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Posts posted by Liam

  1. There is more involved than just money. If someone conquors Britian, I usually would say the game is over depending on how bad. Historically it's accurate to that degree. Similarly, if you should conquor the USSR, I'd say there's little chance of the Western Allies Winning... Which we came VERY close to.

    Is it a game of economics, well, was WW2? The US/Britian/Russia outproduced/had greater manpower and better strategy ultimately to win. All those are key factors<accept manpower> That's fairly unlimited in this game...

    The War was about personal Ambition. Mousillini just hoped on the bandwagon as did all the Minors.. Japan and Germany were the two Warm Bodies.

    The War was impossible for these two to win on a grand stragetic scale without extremely good planning. Which they never had.. The Japs stopped short of delivering a Death Blow to the USA. Who had 28<?> times the economy of Imperial Japan. A wild figure like that anyways...

    Perhaps with 3 years of Pacific Expansion and Hitler's continued "luck," would the War have gone to the Axis...They did come out with Some heavy Blitz style strategy. Both sides, the Japs ran way past supply on many Islands and Pearl was a bold move on their part<not quite the deliverance they needed, they needed the carriers>

    Though in 1941 with the Winter setting on, the War was finally in Question. With the Death of the 6th Army the Russians had won more than a strategic victory. A true morale victory<we can beat these guys> We're 3 times their #s. We're fighting for our home<ultimately for our own lives> We we will prevail. The Utterances of Winston Churchill the conservative yet very able FDR...The psycho Stalin just proved too much for two unstable Men like Tojo and Hitler to overcome...

    Hitler was afterall a poor General. He never made higher than the Rank of Corporal

    Hitler had what 150 German Units vs 400+ Russians? Not counting a second front that should've earlier!

    Really what you see is Axis early successes then a downward spiral in the War... They either grab Moscow or London in one big Deathly move Or lose...<that or had been a bit better Politicians and sued for peace with Stalin>

  2. As far as Italy being an Economic power. i think I've covered this before. It's producing near to what Great Britain produces after the fall the incorpation of the Baltics...You take a canal and this or that.. She ends up being a Significant power in the World.

    Historical Italy was as about as powerful as historical France, Non-factor... She was not prepped for Was, she didn't have the money after it's Colonial Conquests. She was pretty flat broke from what I remeber...

    She wouldn't be much good to anyone with poor leadership, no real expansion of Industry to the degree that other World Powers had done. I.E. Britian, USSR, Germany, USA.

    She was a minor and she should be made even more minor.

  3. Also with your extra cash, on rnd2 if he hasn't attacked you...and your luftflottes are strong. Move the Luftflottes up to level with Copenhagen and build a Corps on the border with Denmark... Attack it rnd3...

    Sometimes I get it in 1 rnd or 2... Doesn't matter experience for the luftwaffe..you need it to take Norway and he will still probably be confused and aranging defenses. Take your time... You have only one objective Air Supremacy..

    Luck is the only thing that will save him...time and luck

  4. Well, actually John. Use this formation, starting from the ocean adjacent hex on the border with the low countries



    Army<on city>


    all 3 Air within striking range of Antwerp rnd 1...

    Runstedt transfered behind city...close as you can...

    go in with 3 air strikes first, army, straight across, armor to the north, corps to the south. You may get it with only those 3 units. Save the corps to occupy the Forest Hex...

    Leave everything else in Poland...

    Lock the forces together, do not run after him. Let him die slowly...

    Usually! If you hit early, the English/French don't have HQ bonuses yet. So you're going to have that advantage with your air and you'll lose a lot less anyways then if you wait till they do! The worst they can usually do it kill 1 corps and damage the heck out of your units. Though they've got 2 subs to hunt in the North Sea and they can easily escape death then... Only one shot by Navy at the tank and Occuppying corps...

    Usually those city units are strong!!!

    By the time he gets in position, it'll be nice and entrenched and hopefully you'll be operating over Polish Frontier Reserves. Stay away from combat right off. Wait till your Air is Massive..

    minimum 6 air units...

    After you capture the Dutch, Capture the Danish, Capture the Norwegians. Stuff the fleet in port max them out at 11 each.. and smack up the French. You'll find that with superior air, even as much as <7 units> you can get him latest is August... That's still better than eating the losses you get from a Full frontal attack earlier.. and end up waiting just as long anyways.

  5. I don't know about the emphasis on Stalingrad. I've never made my mind up about it as the key target. I would bypass Crimea to get to it, regardless of the counsequences...as it could as mentioned before<lying in a fixed position> be pounded all through the Winter by Artillery. I would imagine that taking Leningrad and Moscow before Winter was over as monumental. Then Stalingrad the following year...

  6. Well, to be honest with you, I can only share so much. I will tell you this. I just used this tactic on Rambo tonight successfully, although I didn't get a crack at the English Mainland. I didn't lose a single Army/AF/Panzer<just 1 corps>. You need to keep the Polish Reserves in a straight line. They can't really attack their rnd2. Round 3 they could but it would be overextended themselves without a HQs. you can use your air and 1 hit from the 10 strength army there to keep them Honest...

    I was done with Poland rnd3 with Rambo and transfered over, took Norway then took France. Lately I have been perfecting the art of a rnd 3 death for Poland. It's something you get a feel for without airfleets... Attack with Supply only. Don't attack Warsaw proper. Destroy individual units as you go. In a series... Some dice help... In my last game I did Poland rnd2 along with Low Countries.

    If he moves all his air in, all carriers... You will have to buy those extra airfleets. Then Sea-Lion has to be a great consideration. Rambo is keeping the French out of sight ;)

    He doesn't realize I know this..but I don't care as Germany has Sweden and is near producing 550+ mpps..

    I really think French Units suck past the Fall of France. Like weak Italians...

  7. Concerning making certian Norway falls in 1 turn! Which is utterly vitale to the Germans. bring 2 Armies 1 corp. and place 3-4 fighters in Denmark in around the Fall of France and have an extra corp to rellocate to Bergen

    DO NOT engage the Royal Navy but if she should come your way, use your corps as bait. Use your airt to whack his carriers down to 5, it will take him several times to recover...

  8. I'd like Strategic Exchange of Resources. For the Allies Via Shipping lanes. For the Axis similarly and from Neutrals. Though Primarily the European Axis were self sufficient. Much of the metals the UK got was from the US

    I would like the diversity of Fuel/Metal/ManPower to be included in the game. That would completely change the effect of conquoring certian territories, making the Middle East, Caucaus mnts, US valuable places...

  9. The key to starting with the axis is stopping the dutch gambit. I am going to put up some notes as I know that some of you have become as fustrated as I have with Allied scum, avoiding the German Fist of War.

    When you begin this Game, attack Poland with 1 air unit from the West Luftflotte, highlighting the Polish AF. Then hit it from Danzig. Move in all your armies, accept for the tank in the North and the 2 air and 1 army.

    Keep all your units connected do not break connection of your units or your readiness the following round will be killed by encircling Poles attempting to cut your supply and delay the death of Poland. Slowly Move the force like a Sweeper over Poland and know that it's often they hide Polish Air in the Far North West of Polish sooned to be Russian territoral hexes.

    Don't let him put much in the mountains either, they will help him hold out...

    After that you Move the Luftflottes in striking range of the Dutch. Operate the Army on a straight path with Antwerp. Tank above it and two corps above and below them both. Along with Runstedt HQs...

    The following round he will move to defend with the Dutch Gambit, but won't have a chance as you will attack and conquor the Dutch in 1rnd. With all those forces it's nearly impossible to stop. Move the HQ over Essen and stay away from the Dutch for rnd1...

    Then he will react 2 ways. Attack hard, or just wait... Likely he'll just wait and build up his forces. Poland will be smacked up round two, If he's left many high Readiness German Armies lined up on Warsaw take it so he cannot resupply and then you can begin to hunt fleeing Units, the next round...

    Poland will usually fall in 3-4 rounds if you keep your armies supplied, important not to let him run way out in front of your Lines, claiming hexes as Allied and blocking your Readiness as your units are not much good then...

    Stay defensive against the Allies if they haven't attacked. buy a corps with your earnings if you have to, to hold the lines.. That or rebuild the damaged ones. Though your #1 goal now is to mass German Air. You want to buy 1 at fall of Dutch, 1 at fall of Poland, then rellocate all your forces from Poland to France accept for 2 armies and 1 corps...

    Move them to be Hannover to be transported to Norway... Still do not engage the French unless they leave a very tasty, tasty army open for you attack. Keep your Air units Strong and invade the Dutch using two Luftflottes or 3, knock it down. Then transport your armies, move up to Norway, 2 armies both sides of Oslo. 1 corps behind. Hit Norway with 3 airfleets, move the armies up after you land them, then strike as then you will take the Port. Then you can directly transport the Corps into the capitol and The Norwegians are now gone too...

    Now that you've bought another air for the following turn...

    moved and strengthed all your units.. Facing the French. You'll have as much as 6 German Air units, if he's defensive even 7. You will need that many... You begin by hitting the British that do not have have Headquaters and the French that are not in the Ardenne forest. If the Allies move Carriers to intercept that aren't in Port hit them and sink them if it costs you a German air. Becareful to watch what intercepts and remeber which will be weakest..

    Keep striking one French Army a round, until he's open if their is a French HQ near the border move air in close enough to kill it... Keep a corps in the South ready to protect from a French Runner or an open hex in the Southern Most Maginot.

    It will take a bit but you will lose a lot less this way attacking France...and it will fall, if Britian puts his back into the defense... Do not stress... It will only weaken him for Sea Lion or for your expansion into Med-Iraq-Spain-Portugal. Keep German HQs close to frontline Units. Only go for it once you know he's on the run and do not pursue French retreating to Britian focus on the Capitol, catch them before they get out of Port to Freedom.

    If the Italians come in, and he's moved his fleet ot the N.Sea immediately hit Suez. 1 corps/1 army if you can manage it to the opposite side to hit the defenders in on the Canal if he has one. Using ship bombardment the Canal will fall. Then you will need a Italian HQ IMHO to really force Alexandria to fall fast.

    The rest is butter, but it's important to strike this way... If you want a strong Axis. You cannot lose half your Armies attacking France and expect to Grow fast and Win.

    It's about Economy for Germany, she starts out short though she has an Army her HQs and Air are her only True pluses Against France. Use them Wisely. Air around Ports and on cities are better remeber that!

  10. There are a few ways to accomplish this goal. You must take Alexandria and Suez first. Bombard it to Hell..

    Send in your full fleet assisted by German Air right after fall of France. Knock out vichy and take Syria for supply help locate 4-5 italian corps and 1 german corps.. and 2-3 air and perhaps an italian army and she will fall in 1 rnd. However if you think going through the mountains of Iraq to get to USSR is easy, think again. Sometimes it's more a liability... Without Spain and Gibraltar especially.

  11. It is a City in all the other Wargames I play. Considering the importance of the Crimea I would have to give it city status when you're going to give Albania a port and major city. It probably adds up to 1/8th the production of the Crimean pennisula during WW2...

    I doubt the guns mattered, too cumbersome and too slow rate of fire. Aircraft would easily of taken their place in bombardment roles.

  12. In this game it's unimportant. They should make it worth something a bit more substantial. Leningrad is a better target, you get Finnish Wealth for it. As is Sweden... Though all can be costly to defend.. They need to offer up something more for Sevastopol

  13. Gazza and Liam = Draw

    Gazza bid of 100<?>

    We've been fighting a few nights... Hellish war, Germany had 8 HQs<4 of which had 4 solid experience bars> Russia had 8 level 5 fighters towards the final conflicts, both ended with tech5 antitank. The Axis fleet nearly was the size of the Allied fleet combined in the end, and larger. Allies outproduced by did not outman the Germans...<Spain still in question & portugal> Germans could never break the air war though so we decided to Draw the game.

    stalemate in Egypt. Slow muddy progress in Russia until the great line began. Fair progress in Normandy...Almost pushed the Allies back in the Sea. Until Mid-1942 only lost 2 sea unit/and 1 land unit as far as I remeber. That's it... Excellently played Axis; Allies deserves a big applause

  14. Well, amphibious units in real life prepared to make a landing do it all in one turn. They don't sit at sea long. What's the longest you could keep a dozen men on one of those craft before they jumped out from insanity? I doubt a week!

    That should be taken into consideration here. Also the US had massive naval capabilities. While Germany and Russia did not. Britian and France were comparable but not quite. Italy was from what I know mostly an offensive, though perhaps with some limited transporting abilities. In order to have carried out say for instance the Invasion of Ethiopia.

    This should be reflected in the game. What major landing did the Germans ever achieve? Germany was like a big cat. She didn't like to swim!

    She never made a single huge amphibious operation of the War. Only the US/UK were capable of financing a D-day..The UK relied on US Ships to do this, that was the backbone of their fleet. Those cheap hastily manafactured landing craft pontoon boats and whatever else landbridges she could muster. Then she only crossed a reasonable stretch of land.

    Germany was looking at her possibilities of Sea Lion but like I said it obviously didn't suite them in the least bit. The Kriegsmarine was in no position for any such operation and to balance the game properly all nations should have a certian time deficit in order to produce massive amphibious attacks on the D-Day 1 million man scale.

    Also you should give the attacker certian bonuses if he does achieve the expensive tech that the US achieved to finance that invasion. I.E. So many turns of full or decent supply. Bonus for Shock landings, as the enemy didn't always know where the enemy is comming from Since France is quite small in this Hex game. It's very easy to cover. Units would unload right into other units that were protecting the beach head. You can't do that in a blocked hex here. We need the ability to force the Retreat of a unit<knocking it back> a hex from constant bombardment, aerial, naval and knocking it back from the front line. Not as as fully moving it 50 miles but rather as a representation that it has been displaced by superior amphibious Assualt forces...

    That way the game is more diverse, realistic, etc...

    The DEFINITELY lower the bombardment level of ships, they work better than a 1000 B-17s in this game. Highly inaccurate..

    The Bomber should replace the battleships as frontline bombardment and even the Carriers<they shouldn't be a mainstay diet of N.Sea operations>

  15. From what I understand the V-1s and 2s were highly inaccurate. You basically just pointed them in a general direction. Chances of hitting ground troops being next to impossible. Not only that but the early Models were hunted down by Prop aircraft. I have a picture on my wall where a British Pilot Beaumont, shot down his first V1 in a Tempest.5 June 22nd 1944.

    Aircraft are overrated in this game. The problem is that armor doesn't carry enough of a sting. There is no true unentrenching tool like artillery or divebombers. So they're including it all in Air units. Making highly inaccurate.

    We should have artillery, highly mobile units, and more hexes on the map for flanking possiblities. Many of the historical cities<major cities> are not represented on the Game map that should be there. Thus more space to cover for Advancing Armies. I would say that Rockets do not belong in the Game at all, for all they did...amounted to killing mostly civilians not unlike Scuds in the Gulf War. Not Precise enough to matter

    Even rockets attached to fighters were no good unless at very close range.

  16. One note on this subject, Hitler got a lot of Gold for when he plundered a Nation he took their Gold Reserves too which is a valuable item for each country. Chamberlain gave him one of those without a fight! Without these early plunders the Third Reich would've been possible. Should've never been possible! <when your money loses it's value Gold Holds it's value> That was the Job of the US<who chose Isiolationism> and Britian & France to keep her under control. They knew a lot was going on in Germany, unchecked. Anti-War turned into Utterly Foolish!

  17. Well, as I said a long time ago. I'm not sure that any one unit was ever decisively killed in WW2 due to just Air Power. I don't recall reading or seeing anything too specific. I know #s may have been reduced to practically nill though besides that it's probably unrealistic to allow aircraft to deal the final blow to ground units Period.

    There were too many places to entrench back then. Depending on the soil, terrain you could always hide the tanks, armored vehicles, troops, positions, etc... Especially with good camoflouge in Norther Europe. It would be Hell to find every infantrymen and kill them...

    You must put some realism in here as far as that's concerned. It's quite redicilious that Fleets of airships make armies obsolete. Perhaps a price increase, or a greater Ack penalty when attacking units in cities would be appropiate. Cities like Berlin had MANY guns pointed at the skies and thousands of planes were downed by enemy ack. Though here you don't get that same feeling. Plus it's hard to ever hit a precise target with those old WW2 style Aircraft. You really didn't find full effectiveness of aircraft in bad weather or in bad terrain in WW2...

    Even in Nam, it was all too obvious the terrain favoured the North and the US air was not at it's best in those conditions. Nam would be a 5, I would say parts of Europe to be the same... Almost

  18. Gazza<100, Allies> over Liam

    this was one hell of a fight. France claimed 2 German air, all their armies but one. Germany bounced back and took all minors but Turkey, Canada, Ireland..Malta<till late in the game>

    We had a massive battle in Iraq over that, it was a stalemate. Russia was an awesome superpower. tech 5 fighters on par with tech 5 Germans but just too many Russians. They invaded Finland great job there and destroyed an HQ and later invaded Sweden and took it...

    He used the Allies as a Pawn to invade Brest and they held a beachhead never went anywhere. I conceded in the end as Warsaw was in his hands and Norway/Sweden was gone. That was it.. He would have 20-25 Russian Air and it was only 1944 it was over. He ruled seas as well. Very good player at zapping units one bye one..

  19. I had a game vs CroPanzer that was bid on. I'm not certian that it was latter match now but I put it in the heading. He quit right away and never said a word to me. Though we bid for it like it was a ladder match... I would like to hear from him on the ruling on this since I conceded a match to him and he plays all Ladder is it okay to quit a match and not report it and I never get credit

    That match would've been 125 Liam Beats CroPanzer<allies>

    It's just that he disconnected never answered for like 3 weeks and it's not reported up there. If I made a mistake sorry

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