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Posts posted by Liam

  1. The Mediterrean is only 99% Axis cause the Brits go for other targets, and historically the Italians did have Naval supremacy awhile they just never did anything with it<especially after frogman damaged vital British Battleships in Port Alexandria>Well, I disagree about experience. Though it maybe should be called quality! Russia should have more units and there should be -minus not exp. but quality. -4 and all minors including Italy should have -Quality units cause in the real War they all looked at the enemy a lot in binoculars..

    Army Group North was never destroyed.. though encircled

  2. The Italians have two very good roles after they survive with a fleet. Mediterrean mopping up of Brits<including Malta, Suez and Alexandria> invasion assistance for vichy/iraq/spain/greece... break out of gibraltar is usually by that point a moot point<with 2 more US BSs and their updated carriers> but with a weak Allies...a pretty good force to hold along the coast with airpower...to harass allied shipping. Give the Italians a big army and use them to defend Europe..while Germany attacks and remeber HQs are as important as twice as many units...

  3. Liam Surrenders to Rambo in in April 1944

    <bid forgotton, around 150 I think>

    German troops took LC trn2 and Poland soon after. They destroyed france, but lost a fighter in the process a pain they would regret in the future. Germany moved into Norway, Sweden, and Italy moved into Greece and Suez/Alexandria. Vichy surrendered hastily to Germans shortly before Barbarossa and OP getting Bahgdad. the Invasion of Russia was slow, and very bad weather hurt the German advance. That and some disagreements amongst two great leaders, bock and runstedt.

    The US came in and the UK and their free French invaded their beloved home. They were pushed back into the Sea, by several Italian/Germany armies. With air superiority in 1942 there was little the Allies could do but sit back and wait and the Russians had moved all airplanes to the urals for refitting parts, updates,etc..

    The German's and their Italian Allies never successfully took Malta, and moved into Spain shortly afterwards. It feel like a load of bricks in 2 turns. Then Portugal and thinking they were alright turned themselves back onto the Russian Front. Though Fairly experienced troops now, they'd not taken one Russian City. So the Germans used a few attacks to attempt to make headway. They killed many Russians, but many more came and then the Allies invaded Norway. The Norway was a failure though many British Aces came of it, that the future Luftwaffe would concede almost all victories too. Aside from a meeting north of Jylland where German's sank an American Battleship and retreated successfully, and despite high losses for the Axis, the Norway Campaign was a stalemate for over a year. Tech4 came in for the Germans and they attempted to use their new Jets against Russia<though because of a design change and Albert Spear being sick> the were never effectively used until the Russian's had transformed their on Aircraft into Long Range, high speed tech4 planes as well. Riga nearly fell, and with that the possability of a Russian collapse in the North, never came. The window of opportunity went and soon the German's fell the full rage of The Allies in Norway and Russia. Falling back, the German's were reduced to half #s before their ultimate demise. Sweden was never taken, the RAF though pounced out more Italian and German corps than could be worth placing there...

    The Italians, despite their losses, moved in a wolfpack and Battleship/Cruiser into the Atlantic to give much needed pressure of their German Allies. An invasion was attempted of The USA and failed as well as Canada shortly after. Although many freighters were sunk the edge was never really taken. Operating obsolete US aircraft were good enough to stop a successful domination of the Pacific by the Italian Navy though till the end, they were uncontested in Free waters...

    In the end, the Luftwaffe and at the forefront ReichMarshall Adolf Galland threw all remaining German Gents<and Jets> against the oncoming hordes of Russians, delivering a deathly blow.. Forcing the Russians to rethink their strategic air command...though they quickly replaced those losses and ultimately it was in the bag<surrendering honourably to the Russian Dogs of War tongue.gif


  4. Was it possible for the German's to have built a Nuclear Aircraft without that particular resources? That's quite a weapon, not sure the imbalance it would make in the game. It would be everyone's aim to end the game...

    In Japan the regular heavy US bombers did more damage than the nukes...ultimately...totalling those cardboard houses into smitherines

  5. I know for a fact that even Nepalese served in the Far East. My grandfather fought along side them, the dreaded Girkers<sp?> They were a force to be reckoned with... The German's had their storm troopers though in this game nothing respresents that. Could we have 2 Storm trooper Corps with 3 points of Experience? Regarding their unique training... I don't know if Brit Commando units were ever in such large #s but even a SAS low strength corps for early deployment ability by already being in transport mode and near an area of high importance...i.e. brest, norway, or Gibraltar... strength 5, and experience 4

  6. Oil is a complicated question for WW2. It became more important later in the War than earlier and making it a factor would be tough. Now by giving it such a healthy value MPP wise makes it important. Perhaps we could include another sort of oil bonus instead... Representing the value of them...

    Remeber ships, and airplanes and trucks are also very reliant on oil!

    Maybe some sort of Readiness bonus for units. i.e. after 1942 1% per active oil field. As long as that unit is not cut off from his Mother territory...

  7. This is an unusual outcome!

    I have had tech-3 italian fighters but I've never seen them jump this far ahead, in other areas! They usually perform well in France though! I love the presence of 4-5 Italian Armies and tons of Corps with HQs they're the perfect attrittion Armies against the Allies that usually need that money on Reinforcing air.. I would have liked to seen this Map...I doubt the true Italians had this sorta capability in them as a Nation in 1939-1945

  8. disorder:

    as said in the manual resulting MPP losses determind by on a value of sub strength as well as potential MPP income from these areas. Gibraltar, Alexandria, Canada, Malta...

    Usually I max out at 12 MPP damage<tech 1> strength 10 subs... You figure Canada is only worth 30 MPPs so anymore than 3 subs unless protecting one another is too much involvement... 25 in the med, combination 55 MPPs...about that I assume, with an Italian fleet in place and no British assualt on Minors you're suffocating her production bad...

    as far as Russian Convoys,

    you should be allowed to manipulate it cause it would effect the lack of income for Russian and Britian. You would in effect cause things to change, but it would balance the German Minor Annexations... Think of 100 MPPs in 1940 to Britian! The requirement of a German Sub fleet would be massive! If you expanded the German sub fleet into raiders instead of surface hot dogs ;) you would get more out of them. Lately if you're fortunate you get the Hood or a Brit Battleship..Good payoff but it's a waste for even having German subs...Also having a Archangel/Murmansk shipment of MPPs would give the Russians a "much needed" boost from UK/USA and it's so hard for Russia to hold off the Germans in 1941...If the German's get the right start off.. Perhaps some players may choose not to bring the US in till 1942 or later and just contribute to her Allies... It is a possible event in history without Pearl, and without German declaration of War...With German declaration as was historical we may have neutral waters around certian amount of the Atlantic blocking U-boats from getting right up on US MPPs transports...

    I think that Ice up north would be nice... I don't recall many shipments then, and I do recall Churchill complaining than nearly all of their precious shipments to Russia were sunk by German Raiders operating there to prevent Russia from getting much needed early supplies.

    This would stop some of the Neutral battles, if you implaced greater punishment for Allies invading neutrals and make a real North Atlantic War and once you own the Atlantic you own the MPP trade offs... Making N.America as would've been historically and dead end for Support with enough subs...Also forcing Germany to contribute to buying subs and subtech to keep up with the times or else allow unimpedded Convoys

  9. I suppose I'm trying to look for more of a Kriegsmarine because the Italian fleet is the only naval strength for the Axis. I think that a Kiel-Pacific Warp would make at least the ability to have real sea battles interesting! Playability is what the games about ;)

    The expanded roles of U-boats is very appealing to me. They are wolves of the water, they don't prey about bigger predators they hunt the weak meat. and were deadly

  10. A simple yet effective answer to this problem would be the boost system. Launch the Heavy Cruisers and battleships from a location and Germany to simulate historical routes unless the Icelandic port is captured...they pour out into the North Atlantic though Transports cannot be carried in tow<unless we were to charge 3 times> Being slow, unarmed and very cumbersome transports would be easy targets for the smallest British Man 'O War.. ;)

    I would love if the Designers would allow the Graf Zeppelin to be built earlier... We do have our own scenarios, although I would like to see it in the game as a Battleship you cannot increase the Strength on until a certian timeframe. It would balance out the pathetic German Naval forces, heck, take the sub it doesn't add much

  11. Oh and as far as convoys are to Russia people from the US, since the US is not a major player in Europe. Why not allow the Allied player to modify the politics by increasing the MPP flow to the two future Allies though at the possibility of stirring up Axis Minors more quickly... That would be giving more control to the Player and less to the game... Also perhaps with this lowering US readiness by contributing too much to the War effort Already Syndrome.

    The map could be bigger without a problem, I think playability wouldn't be hurt a bit...In fact to make things more simplistic why not just add in a few hexes regarding the ports and supply routes available to the Allies were many 'axis subs' were sunk that are not currently visible on the map.

  12. Disorder, I am not quite a newbie<but I'm a rookie majourly> I know it seems kewl to have 4 German subs operating in the N.Sea and you think you're getting something in return for it. Though this game is a matter of Fronts. You'll find that any decent Allied player tosses your U-boat fleet and you don't collect for long on it unless you're making lots of MPPs and earned tech

  13. The inclusion of extra seazones are important in my opinion for a lot of ships and men were lost there. Especially in the North...and even some in the Indian Ocean..That would expand the Naval capability of the game. This is strategic Command Europe, if the Pacific was including would be a different story altogether. When you consider the diversity of Supply and Navies and AirPower in this game already some adjustments could be envisioned. Murmansk, Iceland, Persian Gulf and that would make for some more playability.

  14. A lot of this is good talk!!! You know with the German Air Supremacy over the Red Bear during the early days of Barbarossa what was a Suprise Contact??? Now you've got to have an expensive bomber present to get the extra hex coverage. Intel would be interesting HOW ABOUT HIS! As was historical, the Partisans at a certian tech level for Russia are placed by that individual instead of random partisans! That could make a huge difference in supply gaps, as well as more partisans available for Russia but not level 5 corps. More like level 2-3 Corps...A bit more accurate, few thousand men with explosives and basic equipment...

  15. I agree also Franco was one of Hitler's buds, if anything the Spanish would've joined before Hitler would've invaded. They shared much in common and during the Spanish Civil War much of the equipment used was German for trial of their new War Machine... They had love for each other, some of the pilots that flew in that war were German!

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