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General Billote

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Everything posted by General Billote

  1. "Well, You'll be happy to know that I have given up some of my more frivolous hobbies like dressing in drag." "They never let me rest long as you know." "We were all concerned when we read your last report...I mean war is one thing but killing your own species... and to do it not very well. That is truly barbaric...What's this universe coming to!" "We must either teach them to kill each other more efficiently so we can be rid of them or civilize them somehow...Which ever you think is easier". "I don't want to waste too much time on this project...I have a very hot little number waiting for me back on Rigo X37....If you know what I mean!!" [ December 20, 2002, 03:35 AM: Message edited by: General Billote ]
  2. " There you are Frankie"..." I see your shape shifter is working properly"" I am ready to receive you report on the Earthlings progress or should I say digression..." [ December 20, 2002, 03:06 AM: Message edited by: General Billote ]
  3. The game certainly won't be perfect till the Atlantic is fixed but it's just something that has to wait for SC2...The question is if SC2 is going to be a pacific theater or an improved European Theatre? Has anyone heard any hints on this one? [ December 20, 2002, 02:22 AM: Message edited by: General Billote ]
  4. Good points Sea Wolf... There was a lot of talk months ago of replacing the rockets with paratrooper units but alas it fell on deaf ears. We'll have to wait for SC2 I suppose.
  5. "Hey....anybody round here seen my cousin Frank Tarino?" "Crashed in Roswell a few months ago?"" "Yea....that's right...he looks a bit like me but he's funnier looking..." "Just let him know that Edward Tarino is looking for him....And if he's been talking to that Heydrich guy again I'm gonna bust his knee caps"
  6. Who let that maniac out of his cage!!!..I'll ask you nicely once to go back to the hospital...Don't make me call the SS....Good boy...
  7. It's a plus to read Dgaad and EB going at it...Holy christ did they hate each other!!!
  8. Chapter Five: Late Summer 1940 Aboard the Free French Flagship: the Cruiser Strasbourgh Admiral Rambeau sat in his ready room with an expression of extreme concentration on his face. He was huddled over a long wooden table working on what appeared to be a three-foot long model of a battleship. This is where he spent most of his quiet time these days. He had never made a model before but was determined to get it right the first time. There was a tentative rap on the door. "Admiral....it's time" "Just a moment...Come in Come in...It's you Billote isn't it?" " Are you in such a hurry to get your head blown off?" The door opened and Billote walked in stiffly. "Your still working on that thing?"" Shouldn't you be pouring over a map or something like that." Rambeau didn't change his posture but took in the remark. " You might know a thing or two about how to be a general.""less, to be assured, about how to be the leader of France....""And I am quite confindent, My dear Billote, ....That you haven't the slightest idea about what it is to be an Admiral." The old sea-dog put on his overcoat, his hat and stood in front of a mirror. His mouth turned into a slight frown and his eyes went hard. There it was, the menacing appearence he had honed over so many decades at sea. "It is not acceptable to me that the Free French should not have at least one battleship. So I have been forced to build another Richelieu. I've never done it before so...yes, I suppose I am still working on it..." "It's going to be the finest battleship in the history of the French Navy." He reached for what was left of his Cognac and knocked it back. He called up to the bridge and sounded for battle Stations.. "O.K Billote...We go!" The general was hard pressed to keep up with the sixty-eight year old Admiral as he stalked down the corridors he knew so well. Sailors were in a frenzy of activity...But on the observation deck a strange calm pervaded. A lazy afternoon in the Southern Med. The sea dotted in every direction with ships of the combined British and French fleets. Another general stood on the deck with binoculaire. Brig.Gen Pierre Fontaine. Billote called to him. " Ahh...Pierre can you see what they're doing from so far away?" "But of course my friend.....these were made in Germany!""Only the best for the French General Staff!" They all laughed. "I spy....The Port of Algiers" As night fell, the fleet began arraying itself to support a dawn bombardment of the port and an amphibious landing about 30 kilometers West of Algiers. Under cover of darkness the British fleet moved swiftly to get the city within range of their big guns. The Strausbourg moved south with it's rag-tag escorts to support the landing. The assault of Algiers: Sir William Landcastersheershire, 1'st Admiral of British Mediterrainian Squadron stood on the bridge of the battleship Arc Royal. A chewed-up stoogie in his mouth and a riding crop in his right hand. " ALL RIGHT MY BOYS, LET EM HAVE IT!!!" SIR ADMIRAL WILLIAM LANCASTERSHEERSHIRE The riding crop came down with a heavy flick smacking a midshipman that happened to be running by. Captain Falkirk, standing to his left, gave a quick nod to his aid. Within seconds the morning stillness was interrupted with the booming cacophony of dozens of Battleships and cruisers raining shells onto the port of Algiers. Falkirk bit his lip...he had advised against bringing the fleet this coast to shore. Some of the ships were barely afloat as it was having taken a beating against the Italians and the luftwaffe. That's when the first contact mine hit a Destroyer off to starboard!!!!! "Admiral, We're in the middle of a mine field!!! We need to pull back the capital ships...Admi-" "Nonsense my boy...These aren't mines....not like we saw in The Great War!!!"" They didn't stop us then why should they stop us n----" KABOOM!!!! A cruiser to port hit another mine...No wait, not a mine! Huge splashes burst out of the sea in front of the battleship. Those were coastal guns.. What the hell had the Germans managed to get into Algiers...It was unthinkable...They had done it right under the nose of half the British navy!!! Algierian Coastal Batteries? Falkirk took a closer look with his binoculars... wave upon wave of fighters and Torpedo Bombers were converging on the Port.. But flak was coming at them with a devastating intensity. It was like a Turkey shoot, The Great North African Turkey Shoot!!! "MY FAVORITE PUB IN COLCHESTER REALLY IS A MILLION MILES AWAY RIGHT NOW!" ( to be continued- the rest of the assault on the port of Algiers and Billote's amphibious landing) [ December 21, 2002, 02:52 AM: Message edited by: General Billote ]
  9. Hoi tip for air units- Noticed some of you were having problems with this, I did too. There is a box you can check in the lower right hand corner of the battle coordination box. When clicked it will repeat air missions indefinately ( even intercept missions). It would be great if this kind of stuff was pointed out in the manual though! How could they put a game out, with this kind of complexity, with a manual so absurdly sub-standard?
  10. Good info Immers- Thanks....It amuses me how so many pictures of him look like pictures of Holy Saints. The cherubic face...He almost looks like a mini-Joan of Arc in that one. Beautiful and ridiculous at the same time.
  11. Beautiful maps John....Sure is purdy. Looks like You and Carl have a winner here.
  12. John...You have obvoiusly thought this through...and I want you to know that The Free French concur with your observations and suggestions. The Nazi scum should not be permitted to invade North America and Canada, as they have my great nation. The mere thought of it is absurd....Like a Corsican crowning himself Emperor of France....It couldn't happen. We salute you... [ December 02, 2002, 08:22 PM: Message edited by: General Billote ]
  13. The Free French return......Stuffed with good old American turkey! Great thread guys...I've already picked up H.O.I as well....and it's fun and it's kinda kooky and yes very buggy. All in all it reminds me of an old Apple II game called Colonial Conquest, anybody remember that old bird? The strange thing about H.O.I is that it is massively complicated and they shipped it with an absolutely useless manual. The tech tree makes Civ III look small by comparison. It's easy to see why noone has tried a game on this scale... The A.I just can't cope with so many variables...If you play as a minor country and do something unusual the whole world descends into absolute chaos. For instance: Italy (player country) declared war on republican Spain but hasn't been keeping up on current events i.e ( Republican Spain has allied with Germany?) Germany declares war on Italy i.e ( before it is done conquering France). Italy conquers Germany and annexs the Third Reich... Silly stuff but fun... If S.C is an apple than, I do believe, H.O.I is a pomagranite! I personally like to conquer South America with the Boys from Brazil and then take the Panama Canal from the U.S. Next.....Perhaps South Africa...make them speak Portugese. Well there you go. H.O.I in a nutshell.
  14. ( out of character for the moment) - We will continue the story on The Free French site, currently in construction, which we will link to Battlefront ( if they like the site and are o.k with that). We can add the URL address to our qoute area's at the bottom of our characters.... I have been informed that the new site will be in beta till January, so until then we will develop characters and ideas ( sequence doesn't matter), it will just prepare us and our characters for when we pick up the story. When we do start the story up again, we will begin with Chapter Five and we will continue. Any ideas here, that fit into the story better in earlier chapters, will be moved to their more appropriate places in the story....Jersey John will be head moderator and editor for this story. NOONE'S IDEAS WILL BE EDITED OR PLACED INTO THE STORY WITHOUT CONSULTATION AND AGREEMENT WITH THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR. Who will then be added to our list of conributing writers. Hope that helps! [ November 21, 2002, 03:54 AM: Message edited by: General Billote ]
  15. Sometimes ( and maybe I'm just speaking as Free Fench lover here) The best decision is to cut and run and live to fight another day...I don't think it's gamey, I think it's smart. If your playing an experienced german player, try to get to England with a general (Billote) of course and at least two French Armies and the air unit. Move your Syrian Corps to the British controlled Suez, Park the Algerian Corps in Gibraltor ( all before the fall)...One General five units.....French Army intact....It is historically feasible that the French could have done this...They got out with some, just not enough to be a "minor" player" [ November 19, 2002, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: General Billote ]
  16. Jay Jay- I usually land American forces on the East side of Spain in that situation, covered by Brittish ( Three if possible) aircraft carriers... then march north to the Vichy port of Marseilles.... Hitting the Germans with my free Vichy Battleship which is usually mine by then ( if the Germans are getting greedy)!! [ November 19, 2002, 03:54 PM: Message edited by: General Billote ]
  17. I vote she and Carl work together...If Carl wants to take on the Russians ( and I believe he does)... it's quite a big job!!!! Especially, as Carl is continuing as Churchill.... also huge job!!! ( He really is great as Churchill and probably knows more about him than anyone on the board ( that has the balls to write about him that is!!) [ November 19, 2002, 02:47 PM: Message edited by: General Billote ]
  18. [ November 19, 2002, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: General Billote ]
  19. * * * Just a few days later, While thinking fondly of the good ol blackshirt days....Hitler decides he must give Himmler a gift in appreciation for all his years eliminating Derr Fuh....ummmmmm....of fine party service... Not long after that....Herr Himmler recieves a small box in the mail....In it, he is surprised to find.... Well!!! ,Himmler thinks , How thoughtful of Der Fuhrer....even though I provided all the raw materials myself!!!! ( To Be Continued) [ November 19, 2002, 03:55 PM: Message edited by: General Billote ]
  20. Poor Zeres, still in the click....What a political maverick
  21. I agree John, I especially like it when the Japanese "mangle" Engrish....There is a documentary on the effects of American 'culture' (whatever that is) on Japan. I think it's calles "Made in Japan"...Well worth checking out and very funny.
  22. A strong Italy is much more useful than the "minor axis" units that might be gained from not conquering Eastern Europre and Balkins. Those units will never have HQ's and therefor are basically cannonfodder. I've tested different Italian strategies and have found that the Italias research tech extremely efficiently compared to the other main combatants. But they start with very limited resources. I like to move West and North for plunder with the Germans and leave the Balkins open for Italian conquest. I use the Balkian plunder to research anit-tank weapons, subs, industry and aircraft...I spread the points out evenly and let the chips fall where they may. Cheap, plentiful super subs will foil any allied plot to storm "the soft underbelly" of Europe. Good air units can replace German air units in France, if things get grim on the Eastern front. I don't send Italian units to the Eastern front, I use them to bolster defences in the West. A strong Italy makes things almost impossible for the allies. but to make Italy strong you must play it safe and make the most of the limited resources available.
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