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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Lucky_Strike

  1. Why is that assumption made for guns but not tanks? Odd. I had a Panther in one scenario which had sustained some damage - radio and optics - which came under intense fire from some M10's. Crew panics, abandons ship and practically ran off the battlefield. Given five minutes to recover they were happy to return, drive off towards the TDs and take out two of them. Now I don't object to this behaviour, not unheard of in RL. So seems strange that a gun crew, especially a crack or veteran crew, would not seek cover during a barrage (a natural response), and if doing so they purposefully destroy their own gun despite it being some 500m behind their own front line - I don't see the rationale in this. I agree that being able to move a gun is kind of a way round this, but an 88 takes a long time to redeploy! I guess that for smaller guns like a PaK 38 moving it would work, but you're just as likely to suffer losses moving a gun during a heavy barrage. Also is reverse not an option because for split-trail guns you'd actually be pushing it if reversing? That is one would have to rotate the gun through 180 degrees to then push it? Forward being pulling it by the trails? LS
  2. I concur with denbushisan on this point. Absolutely classic tactics for front line gun crews, especially under sustained barrage - abandon your guns and run for cover, as soon as barrage lifts go back to your guns, if they're still there, blow off the dirt and get ready for the attack ... I recently played 'A delaying action' scenario which is heavily reliant on German use of AT assets in a relatively open battlefield. I had a battery of two 88's in earthworks at the rear covering much of one side of the battlefield. They opened up on US tanks advancing in the opposite corner as soon as they spotted them. Within minutes the 88's were pummelled with HE and most of one crew were lost (lone gunner went on to take out a couple of Shermans :eek:). Ammo was quite limited and the undamaged crew soon got through theirs, so I made the mistake of moving them back to the other single-manned 88, and making the single gunner abandon his gun - big mistake! I'm left with two abandoned 88's and two useless crews. If I'd moved the single gunner to the fully-manned 88 I guess he would have taken his ammo with him. I didn't think a single man would be able to shlep 15 rounds of 88 ammo with him in under 30 seconds! I think that there should definitely be allowance for gun crews to move to other undamaged guns of the same type, or at least to abandon and return to their own gun, tank crews can do this after all. My tuppence LS
  3. Hi Zane, Glad you like the mods enough to want to install them. As these mods were not made for CM Mods Selector (CMMOS), and there are no rule sets for them, I'd recommend using McMMM - it's what I use. Set up a folder to keep all the downloaded mods in - you don't even need to unzip them. Then follow the instructions for installing mods. All of my mods should work flawlessly with McMMM - they are designed that way! Remember rule number one - before you install any mods make a back-up of your bmp folder, and your wav folder if you plan on modding sounds. Do come back if you get stuck, or search through the forums there's plenty of help for modding and best practice. Cheers LS
  4. I know what you mean Erwin, I really like BN, but it does have a touch of the Close Combat's about it. Not a bad thing, but I reckon it will get modded beyond recognition eventually. Cheers LS
  5. JorgeMC did some reworks of my Panthers for AK/BB, unfortunately not the 12th SS though. Nevertheless they are still worth a look, I have them all installed in BB and will also drop them into AK when I get around to modding it. Cheers LS
  6. Hi Pat, Praise indeed - much appreciated, thanks. I have a fair few of your mods installed and would love to see your versions of my Panthers in CMBB/AK. I have some that JorgeMC did which are very good in game, but they're not a complete set. I really would like to do some vehicles for BB/AK, but am torn between this and doing some for CMBN. There's something about the simplicity of CM x1 that I really like when compared to BN, but I'm playing a lot of BN at the moment and would enjoy the challenge of modding a Panther or two! Cheers LS
  7. Thanks Aragorn2002. Glad you enjoy the mods. I wish I had more time to do some more mods, but unfortunately that's it for now. Of course, if I do make any more I'll post them here straight away. Cheers LS
  8. Thanks ArgusEye. Unfortunately I can't bang them out that quick - I wish No, it took me about a month of sifting through all the mods I could find to make my perfect CMBB, and then 3 months of patching and photoshoping to get this lot done. And this is only for CMBB, I haven't even looked at CMAK yet, and don't get me started on vehicle mods! There may be more in the pipeline, just depends how much play time I get and how CMBN develops. Cheers LS
  9. Well folks - this is the last of my Terrain mods (for now!) I need to get on and play a bit to enjoy my new landscape. More sky and a road or two ... Clear summer dusk sky Clear autumn dusk sky Clear winter dusk sky over snow-covered ground Overcast winter sky over snow-covered ground Winter snow-covered roads I hope that you've all enjoyed my offerings and, who knows, maybe I'll find that elusive 25th hour in the day to do some more later. Happy modding LS
  10. Lotsa sky this time ... Clear winter sky with no snow on the ground Clear winter dawn sky with no snow on the ground Clear winter dusk sky with no snow on the ground Overcast winter sky with no snow on the ground Not sky but spring grain fields doodads more in a bit ... Enjoy LS
  11. In case you don't get to the CMBB forum too often, I've been posting a few new terrain mods on GreenAsJade's Combat Mission Mods Warehouse. Although made for CMBB, many will work out of the box in CMAK and even CMBO. Many are appropriate for an ETO look and possibly Italy. Happy modding LS
  12. Some pre-dinner aperitifs for you here ... Winter woods tree-bases no snow Freezing water thin ice v1 Freezing water thin ice v2 Frozen water thick ice Clear winter sky over snow (BOGOF!) More later. Enjoy LS
  13. I didn't forget, I just had a long day ... so here you all are - batch 6 at the usual place. Clear autumn dawn sky Clear winter dawn sky over snow Overcast autumn sky Winter tall pines with a heavy covering of snow Autumn woods tree-bases That's it for tonight, more tomorrow. Enjoy LS
  14. Thanks Erwin. :eek:Have you seen how many vehicles there are to do! I'd love to do some more tank mods at least, I did have a couple of things in the works when I stopped to get married back in '04. I may dig them out again if time allows. After re-modding everything for CMBB in the last few months I came across a few gaps that I felt I might try to fill, but then again I'd like to stay married! We'll see ... Cheers LS
  15. Not that I'm obsessed or anything - this is positively the last of today's batches ... Tall pines with a light covering of snow Winter scattered tree-bases Winter deciduous trees Snow-covered winter deciduous trees Snow-covered winter tree-bases Enjoy LS
  16. Alright then, here's some more ... Clear summer sky bogof Clear autumn sky Snow-covered winter hedge Snow-covered winter soft ground Snow-covered winter marsh Enjoy LS
  17. And there's more ... Summer deciduous trees Water and Ford Soft ground Tall light building Wattle Fence Enjoy LS
  18. So here's the second raft, all available at GreenAsJade's CMMW Overcast Summer Sky Clear dawn summer sky Summer woods tree-bases Scattered summer tree-bases Tall pines One little aside. I have tried to optimize my mods so that I don't get any, or at least very little, 'sparkle'. This is caused by my video card and pixels almost glittering onscreen when I pan around the landscape. I've tried various card settings to minimize this but to no avail so my mods are sometimes lower resolution/less detailed than they perhaps could be. The plus side is a smoother look and feel on lower specced systems. Enjoy! LS P.S. third batch to come later this evening.
  19. Thanks Erwin Don't get me started on '...beat-up, dirty and dusty...' mods - took me months to complete my old CMBO Panther mods - her-in-doors would kill me if I started that malarky again LS
  20. It's been a long time since I did some mods for CM:BO. I had to stop playing CM for some years (too many!), but with the announcement of CM:BN, and looking for something to do in the meantime, I picked up the bug again and started to revisit my installed games. I decided a fresh start was necessary and that's when I began to look at the vast array of mods available to choose from. Somewhat overwhelmed I ploughed through everything I could find to create the 'perfect' (IMHO) installations (I've done CMBB early war years so far!). Along the way I created a few variations, and some new mods, to satisfy the perfectionist (read anal pedant!) in me. By way of saying thanks for all the great mods out there I've posted some of the more useful mods over at GreenAsJade's Combat Mission Mods Warehouse These are all going to be terrain mods and some can be used in CMAK, and probably CMBO, as well. I'll post a few every day for the next week or so, keep an eye open for them! So, enough waffle, here are the first batch: Autumn scattered tree-bases Autumn deciduous trees Winter railway track Marsh Peasant Shacks There's also a mod just for clear tree tops, a preview of which would be a bit meaningless - just install it to see what it does ... That's it for now - enjoy all the new stuff. LS
  21. Thanks for the comments guys. I promise I will get them into CMBB/AK some day. They will have revised camo shemes/markings appropriate to those theatres as well as the regular gelb versions. And PoppinHobbit - you can be my friend but I'm not sure about the touchy-feely bit I like tri-colour too, but I do have some nice bi-colour versions planned for BB/AK. Cheers LS
  22. Seeing Joshik's excellent Panther mod got me off me arse to finish my Panther series - I finally added the damaged/missing schurzen option (available now). It's a separate set so you won't need to re-download the whole mod just for the schurzen. Here are some little previews for your pleasure: Plain old dunkelgelb tri-colour rough tri-colour (bit more hairy) I've also re-uploaded all my original Panther mods for anyone/noobs that might want them, all at same address. Just to wet those appetites here are some more preview pics of the original mods: More images can be had here That's all for now. Enjoy them. LS PS - I haven't forgotten that 'other' Panther MikeT PPS - Yes I will get round to doing them for CMBB/AK/winter versions one day
  23. Thanks for the hard work you're doing on these conversions Jorge - very much appreciated Haven't had any time lately to do any modding (RL too busy), but I do intend to do more sometime in the future. Cheers LS
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