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Codename Condor

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Everything posted by Codename Condor

  1. France falls July 14. Losses: - 1 AF - 1 tank - 2 army Now its time for Sealion. Ive won last games with Sealion, but this is gonna be tuffer, lets see how it works out.
  2. Big naval battle in Scapa whereabouts, all the german navy is attacking the RN, carriers are being hit. France still resists.
  3. Paris citizens cannot believe their eyes: TANKS!! 1 hex away from Paris!! How can it be? its only turn 3!!!
  4. Condor (axis) vs Zapp (allies) Bid 300:3000 German troopers swarm thru Poland, they dont have a chance against the highly motivated elite armies. In 2 turns all Poland has turned grey. Good news in the West front, the pathetic LC defense has been cracked, prisioners taken to a life imprisionment. The insidous french troops advance towards the mainland grasping a german city in the progress, i just couldnt care less, retribution is gonna be high. Ireland and Denmark are respectively being pinged by ships, both holds. A quick French campaign is expected despite the heavy bid. NEWS...NEWS...NEWS New orders has been given from HQs, no prisioners are gonna be taken in retaliation for the fallen german city. A new fate awaits those prisioners taken... [ December 21, 2003, 09:44 AM: Message edited by: Codename Condor ]
  5. Sealion successful, and allies surrenders. Only a few corps were killed and London was taken in the first wave, despite swarm of coprs Uk couldnt resist long. Date: August 1940.
  6. Condor (axis) vs jul (allies) Bid 200. 1:10 system. [ December 19, 2003, 07:15 PM: Message edited by: Codename Condor ]
  7. just took me a couple of minutes to guess, by guessing Bono is the 1 that has to return with the lamp and that Adam and Larry must cross together, so: First Bono and Edge, Bono returns, then Adam and Larry, Edge returns and finally Edge and Bono again hehe.
  8. Maybe, but I have 0 understanding of the game and would need some time to read/test it out. Getting that many people to play PBEM would be interesting but very slow as some will be gone, working ect. And yes, I want better graphics - where are the designers, they need to patch this baby right now! </font>
  9. Ive just sent u the file JerseyJohn. With that its pretty simple to edit things. Well, i lie...Not as simple as an embedded editor , but if u are not going to do heavy changes is easy enough. And, nope, i didnt notice that posibility about the french forces in different scenarios.
  10. JerseyJohn Yep, im editing COS now, I have implemented your Z-plan!! 1939: The 2 german carriers are in the production row! It will take 9 full turns. Also i have edited&improved the german panzers. I can modify any US troops and improve their efficieny and become marine units as well. I can send u the file formats if u want, pretty easy to mess with an hex editor if u know the file format keys.
  11. Yes, agreed. The forts are way too good, u have to cut supplies off to be able to succeed. The fact is, im missing paratroopers, 1 is not enough!. Im hex editing COS now, modifing units and so and i think im gonna add a couple of Paratroopers to destroy those forts . Great thing in COS and i hope a posibility in future SC2 is the option to allow 3 or more players: Allies/US/German/Italy/Russia, that with TCP/IP would be lots of fun. Bad thing COS doesnt allow Tcp/IP, COS is a fast game to play, but PBEM is possible. Would anyone be interested in a PBEM game? Up to Four factions could be something worth seeing!.
  12. Some of yer friends diesnt like the movie? no problem, just change friends. And yes, agreed. The North Sea and South Atlantic (if Gibraltar has fallen) shouldnt be taken into account by the AI, spliting the Fleet is a bad idea if u are moving the ships only the first turn... Gibraltar is the key of the game, and tho i like it to be as tough as possible by land&sea&air.
  13. What were u expecting? some state-of-the-art bitmaps? . Stalin was still ruling Russia when this game was released.
  14. LMAO, i see u also love the bomb! I agree with u and Edwin P., the Sea Zones system allows the COS AI to launch anphibious operations almost everywhere. U have to garrison all the ports, that takes a lot of corps and also every russian city u conquer to avoid partisans, and u have limited units. The only place u can leave ports ungarrison are the baltic as Hamburg blocks the Baltic, I left Hamburg ungarrison and u had a nightmare. In COS u cant operate units (only 1 unit & only 10 hexes away...), only 3 reserves the first impulse of a turn, so u better leave troops in france. U have to be aware that if its July and impulse nº 2 and the AI is launching D-Day Op. u cant send reinforcements for a long long time... One weakness of the AI in Naval Warfare is that the AI only moves the fleet in the first impulse, so u can look for Sea Zones, get supremacy and slowly destroy the powerful allied fleet. Id like the AI to react EVERY impulse to my fleet moves as a human player would do. I think the Sea Zones system in COS is just simple & perfect.
  15. Nope, no need to install the game, just unzip and thats the game. Run install.bat and select sound installation only, i.e. soundblaster. The protection codes that asks the game are inside the zip file and so is the manual.
  16. Les, u can download COS from Underdog too, but u also need to TPpatch, dont know where u can download that program from, trying google...
  17. I know u are a big fun of COS JJ, ive been reading yer posts hehe. And i know about the russian engineer, i remember it was the most hated unit in the war and german units always chasing him all the way around trying to isolate&kill him so he cant return in 1 year time!. Be aware JJ that the AI cheats in some areas, one of them is that AI has 70% defense bonus on forts and added to the 3 defense bonus in forts... Iron Ranger try the game, its easy to run u will like it!
  18. Im in heaven, i finally managed to get “oldie” Clash of Steel running in my “state-of-the-art” puter under Winxp, geeze. Read below if u want to try the game, u don’t know what u r losing. I had forgotten the beauty of this game, I read the manual and other undocumented features and I see that I wasn’t aware of all the features in those old days. SC is the nearest thing to COS that has come to live, but there are very different in some aspects, lets review some of them. - Sub warfare: Perfectly handled in COS. Really accurately recreates the sub warfare. SC doesn’t get it. - Strategic Bombers: Perfectly handled in COS. SC doesnt get it. - Weather: Cool in COS. There’s no weather in SC, no Russian winter … - Naval Warfare: Im sure somebody would disagree with me, but I found the Sea Zones system much better that the actual SC system. In COS u can have great Naval Battles, with group formations that recreates history. No way u can destroy Fleets with yer mighty Jets level 4 as we see every SC game. - Units: Limited units in COS and Production Queues!!!: only have 4 AFs as Germany, only x armies, corps…Manpower. U can build unlimited numbers of AFs, armies in SC. No manpower. - Tech: Better represented in COS. Too luck involved in SC. - Special units: Engineers that build forts, Paratroopers to destroy that forts or negate rivers defense bonus. In SC u have Rockets, cool feature but a loser strategy tho. - Interceptions: U can choose if u want to intercept bombers or not in COS. U cant in SC. - Industrial Production: In COS u have Industry Base Modifiers for each country that vary from year to year. i.e. Germany 1939 is 1.0, an in 1945 is 2.0. USA 1940 is 1.0 and in 1945 is 4.0. SC doesn’t handle this in a realistic way. There’s also the possibility to Upgrade Countries in COS. - Autorefit vs Reinforcements COS refit is automatic and that is good for the mouse. SC lets u choose units to reinforce and sometimes, believe me, that takes a lot of brain work. Good for brain development. - Special Rules: Special rules in COS for Malta, now Malta is important, Norway, Homeguard, Blitzkrieg… Gibraltar tough to get in COS but once u have it… - Logistics: In COS u can only operate 1 unit and put 3 units in reserve. In SC as long as u have money no limits. - Anphibious invasions: COS has Mulberries!!! But in no-retreat hexes luck&cheat involved. SC good anphibious invasions BUT no limits in transports wandering around looking for holes… - Diplomacy: Political Pressure in COS that allows to much cheating. SC represents much better the way countries react to DOWs. - Special Combat Skills: Only in COS, such as Russian Infiltration, German Movile Defense,… that recreates better history. - HQs: SC HQs rocks!!! better than in COS. Also Auto attachment of units to HQs is good to speed things up. - AI: I think both games have implemented a great AI. I heard that the COS 1.1 AI was mutilated and the good AI is in COS 1.0. I dunno about COS Future Edition. - Bugs: SC has some flaws so has COS. But SC has released 7 patches!!! - Graphics: Much better in SC and the possibility to download other icons, Well, Elvis was still alive when COS was released… - Mods, editors: No possibility in COS, only with and hex editor. SSI has lost the Source Code and the designers have completely disappeared of the face of the world. Abducted??? SC comes with and editor, but people wants more features in it… Im sure Ive left a few other things, but as conclusion I can tell u COS is much more realistic whilst SC is so fun!. Great games and waiting till SC2 that im sure its going to be the best “great strategic game” ever. To Get COS: 1- You can find COS here. Go to files. Thx a lot to Manstein!!!. He has patched it, so u wont get the runtime error. COS 2- Download VDMSound here and u will hear those tanks rolling again. VDMSound 3- Unzipped COS, no need to install. Right click on COS.bat and choose “play with VDMS sound” 4- I think u wont need the DOSbox, a DOS emulator. 5- Enjoy it! See u in the battlefield. [ November 26, 2003, 05:02 PM: Message edited by: Codename Condor ]
  19. Thats good for u cos the condor is hammering tonite with new strategy: CCRH=Condor Cracks Rambos Head Big Time.
  20. Well...rambo surrenders after a terrible campaign. i was willing to heavy fights&long game. Not rambo night...it looks more like a newbie than rambo playing...If u dont know how to counter LC gambit turn 2 then dont attack poland with everything...
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