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Everything posted by Some_God

  1. [instigation] O0o0o0o0o Those are fightin' words... YOU GONNA LET HIM TALK TO YOU LIKE THAT ZAPP!??!?!?! [end instigation]
  2. I think the wargaming industry makes more than that since they release war games left and right. Recent Examples: Desert Rats Vs Afrika Corps Commandos 3 Destination Berlin War Times
  3. Your point is valide but this year PC will be back on the forefront... or so they say. Games like DoomIII and Half-Life 2 will turn the industry upside down, and probably bring loads of new people into PC gaming. This game (SCII) will just keep loyal fans like us entertained. It will not revolutionize but hey... its fun.
  4. October 1940: ALLIES SURRENDER The deciding factors were the VERY early surrender of France and ,later, the loss of most of my Navy. I am deeply regretful for this loss. Hopefully this wont cause North America to loose. Again... Im sorry.. I failed.
  5. Allies Turn 13: ARGGGGG! One Italian Cruiser knocked down to 1 but WONT DIE!!!! :mad: :mad: I thought Italians were supposed to suck. Anyway.... SWEDEN SURRENDERS! ASSUALT ON NORTH AFRIKA BEGINS! RN in the Med will die in 1-2 turns.
  6. Allies Turn 12: Axis DoW Sweden. Will go down in 1-2 turns. Luftwaffe shows up in France and does some serious damage. One carrier is lost. Many ships damaged. RAF also damaged. Jet Research: RAF: 1 Luftwaffe: 0
  7. Allies Turn 11: Malta abandoned. Corps in Brest gone.
  8. Allies Turn 10: The German Kriegsmarine runs away before I destroy it. Norway falls.
  9. Allies Turn 9: Norway, although putting up valiant defense, will fall in 1-2 turns. The German Kriegsmarine tries to prevent the escape of a ghost corps on the Norwegian costal city. His navy is going to get it next turn. Germany reinforces the 2 strength corps and sends another army into France.
  10. Allies Turn 8: June 1940: EVEN MORE HOPE! Axis invade Norway but fail to take the capitol. Now it will be twice as hard to take Norway. Meanwhile in Brest an attacking corps is knocked down to 2. Nothing else.
  11. Allies Turn 7: HOPE! Experienced Panzer attacking Brest is destroyed by the combined might of the RAF, British RN and a Free French BB. Otherwise... nothing special.
  12. Allies Turn 6: Panzer moves closer to Brest, which I forgot to say is occupied by a Canadian corps. Scout transport (I think) is sunk near alexandria. AF in Malta reinforced.
  13. Allies Turn 5: Axis movement in Med. Malta attacks Nazi AF that was just transfered to Sicily. I dont have a good feeling about this. Free French BB attacks a panzer on the coast of France. Nothing else worthy of a report.
  14. Allies Turn 4: Feb 2 1940: FRANCE SURRENDERS! Although most armies were intact. :mad: POLAND SURRENDERS! but not before doing some damage. :cool:
  15. Allies turn 4: Breakthrough in France! Nazis flank French armies and reach Paris. Allies recover and form a new front. Italy DoW Allies. Subs are sunk. Poland still alive and kicking, with a corps(3) knocking a German army down to 4.
  16. Allies Turn 3: The allied front line is holding by a hair in France. A nazi panzer is knocked down to 1! Foolishly the French sent their AF, which was at strength 3, to attack the panzer... it didnt come back. Poland holds... will be gone in 1-2 turns. Denmark corps was destroyed. Will be gone next turn. Subs in atlantic strike back, destryoing a cruiser. RN responds destorying one nazi sub. The other sub is expected to sink next turn.
  17. Allies Turn 2: Suprise in the Atlantic! The 2 subs catch me off guard off the coast of Canada. They are now ALMOST surrounded. Expecting to eliminate them in 1-2 turns. Polish defenders scatter after knocking the panzer down. Expecting to loose Poland in 1-2 turns. The situation in LC is critical. French corps, assigned to other tasks rushes in to fill the gaps. Armies already at the front knock a panzer down to 8.
  18. Sept 1 1939 Turn one: Nazis attack Poland, but not with the full force which I anticipated. The Polish army counter-attacks and knocks a blitzing panzer down to 6. DoW on Denmark, no casualties on the Danes. Atlantic is being scanned for U-boats... none found yet. Expecting DoW LC turn 2. Switching some units on "The line".
  19. That was too quick. Well at least we got one victory now.
  20. Yeah.. well anyway lets end all non-game conversations here... Dont want to clog up the AAR.. or we could start a new one. I dunno.
  21. Yeah.. well thats cause they post a lot of BS things. If you do that you will reach that number.
  22. Posts: 4863 .... soon I will reach that number!!!
  23. Woopadi-doo ... theres one loss for the good old North America.
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