: easy or fancy. I've touched on both before. EASY: USA gets a moderate initial bump in MPPs. Then the USA gets an extra number of MPPs per turn. Example: Total Income for war entry turn is 200, then 225, then 250, 275, 300... etc.. to the point where the USA might be making 1400+. (Remember, in SC2, they must buy the costly units, carry the UK, and have the option to help the USSR) FANCY: Include the option for a player to mess with his nation's Domestic Economy. Before the USA jumped in the war, it was spending only a tiny fraction of its overall economic output on re-arming. Germany's economy too, despite the fact that its forces were highly aggressive, was still focusing the vast majority of its output on non-military production. Only the Soviet Union, playing catch-up, was dedicating large percentages of its economy to re-arming from the 1930s onward. Make sliders for each nation's war economy. The USA is the least militarized; USSR is the most. All belligerents nudge then up, turn by turn. Major events and political leadership affect how much they can be influenced each turn.
  7. Making SC2 'global' would be a noble yet very difficult task. I believe some quality might be sacrificed by being over-ambitious. By the way, this is an absurd thread. I lika alot!
  8. I am thumbs up for special Airborne and Mountain divisions. Why? Because I'd like to use German Airborne everywhere, especially Crete and the UK; and use Mountaineers in the Caucacus, Spain, and Yugoslavia. Another very important function is create a GARRISON unit. The Garrison would be considered a regiment or brigade whose prime function is to secure a city/port. - A Garrison is made by right click on a Corps or Army, and selecting the LEAVE GARRISON option. - A Corps is reduced by 3 or an Army by 2 when they leave a Garrison. Later, the Corps or Army can be reinforced. - A Garrison cannot move; it cannot be reinforced. - It's function is to hold out ideally until help arrives. - Garrisons would ideally exist in nearly every game city that is not occupied by a real unit.
  9. Good discussion. WILDCARDS: of course, more variables and option make for more replayability for sure. NAVAL COMBAT: I assume we're talking SC and not SC2? For SC, I'd just recommend more restrictions on subspotting, more sub diving and retreating, etc... Using suspension of disbelief, I just assumed a Cruiser force was really accompanied by several escorts and such. Escort Destroyer flotillas and hunter/killer doctrines would be SC2 material. STRATEGIC WARFARE: Completely broken? No, that's not wholly true. Strat bombers already attack resources. But Fighters shouldn't be able to attack resources, but yes to cities and ports. However, Strat Bombers should not suffer such enormous losses. In the game, it's common to see a bomber squad suffer 60% to 100% losses in one turn. Get rid of Industrial Tech research? No way! That's a real-life form of research which the Soviets and Germans in particular pursued. Should the Germans naturally decline in industrial input in 1943? NO WAY. By the end of 1943, their armament spending went from $6 billion to $13+, even higher than the Soviets, and it was climbing for a bit even after! They went into Total War mode, gaining far more resources from switching from a consumer economy to a military one, as well as investing heavily in their war factories. So it's the job of the Anglo-Americans to bomb some of this extra production away.
  10. Good suggestion, Zapp, especially with more USA cities. Just adding JFstup's popular suggestion to keep all patch ideas in this thread:
  11. I'm all for adding two low-rank Soviet HQs. Contrary to popular belief, the Soviets were somewhat mobilized for Barbarossa (just not correctly), and they did have working HQs not that different than Leeb's or Bock's.
  12. The Dutch Gambit is an interesting strategy, if you don't think this is a World War II game. But if you want at least some basic values from World War II, you'd remember the English jumped in because they guaranteed the territorial integrity of Poland & Belgium. An Allied attack on Spain is something else entirely. We could assume Franco the Fascist began making more and more public announcements about how great the Axis was. After all, he was tipping close to joining up. Of course, common sense luckily took over.
  13. Another important historical detail would be the problems associated with Allied naval action in the Baltic. The Germans had subnets and mines everywhere. After some consideration, the Allies thought it too great a risk to screw around over there. I'm using those house-rules with my buddy now.
  14. A destroyer flotilla would be great, though it's SC2 material.
  15. John D, Yes, airplanes did begin to attack subs later in the war. Aside from radar, VLR aircraft were vital for spotting them too. So radar and longrange research should allow for some subhunting. I suppose my point is that I consider a UK airfleet to be composed of squadrons of spitfires, mustangs, lightnings, thunderbolts, rocket bombers, etc... These mass produced ones (the bulk of the RAF) weren't made for subhunting. Nor was the Luftwaffe particularly equipped or trained to sink UK capital ships.
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