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Posts posted by Richie

  1. Originally posted by MAUS_TD:

    He Richie,

    sounds nice iam going to play that one to

    but still busy with the other op from peiper

    called the pied peiper and now you must advance instead of defense.

    Its much bigger but also a lot of fun.

    My question is this one after his advance towards


    And IRL did they win or did they lose the defend of the town????


    Hi MAUS_TD,

    The SS and the troops of the 84th Luftwaffe defended the town till it was evident the fall would occur despite their best efforts, with the loss of most of their heavy equipment, over the following days.

    They abandoned the town and the bridge as their losses became extreme and reduced their cordon to La Gleize, but not before exacting a very heavy toll on the Para's of the 82nd Airborne, who made repeated but unsuccessful attempts to take the bridge up until that point.

    The ferocity of their assaults is a determining factor on the severe casualties sustained by the Germans, and part of the reason the Bridge at Cheneux was abandoned.


    [ January 12, 2005, 05:34 AM: Message edited by: Richie ]

  2. Hi guys, it is my absolute pleasure to offer my Operation,

    "Wacht am Rhein", Kampfgruppe Peiper assaulting at Stoumont, Targnon and the Stoumont Station, 19th December 1944, the Ardennes, now available at The Scenario Depot.

    7 battles of 30+ turns on a 4km x 2.3 km map.

    This is a factual account of the assault. It represents the best attempt to recreate the historical forces and conditions of the day.

    You must generate the first battle with THICK FOG. This is essential to game balance.

    Unfortunately, I tried to upload a zipped file with a 'German setup vs the AI with Thick Fog' but size limit at the depot is currently 100k per file. I'll happily email this save to anyone myself. My email is in my profile.

    December 1944

    Operation 'Wacht am Rhein' began on the 16th December on an 85 mile front. The American Army, refitting in the 'quiet' Ardenne Forest, faced it's greatest battle of WWII as SS Panzer Korps and Volksgrenadier Divisions smashed their way through the enemy lines. Due to stubborn resistance at key junctions, the Germans failed initially to secure the vital roads leading west. By the morning of the 17th the resistance of the brave American GI's had finally been overcome and the Panzers pushed on into Belgium.

    Obersturmbannfuhrer Joachim Peiper, commander of 'Kampfgruppe Peiper', 'Leibstandarte', the 1st SS Panzer Division, spent the 16th waiting for the road to clear. By the dawn of the 17th 'Kampfgruppe Peiper' had been able to forge west to the Losheim Gap. Already short on fuel he was able to capture a US fuel dump at Bullingen and then push further west on the heals of retreating US forces toward the Meuse River.

    On the morning of the 18th, a bridge across the Ambleve River was taken at Stavelot, but the bridge controlling one exit west from the Ambleve Valley at Trois Ponts was blown by American engineers. 'Kampfgruppe Peiper' was forced to follow the right bank of the Ambleve River to La Gleize on narrow roads through some of the most mountainous regions in Belgium. According to Peiper himself, roads only fit for bicycles. After capturing a bridge over the Ambleve at Cheneux on the 18th, Peiper pushed west along the N 23 only to be halted by US forces holding a bridge near Habiemont. He ordered Cheneux be garrisoned while his main force caught up at La Gleize. His 'spearhead' then turned west, pushing through the 'Bois de Bassenge' on the northern bank of the Ambleve River, along the N.33 to Stoumont. With his fuel stocks dwindling he was desprately seeking a western exit from the river valley.

    As light failed on the evening of the 18th,"Peiper's 'spearhead" halted in the woods between the villages of Stoumont and La Gleize.

    He planned to assault Stoumont at first light.

    Meanwhile the word had spread. A massacre of US prisoners at Malmedy served to steel the GI's spirit. Several delaying actions had slowed 'Kampfgruppe Peiper' enough for Lieutenant General Courtney Hodges of the US army to organise a holding force and garrison Stoumont with assorted units from the US 3rd Battalion.

    On the morning of the 19th, Peiper attacked. Despite having little fuel and scant provisions, his troops were in good spirits. The Ardennes offensive would turn out to be the last Blitzkreig in the west...



    Boots & Tracks

    Thanks to Admiral Keth for hosting!

    [ January 12, 2005, 05:47 AM: Message edited by: Richie ]

  3. Hi guys,

    You can find my Op, Peiper's Bridge out now at The Scenario Depot.

    3 battles, 15+ turns a piece, fought over the muddy fields of Belgium.

    On the 19th December 1944, U.S. Paras of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division assaulted toward Boutet's farm east of Chenuex. The result was carnage. The German defenders from Kampfgruppe Peiper had heavily fortified themselves in the buildings in and around the village. Peiper's troops were determined to maintain their bridgehead over the Ambleve at Cheneux. Come nightfall, with fresh troops and the promise of artillery support Colonel Reuben Tucker ordered a new assault!

    Good luck at the front!


  4. Hi guys,

    You can find my Op, Peiper's Bridge out now at The Scenario Depot.

    3 battles, 15+ turns a piece, fought over the muddy fields of Belgium.

    On the 19th December 1944, U.S. Paras of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division assaulted toward Boutet's farm east of Chenuex. The result was carnage. The German defenders from Kampfgruppe Peiper had heavily fortified themselves in the buildings in and around the village. Peiper's troops were determined to maintain their bridgehead over the Ambleve at Cheneux. Come nightfall, with fresh troops and the promise of artillery support Colonel Reuben Tucker ordered a new assault!

    Good luck at the front!


    [ January 08, 2005, 08:02 AM: Message edited by: Richie ]

  5. You definitely seem to have a problem, it takes about 5 seconds on my Athlon 2600 with a gig of RAM.

    You could try reinstalling but make sure you back up anything you want to save (saved games, MODs, or your scenarios folder if you've added others along the way) before you do.

    I'm running 1.03 and they loaded fine.

    You could try loading these specific games under 1.02 before you go to 1.03

    Your Imac should handle them that's for sure.

    Before you do anything, ask for some advice in the technical issues forum!


  6. Originally posted by JC_Hare:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Richie:

    Howdy Fella's,

    I have two Operations waiting for release through B&T...

    In honor of the Bulge anniversary I'll email them out to those who are interested, my email is in my profile.

    B&T's Peiper's Bridge, depicting the fighting around Cheneux on the 18th between the 82nd Airborne and Peiper's 1st SS.

    B&T's Wacht am Rhein, 19th till the 21st, Peiper's assault on Stoumont, Roua, Targnon and the Stoumont Station, the American Counter attack afterwards.

    If your interested, drop me a note!


    Boots & Tracks

    Hi Richie,

    can you send me a copy of your ops, I would like to take a look at them. My email address is in my profile. I see one of your Ops deals with the 82nd's attack at Cheneux described in my previous post. </font>

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