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Posts posted by theike

  1. If u dont think its too much trouble i would update/edit your 10 previous posts. (ore even delete them, but that would be a pitty)

    Just to keep others from having the same problem, not?

    and dont worry; the maps are interesting enough tongue.gif

    (the fears city fighting map in a town cut in the middle by a hill...got me pretty excited just from reading it :D )

    [ September 08, 2003, 08:17 AM: Message edited by: theike ]

  2. Dalem;

    what about a pack, something like i just did?

    to post on the regular cmmods?

    Dont let it go to waste.

    and the jpeg's u could zip in aswell...

    cool smile.gif im gonna go check it out kunstler.

    edit: whoops there is a new patch... smile.gif


    ?? strange

    The game told me to update to view your maps.

    So i went and took a look.

    New version to 1.03?

    I have 1.03 installed.

    I downloaded the 'maybe' latest 1.03 version, but its also the same 24.664 mb. So its the same patch i bet.

    But then why cant i view the maps?

    I dont know...

    [ September 07, 2003, 08:05 PM: Message edited by: theike ]

  3. I made a mappack with 11 russia plain maps and 5 scenario 'sketches'.

    And posted them on cmmods datadase.

    I saw my last mappack had 600 downloads and my maps normaly only have to 50 ore lower, so i kind of figured alot of people did never look in the maps section. As for those people i made this mappack.

    The 'sketches' are new, not the maps but the units on them.

    I made those for some who would like to play a map against the AI (but preferably a human)

    and could use an idea ore two and an indication, ore just a good game to play as it is.

    I hope its of some use...

    [ September 07, 2003, 12:54 PM: Message edited by: theike ]

  4. hi Dalem.

    No fun to fight on, u say?

    Maybe so, but someone who wants to play a map, can always cutout a piece that WILL be playable.

    Most 'reel' maps, ore nice looking maps are not that good to play on in a whole, jet they will have parts on them that can be surprisingly adventurous to engage.

    (I just make very large maps now, and just advise people to do cutouts to their own liking.

    Some maps can make for 3 or 4 games like that.)

    If u make maps your way, i bet u there will be someone out there who things; 'Wow, now this i like.'

    But ofcourse not everyone, because as many people will look at it, there will be that many ways of wanting to battle. No map can please them all.

    Maybe u could find someone to make scenarios on some of them, the proving grounds has some friendly people who like to fiddle around, smile.gif

    Its always good to share...

    and even better to keep doing what u like the most... tongue.gif

    :D im a fool for one-liners, i know :rolleyes:

    [ September 04, 2003, 07:20 PM: Message edited by: theike ]

  5. Maps dont have to all be from real life...

    not to me anyways, not if u just want a good game against someone, ore the ai.

    They should just FEEL real. (and have a meaning to them, ore say; a reason for a visit)

    ...please post them Franko and Kunster.

    And btw, Kunster: setups and flags; yes u could do them, but its no must. I used to do the setup zones and flags to the maps ive made. But i now find doing maps and letting the people take their own choices on it, is maybe better. (atleast for now i think that...Its probably because i make some of my maps into scenarios myself now)

    (i might still do a cutoutpack with setups some day, maybe even with prebought units for a defender, and indications aswell for attacking....but not as real scenarios, more like a sketch thing...just to save people some time, and ore maybe get them some own ideas ore just more maps ..im thinking about that now.....)

    I think people need maps to play 2 person games on, by pbem ore whatever, and having some good maps around to choose from makes playing eachother so much more fun.

    I guess, its more fun to me when i finaly finish a map, to go look whats beyond its edges, then putting units on it.

    Maybe thats a difference to some of the folks here.

    Still, the scenario people could post the plain maps, without their battle on it aswell...ore maybe note its ok to use the map whatever for?

    I think noone uses others maps publicly due to not knowing if they may so.

    Its kind of like a cm game admosphere to make scenarios, not maps.

    Looking at other games where people make more maps then scenarios, but i guess thats because CM makes it so easy to do so.

    Witch is darn near fantastic about this game!!!

    we should just create a more map friendly enviroment maybe so they get used more, and posted more, not looking down on them.

    If there where more people who made maps, there would maybe also be more scenario makers to use them for ideas. and so on and so on... :D

    [ September 04, 2003, 02:39 AM: Message edited by: theike ]

  6. Something ive been wondering about for a long time, but why dont more people make maps and post them (for others to use)?

    Ofcourse there are alot of maps made for scenarios, and they get posted, but its kind of a not done thing to do your own thing on them, with your own ideas.

    Still; we have the map editor on witch we could (and maybe even should) make the whole of the Eastern front on, every landscape type, every city, every battleground, real ore fictional, and having those around plenty is what gets a battle started in the first place.

    Maps are a very important part of this game u know.

    I would go as far as saying they are way more important then the next look for a tank...(but i say that with alot of friendlyness in my voice ofcourse ;) )

    I know some folks make their own maps to use for themselves...why not post them to us?

    There are so many ways to make good maps, and every maker has kind of like a own signature to making them, making it so that the playing on it not just looks and feels different, but also IS different...

    I cant encourage everybody enough to make maps. (and post them)

    Also people in Russia ore Poland ore Italie ore even Tunesia, might have way better maps of their region, and better insite to their enviroments to go on, then others may have.

    So please do your thing.

    Ive been missing it for so long now :(


    [ September 03, 2003, 11:54 AM: Message edited by: theike ]

  7. smile.gif , good of u to come back on this.

    I wouldnt want a tile just to go for that maybe one in a map train station, id rather have some new general usable building in the set.

    Ive been hearing more people miss the ability to make real fortifications...there are some ways to get there...one that i would love is to be able to make 'walls' by elevating the terrain, and still build on and 'underneath' it. And for that mather...what about the engine straightening up the roads laign on elevations like it does with the buildings and water?...but not 3 wide, but just the one road tile wide. (tricky with the roads, i know: it should only work at its side, not in its length)

    If that got changed, i could make a more dense buildup inviroment in a heavy rural setting; good for all sorts of natural obstacles to take.

    A second tile for roadblocks would be cool,being steel crosses.

    Lanters?...i say, not usefull(...and on what tile to put them? only a new tile abbles u to not get them all over the place, and a new tile just for a lantern, that would be odd.)

    sand: i say; yes, usefull...but we all know thats gonna come now anyways.

    It leaves me more to ask; why do we just have corn? why are the cornfields in winter all gone?...wouldnt there be sand in the winter? and not plain grass?

    I want fields, plowed-up dark and extremely muddy on rainy days.... smile.gif

    (not for cmak that is...i would have wanted it for cmbo)

    Good thing is; we can finaly make beaches after cmak comes out

    whoops, u said OBJECTS...hmm, objects........

    (maybe those invinsible things flying through the air that make my tanks burst and my infantry drop? :( ...)

    elsehow none i believe...

    [ September 02, 2003, 07:43 PM: Message edited by: theike ]

  8. ...about those grafics and engine's:

    yes; counter strike is a very good example of what i meant to say.

    Even so; there are just a few good engines out there, some games with own engines change theirs to maybe older, but better, engines from other games. It happens.

    (and furthermore, a completly new engine will set u back to a new period of primary trouble shooting.)

    The bettered grafics in the new games that come out these days indeed dont add anything to the game. They only take away the flow of things, and just make it more expensive to make it possible to play the game in a still realistic flow.

    Im from the Unreal Tournament world; (another game engine good enough to make it through the years) and what i saw the makers of that game do to the game made me think twice about the so called progress in the gamers world.

    I mean the looks COULD be called beter (by little kids maybe that like to stare at every little detail instead of focussing on the probs ahead) but they went so into the grafics, the gameplay went back just a few too many steps for me.

    engine's and grafics;

    grafics are just around to get the engine rolling.

    ps: pardon my previous post, i shouldnt have been that 'heated'.

  9. Im not going to read al this.

    I read something about this yesterday in the cmbo forum.

    i think the people whining about this dont know very much about the gaming world.

    As allmost all games dont change their engine but work with what they have, changing it to better it. Good engines last for years and make for plenty of game mods onto even completly new games.

    I dont hear anybody saying thats undone, ore even 'money-hunting', ore whatever, in the gaming world.

    I also i dont hear people whining about the money.

    And another thing...the forum has been taken over these days by pre-thinking, pre-fantasising about and pre-discussing what isnt around jet.

    I want to talk about cmbb in this forum, not about something that is not up to me to jump up on.

    I CAN talk about bettering the game in general; yes...but its in no way up to me to make descissions on whatever consurning the game to come, nore to bloody ask for the impossible of the already very, very consumer friendly makers

    No new engine...:omg.

  10. original grass, but in the RealColors mod...(im guessing, because it looks just like mine.)

    Also im guessing u dont know the RealColors_4_CMBB mod?

    It was made just after cmbb came out, and was of a meir 247 mb.... smile.gif yes

    Because it changed all bmp files with the same less-colorised look.

    It made the whole game look less cartoonishly colored and gave it more of a admosferic depth.

    I still use it. Wouldnt want to do without.

    As where to download it from these days; i dont know.

    [ August 26, 2003, 08:59 AM: Message edited by: theike ]

  11. smile.gif

    im glad u asked... ;)

    im not The Ike...im just plain theike

    my real name is theo

    and some say thei to theo, well in the Netherlands they do.

    so thei-ke is a kind of a childsname for theo-ke.

    The -ke is something like from...John to Johnny. Ore like from Peter to little Peter.

    Its to make it sound 'smaller', ore more loveable.

    So im just theike. Its a real name smile.gif

    I never said anything because Ike is cool too...lol, i kind of started to like you calling me Ike.

    U just keep on calling me whatever u like, its all fine with me.

    Its just a name.

    cya around

    [ August 24, 2003, 11:24 PM: Message edited by: theike ]

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