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Posts posted by Terrapin

  1. I think CK's recommendations would cause a situation where shooting at troops in an open field would cause everyone to immediately run adjacent to the incoming fire, and would look almost exactly like grouses trying to take flight after a hunter shoots a shotgun in the air. It wouldn't look realistic, that's for sure.

    In city combat, it would mean that the streets would immediately vacate and be ghostly empty, as soon as someone shot down the street.

  2. Sorry about this, I'd use the search engine for these questions, but I think it's quasi-useless. If some kind soul could be kind enough to answer them it would be appreciated.


    1. Does the terrain affect exhaustion level? I.e., does moving through a swamp make the troops tire more quickly, per movement type? It's hard to tell.

    2. How does the rarity work when purchasing items in a QB? Is an item that says +100% and worth 100, really worth only 50 if it was perfectly common? I.e., I'm paying a 100% premium for the "exclusivity" of the unit, and not its performance level? Is that how it works?

    Any help appreciated, thanks.


  3. Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

    some form of Computer Programing Award should be presented to Charles and Steve for the way the "fuzzy logic" what ever that is, makes the TAC AI so "life like" IMHO smile.gif

    But thats just me being a complete fanboy with regard to the AI coding :D !!

    -tom w

    I've been thinking this too. After playing Close Combat for years, and playing the "demo" of GI Combat, as well as other games, the way that the TaAI keeps the mistakes to a minimum -- while usually doing the "believable" thing -- is kind of amazing.

    Is there a link to any discussion of how the AI was programmed, or a "developer's journal" of how the game came together? Some developers keep one.

  4. Does anyone have a table or link that shows what the LMG & HMG armor penetration is for both German & Soviet weapons (say at 100M, 200M, etc.). Maybe it's in the game, but my screen just shows firepower rating.

    More or less, I'd just like to know what kind of armor I can point it at and expect to damage it. I punched out an armored car no problem, but how much higher can I go?

  5. I have to say, some people on this forum scared the hell out of me before I received the game. I thought the infantry was going to be as brittle as Waterford crystal.

    I have to say, they seem anything but brittle to me. Maybe I'm just coming from a different experience (because I never played CMBO), but the infantry seems even less brittle than in any Close Combat I've played.

    Yeah, they break occasionally (under conditions which seem absolutely believable), but a HQ unit sent over whips them into shape pretty fast, and they recover without the HQ in a few turns anyways (assuming you solved the "problem" that caused them to break). This seems pretty realistic to me.

    True, I use covering fire a LOT, and I always send two platoons to do a job, in case one goes down (saved an entire QB for me recently, when one PZG platoon got taken out by a tank shot, but the second got the tank), but isn't this what I'm SUPPOSED to do as the commander?

    Are they a LOT braver in CMBO or something? Because I don't have any problem sending these guys into *hand-to-hand* range with enemy platoons, and they still do it. And these are regular troops.

  6. Mine nearly always reverse when fired on. I know this, because I override the reverse command and make them fast move somewhere useful.

    They're real fragile, so if they get hit, they're out of it, and sometimes they don't have time to reverse (killed on first shots). Is that what you're seeing. If it gets to a second turn, they're always reversing in my games. And I've NEVER seen them take on a tank, the game has a code in it which seems to prevent units from firing uselessly on another target, unless you order it.

    [ December 04, 2002, 12:47 PM: Message edited by: Terrapin ]

  7. I played a scenario as the Russians, and after nearly approaching the final flag, the game gave me the "bugle" end-game chimes, before the final turn (I assume the computer surrendered), but I got no end-game tally screen, and I couldn't get out of the game (I could move the mouse).

    Anyone seen this before?

    [ December 03, 2002, 08:31 PM: Message edited by: Terrapin ]

  8. You might have a good market. I've found most CM sites to be rather lame.

    To start, I'd like to see a good bibliography of outside sources listed (start with this sites library, but it's limited).

    A strong section on tactics (my knowledge of "non-gamey" infantry tactics is terrible, and I'm sure other people need help too)

    List of units and what they're good for (there are sites that list every unit, but I haven't seen one that says what to do with it). I know some tanks, but I couldn't tell you what a number of others items or infantry squads in the game are ideally supposed to do (and judging by that ISU-122 vs. Panzer IV discussion, others don't either).

  9. I want an OOB at-a-glance screen to see my unit statuses. Yeah, yeah, I read Steve's comment that it's not in there because real-life commanders wouldn't have access to such detailed info on their units. However -- and realize I'm not as well-read in WW2 commander strategy as some of you -- but I don't think these commanders could hit CTRL-G and see the status of their units either, so where's the conflict here?


  10. I want an OOB at-a-glance screen to see my unit statuses. Yeah, yeah, I read Steve's comment that it's not in there because real-life commanders wouldn't have access to such detailed info on their units. However -- and realize I'm not as well-read in WW2 commander strategy as some of you -- but I don't think these commanders could hit CTRL-G and see the status of their units either, so where's the conflict here?


  11. Originally posted by Quinxi:

    Very good ratings but smile.gif they should by higher in my opinion.

    It always happens for more "specialized" games when they have to review them for the general audience. They usually cover this by saying "if you're looking for something different try this, and if you're a fan of the genre, go buy this now", or something. Translation: "It's a 10/10 for fans of the genre, 8/10 if you're not"
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