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Posts posted by theike

  1. can i say something?

    oh look; i can!

    For one thing, u are a carefull and estheticaly contious person so i think u are going to do it just right in the end. (but probably even earlier on)

    Your mods need that blue. The blue gives it the much needed darkish fading to pick up and bring the lighter colouring to our eyes. U could surely use more like a black for it ore a green ore red, bur those wil not give u that steel look, as i think u would like.

    But...they are kinda blue-ish Close up the gray feel turns kind of blue-ish. Up close suddenly i see the all the lighter blue's

    Thing is.....dont look too much in detail all the time, the overall feel and look of your tanks is pretty cool.

    I for my part hope to get all the older grey ones in a sceme u did. (well, alot of them anyway. A man needs variation))

    so to end it here: in detail they are very blue, but once u dont FIX your eyes to a detail but on a bigger part of the tank u get a pretty accurate weathered down grey steel look

    Way for us to check your findings would be for u to make some more tank-mods in a slightly differend colour sceme.

    [ March 16, 2003, 07:35 AM: Message edited by: theike ]

  2. No most are not done from real life.

    the last 2 atm (46 and 47) and for H. Marsman...they are done from real pictures.

    And yes...surely lesser roads on those..)

    i dono when i do from memory, ore whatever, i teld to do too much.

    And surely in some of the older city maps are way too many roads.

    Maybe it has something to do with including as much options as possible within some realistic ground looks and rules.

    It wont happen too much in the future...i hope )

    btw;cool that u play them, its the first time i hear someone really does use them!! haha

    [ February 17, 2003, 06:58 AM: Message edited by: theike ]

  3. Please feel free to use them for the purpuse u find them suitable for.

    It would be nice if they get used.

    I allready posted a topic with the question if anyone would like to use them for a senario setting. So im happy u ask...))

    Think its better though, if i leave the changes up to u, since u know best what u want with them.

    anyways; go grab...)

    [ February 16, 2003, 06:13 PM: Message edited by: theike ]


    would be cool to have more realistic, ore just more matching looks, (ore maybe the old two differend roofs of red and grey back...witch made it possible to change from all red roofs to all grey roofs)

    I liked to chance the buildings sometimes in cmbo, now its just allways the same.

    As for armor...hmm...variation is my thing.....i like them matching (with the slight variations that will come to eye when u close in more and more...like its with, say;...noobies SU pack now)...but love to have some stick out because they are completely different from the others:

    There's one white washed STUG with reddish rusty colours all over its down side ...that one is super cool...

    maybe more of that. (allthought, maybe not, since its so adorable now because its one of a kind)

    so he!...;im happy...u guys just try everything that comes to mind

    [ January 30, 2003, 07:07 PM: Message edited by: theike ]

  5. im butting in surely... however there are 2 package's from me on on the CM Mod Database.

    And in their maps section there are the lattest better one's...(since they have a mapssection, i send them in one by one.

    I prefer the cm mod database, cause they show u pics of the places u have to run into.

    Since i take it u folks are into all kids of maps, i just thought id tell u......cause u wont find these on your senario depot.

  6. uplouding at the depot takes up alot of time.

    And they dont really tell me how ore where to do what and why. Like where i send my map? ore how do i upload.

    I tried twice in the past and twice i thought;'pfff, **** this'.

    At cmmods i was able to do it right the first time.

    And at cmmods there are allways picture's of the map, so downloading one the second time....

    Anyways, mist see pics first!!!

  7. In senarios there are indeed some ways to make the gameplay more lively and real...though in QB, another option like the 'Dugin, Not-Dugin' one could make things more interesting. And for senarios, surely, its just the same.

    For one more option to base one of the many ways of battling on is a world of difference to us players.

    And if u choose the option mobile defence u might still, on another occasion, want to choose to attack (the ai) trying to outcon him by stealthly avoiding first contact till the latest minute.

    There are surely alot of pro's and con's to all options.

    And i know going for realism isnt allways enhansing the excitement of the gameplay...


    [ January 01, 2003, 08:51 PM: Message edited by: theike ]

  8. When one attacks, the defender allways knowes he will get attacked. So the defender can when first turn starts pre-counter the attacker. This takes away the surprice of each attack.

    What i was thinking bout is something that might be done for the new CM. A simpel order to hold all moves for (probably a defender) one till first contact is made (sound ore sight, that way a, say, attacker can make the first moves, and maybe get some surprice in, avoiding contact for some turns but still close in allready.

    A senario command like this might put in some new tactical options. like stealth and ore maybe even decoying.

    Think about it. It really makes sense.

    (well to me it does)))

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