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Iron Ranger

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Posts posted by Iron Ranger

  1. Mid Sept 39'

    Danzig falls to the German army. Several units are in the suburbs of Warsaw with most of the Polish army destoryed or hiding in the woods to the east of the Capital.

    Denmark is DOW with the unit in the capital destoryed by German Paratroops but they lack the mobility to enter and force a surrender.

    Western Front see's more reinforceing of troops but no combat.

    Italy continues to move her units around the Med with some long term goal in mind.

  2. Vote #2

    People want to talk about the ease of blocking the Suez? Well unless its changed building a fortress hex shuts down that hex to naval travel. Makes sence that if you pour a few tons of concrete that getting a ship to floot on it will be hard. Blocking with crops in transports? Very gamey.. sad that so many reduce to this kind of play. And costly, thats 10 units that could be used somewhere else. Blushy said it best.... the Suez was a key because it controled the flow of trafic from the Med (eroupe) to the Indian Ocian and all the waters past that. Allowing ships (amphib / war ships / transports) to magicial bypass this key site in history is a mistake.

    Open a second route to Iran/Iraq (for Yoda's desired more options route)

    Incress the number of turns for both. Present its quicker to get from the mid alantic to Egypt, then straight through the Med. Ships should come out it very weak supply... can you imagian the stress on the combat troops. battle loaded for a trip from USA to the Red Sea? Perhaps they off loaded and reloaded in South Africa but still that one long haul.

    Does anyone have the numbers on the actually time it took to go from the Rock to Egpyt, or the long route Rock to South Africa to Egypt? In 1942?

  3. Pritty much a 'historical' game as thats what I wanted to try (and why I asked for axis). This game can really be 'focused' by two mistakes I made that were both strigic and tactical in nature. I wont make them again, the greater exp of HR allowed him to use those mistake to his best.

    I post this as I hope it helps others or makes clear perhaps a muddy area. Luck in Tech.

    A note on this that others can hash out. People with poor luck in tech and Intel tech. IR (me) beleaves in Intel tech HR (him) does not. With patchs and 'tough' to read formulas perhaps one of is wrong, both wrong, both right.

    Forumla in book (%+ ememy level - current level -/+ intel mod) X chits = % of getting tech

    Lets pick the above numbers on USA IT tech.

    L1 tech for USA

    L1 tech for Germany

    0 Int Tech for USA

    4 Int Tech for Germany

    4 Chits in for USA

    Chance that USA gets a hit is

    (4%+1%-1%-4%)X4 chits = 0X4 = 0 chance of getting a hit.... right now

    Chance that Germany will get a hit is

    (4%+1%-1%+4%)X2 = 8X2= 16% chance of getting a hit... each turn

    now the manuel (if its right) reads something about applyed tech or what not depending on the country. Now I could be wrong on the above numbers, or it could have changed. But several very good players have said the same as HR about... when I play you I have horid luck. And when I ask they all say the same 'that crap tech?' or 'Terif said its dung so I dont use it'. Perhaps above will explain it, perhaps I'm wrong. Doesnt really matter as this game is lost, but it was a nice test on History.

    Opps.. did some number checks and had made a huge mistake in ecominics of SC2. Well that just about sinks the axis boat, a few stregic mistakes, tactical ones, and now a huge economic one. Good allies plays will wait and take advantage of this; as HR did.

    [ October 27, 2006, 08:41 PM: Message edited by: Iron Ranger ]

  4. A few things first. I'm looking at the game from a 1) Balance view (where its right) 2) Historical (less gamey the better) 3) 'Fluid' (there should be more then one 'best' option in most case's). Some problems have no solutions.

    I do not have the playing time in that other do, so if I make a mistake here please point it out. Most of the below suggestions refer to the 39 game, though some could refer to any situation. Some could say you should make a mod if these are the changes you want, I'll pass and hope that some of these will become STD.

    A) Poland: She had a stong military, a new country that had defeated USSR in the 20s and took a huge chunk of ground from her. Change: If she is not defeated quickly she will/try to fully moblize. A minor HQ a few turns in and perhaps a unit or two is in order

    B) Suez Loop: (1)Reduce the number of arrows in the Alantic to 6. Place 6 Arrows in the Red sea and set the scripts so that ships must start and end on a arrow. No arrow to land on, then the ship turns around and returns to the starting arrow. (2) Bug by Terif already noted on # of units. (3) Incress the time it takes to pass from the Alantic to the Red Sea. Three turns now but if you sail the Med its 3-4 turns; bump it up to 5 or more.

    C) Other Loops: (1) Add in a Persin Gulf loop; two arrows near USA and Iraq. (2) Add in North sea Loop; one arrow near Norway to Archangel

    D) Spotting: I'm not sure I agree with the perposed change to spoting of 1 for groud units on Navys. If we do go that route then I suggest ports (citys?) have a naval spoting of 2. These resources would have fishing fleets, comerace fleets and civialian air (plus garison patrols) that would notice something like a naval battle group close by and report it. Yes groups with say long range air could target the resource without being spoted (Pearl Harbor anyone?)

    D) NA on air units: Flip the combat numbers for Air Fleets and Bombers on naval attack. Fighters groups, not heavy bombers formations are what sink combat ships.

    E) Transports/Amphib: I have listed this a few times. HC did find one bug. Not going to post this again.

    F) French Armor: Should start at Tech1, they didnt produce new and better tanks in the winter of 39. The armor is already at 5 str so the moblization issue is not a problem.

    G) HQ's: If a HQ is destoryed it should not come up in the list of units that can be rebought for 60%. The loss of even a fraction of such a units would be hard to replace. These are normally men with YEARS studying war. A new HQ should need to be purchased if you want one.

    H) Major Power Capitals: While I like the idea of captials that might move, it shouldnt be a sure thing. On top of that even if a country doesnt surrender the side that captures a capital should get a moral bump. (France) Low % chance (10%?)that if Paris falls the country will move its capital to Aleria. (Russia) Already IG but it should be a %, very high (95% first time, 85% next time) but still a chance that losing Moscow will be the end of the Red army. (Germany) Moderate % (25%) that if Berlin falls one of the citys in the SW will take over for the Nazi's. (Italy) Moderate % (35%) that if Rome falls one of the N citys will take over for Le Duce. (UK) High % (90% first time, 90% next time) that she will continue the fight Change: Remove Egypt as the second option and make it Halifax in Canada. This is both for a balance and historical reason. Ciaro was not were the 'free british' would have continued the war. AND giving UK a 10 str suppy center in north africa shuts down alot of Sealion options.

    I) Dual MMPs: Alreadyed noted that axis get bonus MMPs for Italy taking Norway or Sweden.

    J) Convoys; Land Route: If a convoy's (more latter on this latter)port is damaged (eather one) and a land route is a option then the MPPs should still be recived my the Major power. However it should not compleate remove the convoy route (shiping by sea is still the best way to go), just replace it till the port(s) are repaired and ready for service. Perhaps at 50% value as overland cost more in time and MPPs to diliver.

    Examples of this: Axis hold Norway, Sweden, Finland and Leningrad. Land route to the resources is there. UK bombs the port so Axis recive the Norway and Sweden resource MMPs at 50% value. Several turn latter port is repaired and the convoys start again, but USA has moved a sub near Norways route. German recives the Sweden MPPs but only the surviving Norway MMPs.

    K) Inactive Major Powers (USA USSR Italy): Major powers controll thier actions, minor powers do not. With this in mind I'l like to see a change in what happens when a Major Power hits 100% readness. It shouldn't be a automatic DOW on the other side. They can continue on as before but with a few 'stipulations'

    1) Unless a war with another Major power no Diplomatic Points (same as when less then 100% readness)

    2) You can DOW minors (A)If they are allied with the other side in effect you have DOWed that major power. Exmaple: USSR DOWs Finland, Finland is at 29% Axis - USSR has also DOWed the Axis then. (B) If they are allied to your side a general % drop in readness for all inactive countrys. Example - Italy DOWs Tunisa, Tunisa is at 10% axis - All inactive countrys allies with axis take a hit in readness.

    Ok, this might be too much. Mainly its there to stop the gamey effect of letting USSR readness reach 100% and start a war with her as axis without the DOW and bump in USA readness. Or the pushing of Italy into war (if she's not ready) in ealy 39 by the allies by removeing garrison troops.

    L) DOW's and readness effects: I love them, perhaps they could be 'tweaked' abit but not sure where and how. (Axis DOW on USSR) The USA readness bump is too much, drop it back to were it was in the last patch. (USA on Axis DOW of Irland) The USA should get a small bump in readness if this happens.

    M) Scripts: (note I have not read them all) One of the major problems I feel we have is in balance (its a pro allied game; if hes a ok player). The main problem with this balance is the number of scripts we have that 'side' with the Allies. Game play and history should be what determins events, and we should leave the scripts to just cover area's SC2 just cant control.

    Siberian transfer: Posted on this before. Change it to the historcal date at some %, each turn after. Remove all triggers as these just punish aggressive axis play and reward 'poor' defence of Russia. Giveing up 1/3 of your country and 1/2 its people and resources should not reward a major power so heavyly. Also reduce the size of the transfer by 1/2.

    Ural Industry: HellRaiser posted on this before. Change it to some area (3-4 tile zone) around Moscow and Klosivo (sp). Having it one city that people bypass with little effet is too gamey.

    USA Home Gaurd: Seams ok, no mobile capital + only limited tiles means instant units works best.

    UK Script: This would be the readness bumps to USA and USSR when axis units are in England. Since the last change I'm not 100% sure of what each exact incress is (FYI). This is another script that rewards lack of defence in UK and punish's Axis agression. A tough one due to other balancing factors but with the decress in axis amphib distance I think we need to revist this script (plus above mobile capital change). more latter

    Epypt advance: Another script that hem's in the axis by punishing them for aggressive tactics while rewarding Allies for having UK pull its units to make mischief elsewhere. USA and USSR get bumps in thier readness when axis units get near the two citys in Egpyt. Change: Cut this bump by a huge % or remove it compleately. Or push it back to if axis units are near Baghdad (USSR incress), and Tehran of Iran (USA incress).

    The three scrits of Siberians, Egypt and anit Sealion provide a unrealistic 'defence' against the axis. This gives them units (removed from these areas) that can inturn go fight in strenght were they should not have strenght. This is the primary reason I feel the game right now is unbalanced in the allies favor.

    Malta Effect: The IG effect should be that supply are reduced in Libia. This is a % based on what type of unit is in Malta (or should be). Change: Seams too low, X2 the %s of this effect happening. In other words if a bomber is in Malta the axis are going to have next to no supply in north Africa almost all the time.

    Gabralter Effect: Same as above (but axis holding it/ supply in Egypt), should be changed that the % of it happening is effected by the tpye of unit in Gabralter

    N) Minor power's Convoys: I love them, much better then the use of pure hex's in SC1 for navel raids (subs). Exellent way of representing how a minor with RESOURCES supports the major powers its tied to. However a few notes/ect... At the present a country gives its 'full' MMPs to the major power it supports (example Iraq Allied 30%+). You dont get a differance weather the minor is DOWed and destroyed, fully allied or just supports the Major power its tied to. Seams depending on the level of status that a country is at should determain the number of MMPs it sends to its Major power. Change: MMPs based on status of minor (1)Supports Major but not at war MPPs from its resource only {Oil in Iraq, Mine in Norway ect...] (2) % readness for support not reached yet 0 MPPs {same as now} (3) If DOWed and destoryed or allied full MMPs.

    Present Convoys:

    Norway gives 50% of its MPPs

    Sweden gives 60% of its MPPs

    Canada 100%* of its MPPs

    Iraq 100%* of its MPPs

    Egypt 100%* of its MPPs

    * To UK - no convoy if axis(?). Shouldnt this be changed? If axis controled the required tiles a convoy is set up for them? Example: Axis control Iraqs oil, Baghdad and BIEROT. A convoy is created from that port to a Italian port (if ports are damaged see above on land route)

    The Engineer in me likes liner systems. So why the low % for the two 'standard' axis convoys? Balance? And Egypt has no resource, why a convoy at all? Why not make the Scandinavian ones 100% and remove the Egypt convoy (they get the MMPs no matter what, just like whoever holds the citys in other parts of north Africa)?

    I'm not sure on the overall effect in balance the above would create. UK normally gets most of epygts MMPs till its falls (little raiding normally). But the incress in value for Norway and Sweden would make holding these resources even more desired.

    O)Major Power's Convoys: Suggest adding in a convoy from USA to Iran. Another Lend Lease option (10% of US MMPs). Leaves a southern port in USA and into Perisian Gulf to a new port put in southern Iran. Only opens up if Iran is Allied control and after USA enters the war fully. Note this is above the convoy that opens to Archangel if UK falls.

    P)Para, Rockets, Engineer units: Changes to these have been suggested already. No need to retype anything.

    Q) Diplomanicy: Right now this really breaks down to only two countrys getting opening chits. Spain and USA, rarely have I seen anyone put chits on anything else. In the late game at times you will see the Allies focus all thier chits on one of the minors (Turkey). Without making the game insanly complex (DOWs, and interlocking changes in readness) I dont see how to change this system but its lack of options is depressing.

    R) Subs: If we are looking at changing spoting lets adjust the sub/spoting game. Subs in silent mode are 'pushed' one tile when a ship runs over them unless a successfull % check is made. % check is adjusted on the level of tech (Anti sub/advanced sub).

    [ October 25, 2006, 06:04 PM: Message edited by: Iron Ranger ]

  5. Against a good player (one that has counted the tiles), the turn 2 LC gambit is a loser for axis I feel. Yea, it looks great and there is risk for both sides but due to split force's and low moral due to operating units west axis is missing its power - one huge punching group.

    "I am beginning to believe if Axis don't win 1941 they don't win the game at all"

    smile.gif looks at past posts... shocking!

  6. Your wrong Terif. I dont have the number of games in then you, I didnt read the scripts; so I have no problem if you thoughts carry more weight then mine but your wrong. And this game above shows it more then I can think.

    Reading this I just cant see Laim losing but he did. He had luck (tech and diplo), weather, good combat results (at the start it looks like) ect... and still he lost. Sure perhaps he made some huge blunders but still that doesnt mean the end.

    I played the #2 on paz league not long ago (great guy so dont read anything into this), and crashed him with the Allies before 42. He looked at the board and just said 'the axis cant win this, I'm done'. Right now, everything (but USSR tech) is flowing the Allies way. For the wrong reasons I feel (the non historical date on the siberian transfer above is great example).

    I know your view on SC is different then mine, your's is more balance: mine more historical. Two sides of a coin.

    For the record:

    I have one loss to Jolly vs 1.02 one of my first games, and 2 to Hellraiser (again 1.02 and I was new).

    And have won all other games (several as axis; yes). Though my present game vs Laim I expect to lose and have 'gifted' two other loss's to guys just because I couldnt finish the game's before a patch (both were in 1940 - pre France falling). I'm sure I'll lose some/more in the future. Total of compleated games is under 20, so again I dont have your overall experance.

  7. Against well played Allies I dont see how the axis can now win. One reason I asked for a more historical Siberian Transfer. Too many scripts IG for the allies benifit, too many low supply areas where they simply die on the view, diplo in its present form is VERY pro allies. About the only prayer they (axis) have is that with the lower max on tech for USSR they muck it up.

  8. Not sure I like that idea HC, if these 'special' units have a 'anti detection' ablity then why not HQs as well. Or subs running in silent mode ect ect

    If we are going to mess with our 100% spoting ability within your range then why now make it a % over distance. 100% spotting at range 1, 90% at range 2, 80% at range 3, ect.. so a L5 long range bomber would have spoting of 10 but only 10% at that max range.

    Give the above shot but I think a straight forward incress in AD for that unit work out best. KISS at work!

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