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Posts posted by Liam

  1. Yes! Leadlease was a big deal. Arms made the American's come out of the Great Depression! Britian stood alone in 1940 against the biggest Bully the World had seen since Napoleon. She needed those little 'extras' to keep her Island Soveriegn until the War extended in Russian or US territorial interests...in effect Churchill was smart, bidded his time, he had plenty.

    Hitler had much less, squandered what little advantage he did have after France/Poland/Low Countries/Denmark/Norway and great successes early on against British Merchant Marine. Stopping where he was in his tracks it was time to reassess the Bigger picture!

    Neutrality does have a lot to do with things! You can't operate huge armies through enemy territory without consequences. Hitler and Mousilline declared war on the US in 1941 partly due to the fact they knew they aided Britian and they wanted to extend their U-boat wolfpacks throughout the Atlantic Sea. She wasn't in any position to face the combined Power of USSR/USA...Britian was more a minor of the US after 1941...<the knife in Hitler's back> Foolish politicians had made similar mistakes in WW1 dragging the US into the War during the last days and turning what could've been a complete victory for the Axis to a defeat...

    Violating Neutrals is what cost Germany the first War...It influenced the second by having left fear in the US's heart and instilled it by doing pretty much the same thing all over again...

  2. Well, I don't know if it's been covered in this topic. Though I would like to point in reality you can stack a crapload of armies in a 50 mile hex...What's it 50-50? 250 square miles aprox? not quite... Not bad! You could probably fit a million men in such a place... Though as in Civilization III points out, why not have multiple attacks as well? like got 10, attack with 10? That eliminates the stacking benifit as a defensive posture...

  3. As many things are figured in John, the way I put in it in my first post. That the economics are tied in, that was Hubert's idea I 'think'.

    That the reason Germany makes such good money and the other major nations from relatively small Resource pools is they're already collecting anyways on Foreign nations though you can't see it visibly, it's taken for granted. More or less like you can't see Stukas though you can't for granted when 9 German AirFlottes attack a line of Russian defenders and destroys them utterly you have them included in the Flottes. As well as Destroyers, Artillery in Armies, AntiAircraft-Naval bombardment Artillery in Ports, unit antiaircraft.

    Although a lot of these factors would be interesting to elaborate on... I would like the inclusion of Artillery, Anti-aircraft as a seperate entity. I would like destroyers as a cheaper mainstay for German Naval production. Say something that stops hordes of Russian Corps from storming Sweden or Northern Germany cause with his Industrial tech they're little more than a nuisance<tie up force> for the Germans. It would stop foolish landings in North America, Britian, and other places in the Med for Germany and Italy to have a General defensive Gunboat of sorts...

    Though that is getting on a deeper level...

    I wouldn't mind dive-bombers<anti-tank technology>, medium bombers<close range OPs>, heavy bombers<strategic><which we have> also included. Also purely Fighter aircraft only...

    As far as Sweden's economy well I mean as far as the Rest of the Free World being tied up into the Allies, though it doesn't incorporate in the game Sweden is a big cash crop if you want to stop the German's using it.. I don't really like the Swedish Front I think it's sorta Ahistorical to have 2 million men in Scandanavia on both sides and 10 thousand aircraft each... as well as the entire navies of both nations tongue.gif

    I wouldn't mind making permanent Neutrals... Giving the Mines to Germany Given that she invades and conquors both Denmark and Norway as a given...Switzerland wasn't worth the effort to invade and it would have been a Political Suicide<early in the War> as many other invasions would've been. Likely including Sweden...

  4. Don't engage the Germans in France. Use a delaying action. Use the French Fleet for scrap metal besides those turning Free... Scrap the French fighter<after first couple intercepts>...<as it will be obsolete soon> Build tons of corps. Move all British Air to London area to intercept German fighters, move all UK Carriers as well to intercept. Along with French Corps you'll hold off as long as you could with a French HQ. I have had a guy build 2 French HQs and it didn't help much. Only if the German really messes around with France does it really make a difference and has little or no Air.

    Retreat your PAF to the furthest NorthWestern Hex in Poland. Push your polish corps into mountains as far away from German mainline troops as possible<crisscross over supply hexes weakened their readiness>. If you get 4-5 turns out of them feel happy...

    Use Dutch gambit if he wastes all his time in Poland...

    Also alternative approach, kill the German fleet with the French fleet...

    It really helps the Allies out later in the War

  5. Please no!

    I mean I'm not going to be a party pooper. The Pacific on it's own is halfway interesting theatre. Though Island hopping like steppe hopping puts most of us to sleep...

    Just ask the people that play A&A none of them Island hop with the US unless they're really unconventional. It's slow, it's pointless as you gain too little and really it becomes a war for bigger Fish. Though include both Powers and I'm going to eat sugarcoated Shrimp for breakfeast smile.gif

  6. No, you're correct that it doesn't fit in the discussion. Though truely perhaps Sweden's fate is including as well as Iraq's in the Whole Economically. As Switzerland was the bank for Germany now wasn't it?

    I know one thing, the US is represented by about 1/6th of it's size in this game. There is no Canada/South Africa or Australia. Well, considering these forces are facing the Japanese<which is far more than was allocated there> Perhaps there should just be overseas an bonus. Iraq was garaunteed to sell Britian what it needed... Sweden was like you say caught in the middle and made money off the Germans. Not to forget that much of Japan's Mighty War Machine was built soley from American Metal... tongue.gif

    SO I wouldn't point me finger to quickly at the Swedes either... We gave the Japanese a navy to begin with to enter WW1 on our side as well, and we forced modernization upon them with Commodore Mathew Perry in the previous century. So as life goes....Germany was a regular country. With a lot of industrial wealth<hard working people> Next to the United States and Russia I doubt had an equal. So in that period she spent most of her income on Arms, well a significant amount and she had great Leaders. The Leaders should be kept, the arms were a bit shakey in comparison with the Western Allies. They had plenty of tanks and aircraft too. More tanks than the Germans had. Though we could reflect it better by saying, by Winter of 1940 Germany hasn't conquored France...that she would have plenty of unstoppable reinforcements and solved her poor strategic situation...

  7. Okay! we all know that the Swedes were conspirators. They sold ballbearings and other things to the Germans when they most needed these things. Of course, they miss the good ole days of King Karl I suppose and being a Power in the World so perhaps they had some desire also to expand their borders...

    Switzerland was the home for a lot of German gold too, and secret deals... They start with two armies in this game get THAT. No Zurich either. Anyone ever thought of what fun it would've been use the Ole Neutral as a launching pad on France ? smile.gif

  8. Only way I can see this going down is if both players force a Neutrality upon Spain unless the SeaLion event occurs. Seeing that it would be hard for Hitler to invade his former buddies Franco's land. Give the Brits Portagul too. Brazil was a Allied supporter...

  9. I'm sorry but even though the Germans could never come up to the manpower, they'd of made up for it other ways. i.e. more artillery, planes and tanks.

    They pack a more powerful pounch and though they take training, and resources it doesn't take unlimited manpower to create them. For overall Army Size, 10% of the population is usual..

    In the Great War, the Russians had an Army you wouldn't believe. 15 million men???

    would that be 150 army units in this game?

  10. Hmmm, am I? I didn't realize...

    I just have been watching everyone and reponding with the best I could do. It's almost impossible to win if you don't adapt in this game. History is of little consequence..

    Watch out for the Italian Gambit folks... You can do two things.. I think it's best to just treat it like a small arse invasion and ignore it

    and if he has misplaced too much of his fleet practice SeaLion to perfection...

    My next goal after I make Russia fall in 1 year easily

  11. I had a game never finished non-ladder. That was less 8 months from ending date. The Germans were pushed back through Romania. The Allies were in Normandy but not advancing. With German tech and MPP I was still pretty much staying at a point where I think my capitol would hold all the way through though he thought otherwise... Good chance I could've held out till the end...we never finished to see though

  12. I don't think the Allies would've attacked right off, they were mobilizing in 1940. The Russians had a lot of work to do also, and would've been a prime target in 1940<though Hitler was not the only one who worried about a repeat of the previously 2 front War that cost Germany almost Everything>

    Germany put together quite a bit of plunder from France and confidence. You could say that the Suez & Battle of Britian were a waste of good German Resources...unless she intended to take Britian all the way, she should've just focused in the proper direction. Without a declaration of War against the United States, there would have been a poor Casa Bellus against the Germans in 1941-42 for the USA... All the extra resources put into defending the West <including the Atlantic Wall> that was even by todays standards a MASSIVE undertaking... Could've been put towards the Russians a Quick ditch attempt to take the three Major cities of Russia within 6 month period, 1941...starting earlier than June...

    The Jews were not the only people persecuted by Nazis either. Gypsies, many Slavic people, homosexuals, anti-war protestors<defiant party members>, and handicapped people were also sent to Concentration Camps...Ironically the Germans were an Evil Regime that decided their fate faster than History was going to deal it to them. After Fall of France, without a Barborossa, Germany focused on technology and defense may have made it impossible for an invasion of their country for MANY years...

    Closer to any reality of a Third Reich that lasted 11 years...

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