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Posts posted by theike

  1. Ive read this topic before. Noone had responded then. I wanted to because i thought it was a funny topic. It made me laugh.

    Now im reading all this and i dont see where Boo Radley made some of u so angry.

    Im hoping u guys know eachother...

    ore else im pretty disappointed.

    But, OMG, maybe the ai has seen a spark of life!!!?

    And was that maybe the first actual spotting of what it has learned!!!?

    Is the whole communitie doomed now!!!?

    *shivers go down my spine

  2. i like the behind plate done differently like this.

    It makes it alot more interesting.

    And its already alot better now.

    Are u going to give the rest of the tank some more of that gautrek look also?...Just go for the whole treatment, i would say :D

    It could become a very nice mod indeed.

    [ August 01, 2003, 01:32 PM: Message edited by: theike ]

  3. Hmm, well yes...the pic doesnt really show if the rest is covered with the same ore any patern so its hard to say. I think they might just not have done the rest because they couldnt reach it and more so its none visible anyways...but as for your tank this isnt the case...so...well its what one likes then.

    I also prefer a bit more softened tone.

    Are u sure about these colours, anyway?

    Could be any colour, really if u only have this pic.

    ( i recently saw another mod, that time based upon a drawing of a tank, and not a very detailed one in that, with some colouring to it, but i wouldnt have picket such starting information to begin with....what i mean is...well whatever tongue.gif )

    If u make it the way u have now, it will be a one-off tank indeed. Its a choice. Maybe less would get more people to maybe use it.


    ...well, thats what i think.

    ...BUT !! since u picked this one, and since u have started it up in the way u did here? I think u wanted something else, for just the heck of it, so...

    U catch my drift; tongue.gif


    [ July 31, 2003, 09:44 PM: Message edited by: theike ]

  4. If u want to use different setup zones for a map, its best to change it in the parameters settings

    BEFORE taking a look at units u have bought on the map.

    If u have taken a look first they will all stay where u have seen them first, u will handly have to drag them to the new setup edge.

    But when just buying units after setting the setup zones it will all be ok.

    Oh but if u safe your game after u changed say from west setupzone to a south setup zone, all units will be setup in the south zone the next time you will load the game even if u allready looked at the map. So that might help allso. (i hope im right on this one, i cant check atm)

    U can allso make setup zones for instance in the middle of a map, but the computer will keep putting the units closest to their friendly edge allways.

    So if u dont want the units near the edge nomore youll have to take away that zone and just leave the middle one, else you will have to do it all yourself again.

    [ July 28, 2003, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: theike ]

  5. Im sorry to but in like this...

    But i just read about the dirty mr.noobie Sherman, and i couldnt remember if i had it or not. So i went to cmmods to take a look at it.

    Downloaded it just in case.

    But what i stumbled upon, was mr.noobie's PanzerIV2.

    Looking at all the grey mods lined up on my units-preview-map, that one allways stoot out to me to just be the most love-able one, a great one-off.

    I just never knew it was a mr.noobie mod. darn;

    It really shows, u;mr.noobie, knows how to SHAPE a tank, and not just to overlay it with a coloured patern-spray.

    Being the one and only made in that way, it will surely remain a favourite of mine.

    (But wouldnt it be great if?... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:;) )

    ...and i Am sorry to but in like this, limey and others, but i didnt want to start a new topic just to bother mr.noobie like this.


    [ July 27, 2003, 09:40 PM: Message edited by: theike ]

  6. they try to do running also.

    But if the panic shoots up high due to close by explosions for example they stop running again, and lay still ore crawl. After then when panic settles a bit, they might try to run again.

    Not bad for realism this.

    So if they dont start running in the first place, the panic was up too high to do so. (i think?)

    And dropping oneself to the ground while being shot at is the first thing to do. After that it may take quite a while before youll ever get up again)

    And they allways move away from the last place of danger, so that might set them off to crawl into the open even more, but only untill they meet danger there aswell.(if im not mistaking)

    [ July 26, 2003, 11:18 AM: Message edited by: theike ]

  7. I dont know.

    If u play against any opponents u can get, that can create unfriendly situations maybe. But for me the whole 'gamey' thing isnt an issue.

    Im no rankings player for this game. (But i know from Unreal Tournament people playing rankings are not allways the most socialy involved people around...but that was a completely different game,surely :D People were much younger, and the game itself was sure to get adrenaline up to your ceiling for u, witch is never a good situation for a social environment)

    For me cmbo and now cmbb is a game i play just to gather thoughts on, and just to cruise around in.

    Its like a vacation to me, and im taking in all the scenery and make notes of every situation that seems new to me.

    Its one of the highest quality games ive played sofar. I mean it gets people involved so early in so many and such broad ways.

    When ive played my Brother, (nick= GUMMER) (who had the game first) i never won and only last year ore so im getting a occasional win in here and there.

    Thing is: i dont mind !!!

    (At the moment we are playing pbem on a map ive made called: 51-rural bigger-4

    Its quite open, really, there is just one stretch of wooded terrain on one site of the map where it stretches all the way up from attacking setup zone to the defenders main objective points.

    I had played that map before against the ai, me being the attacker on that. Ai gave me a nice insite to where to put some at-guns aside the slide of woods and on the hill in the farrest corner. And i bought 2 companys of infantery to guard the woods. One along the way to meet him up a bit, and one just beside the cloister being the major flag holder.(3 large flags) There was one large flag also close to the central point where i was going to take the meet. And that one was where the road started to come up from the lower terrain from the side of the map, going through the stretch of wood up to the cloister, i hoped to take control of that one with the company that lay there to wait him up in the woods

    But he never came to meet my infantery!!!

    He just bought alot of tanks, with some units riding along on them, dropping some of at any small flags he encountered. He Drove 2 platoons, one being Tigers !! from his rear all the way up to me over the wide out open. I could see him from driving up towards me from the beginning.

    I shot my at-guns dead empty on his Tigers. (did take out a platoon of panzers though)

    Darn...He even came with 6 tanks to that one large flag down the road and the woods.

    Now we are in the final stages of that game, and i have just my riffle inf, who for a match only have molotov coctails to use.

    There is nothing i can do now...he is shooting up the whole place. All i could do is run up to flags at the end, as so they wont be in his hands, but maybe in uncontrolled state.

    I probably will...(gamey as it is. He would do the same)

    I purchased the wrong units to give him a good match. Ore maybe he bought the right one's this time around.

    I wouldnt call it gamey anyways. It was a unfortunate situation, mainly for me. Witch itself is a very realistic situation.

    And the game was worth playing. I enjoyed some points in time, (the choice i made with my one and only captured Panther to not wait any longer but to go up to the cloister with it, meeting his 6 tanks who where JUST about to arrive!!) and overall it leaves an impression of what happened one time at a battle.

    Ill now set my knowledge around that.

    And will want to play my Brother some more smile.gif )

    Is there a point? ahwell, im not bothered tongue.gif

    I just wanted to type and tell me some while waking up :cool:

    [ July 26, 2003, 09:46 AM: Message edited by: theike ]

  8. Pitty u can only 'damage' the buildings with them staying intact. Would be more fun if u could make ruins of them i bet.

    Thank u for responding.

    Your hard work will soon come to an end i see, and after that...well they will stand proudly in their landscapes everywhere youll look, and in any witch region youll drift they will be the lone reminders to all mankind of the one called JUJU.... smile.gif

    cheers man

    [ July 25, 2003, 07:10 PM: Message edited by: theike ]

  9. I thought about the 'gameyness' some more.

    came around to this;

    Its a GAME and therefore i like to spend my time on it. War is gamey and gamey is war...thats my definition of gamey.

    I wouldnt want this game to be like a war, when i play humans. Ore yes that would also be ok, but only when agreed on.

    HITLER: 'Hee, dear Stalin, my friend and fellow dictator...U know i told u last time i called about the operation Barbarossa being planned?...Well its about to happen this month, i mean if it would only be up to us...So! what about that getting your army up to strenght to be abble to give us a good matching? Any progress on that?'.

    STALIN: 'Well a good day to u too my friend and fellow dictator...Hmm, Its like this my friend; I know u already prosponed for 10 weeks, and i know u are a true friend for getting word in to me first, but; the thing is, our main and updated battalions are still all in the Leningrad region and seated here in Moskow...It would be impossible for me to meet u at the Polish bordooooh sorry...shhhht nothing said...'.

    HITLER: 'No problem, Joseph, noone is listening...But u dont mind us going in then? If u do, maybe i could...'.

    STALIN: 'No, no...Its up to u, im not going to make u wait any longer...So u WILL come to Moskow?...Ill meet u here then...(Gna gna gna)'.

    HITLER: '??, what are u laughing about?...Your not making a fool of me are u?'.

    STALIN: 'Surely not, i wouldnt...(Gna gna gna)'.

    HITLER: 'Stalin, my friend...your not telling me about something...I can feel it...'.

    STALIN: (Thinking...) 'U know Napoleon??!...(Gna gna gna)'.

    HITLER: 'Yes i do...why?'.

    STALIN: 'Oh, ok, never mind....nothing, I have to go now Hitler, someone is at my door, im sorry...U just go ahead my friend...I WILL have our forces ready for u, dont worry.'


    War=Gamey. They never try to be on equal terms ever.

    But games i like.

    [ July 25, 2003, 06:49 PM: Message edited by: theike ]

  10. When the monopoly game reaches its final stages, and the one with fewest hotels stays in jail, happily, for the wole duration of the jail time...to avoid bankruptcy for a few more turns:

    Then that is considered to be normal play. (Even the germans played it out like that..so even reality can provide for gamey situations at times)

    I think the 'gamey' situations as u try to uncover only take place when the two types of people as Mike described them meet eachother, and dont make there games rules up within this game before starting up the game.

    All is related to what one expects ore not.

    I for one expect the other to want to stay in jail happily when they play me tongue.gif

    I play this game just to get them there smile.gif

    [ July 25, 2003, 01:09 PM: Message edited by: theike ]

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