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Posts posted by Aragorn2002

  1. Actually, MJKerner, I didn't keep anything to myself. 😀 

    I'm going to finish this scenario after the release of Fire and Rubble. I will also make a winter version. For the autumn version I've used a autumn mod I've got from Kohlenklau. His help with this scenario was vitally important.

    @Rocketman, does your offer to playtest still stand?



    CM Red Thunder 2017-11-11 11-41-17-97.jpg

    CM Red Thunder 2017-11-12 10-08-56-11 (2).jpg


    CM Red Thunder 2017-11-12 10-30-02-53 (2).jpg

    CM Red Thunder 2017-11-11 2 (2).jpg

  2. 26 minutes ago, Andreas3 said:

    Sometimes one needs to go there.

    Especially when it comes to people like you, Arargon.

    Afterall, you have quite a habit of historical revisionism on this forum with regards to the holocaust and other nazi crimes of WW2. You have also stated your fascination with the SS serveral times, and I seem to remember you declaring that you almost exclusively play as the germans in Combat Mission, going so far as to refuse even playing as the americans or russians?

    Back in 2016 you even went as far as declaring your approval of David Irving, probably the most well known and notorious holocaust denier in the world. 

    So yeah, Arargon, personally I would go as far as calling you a nazi fanboy.

    The absolute worst part of having WW2 history as a hobby is sharing it with scum like you.


    It's Aragorn, not Arargon.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Ts4EVER said:

    Not saying that you are a Nazi for playing the Germans, I am doing that myself. But it is naive to think that there is not a big overlap between historical wargaming communities and nazis. Even in this forum, which is generally more well informed than others, I see the old Cold War myths of "Soviets just overwhelmed the Germans with numbers" and "German tanks were superior" all too often. And in my experience it is not far from that to the old chestnuts of "Nazis and Russians were basically the same" or "They just wanted to protect Europe from communism!"

    Now maybe I am a bit jaded from having to moderate a discord channel where this crap keeps popping up, but let's just say my view of the wargaming hobby has dimmed a bit in recent month because of this.


    So what? Freedom of speech. Freedom of thinking. Say what you want to say in a civil manner. Agree or disagree and take a Beer. Who cares about what you or I think? Don't take it all so seriously.

  4. 14 minutes ago, Ts4EVER said:

    Why not? There are a lot of right-wing assholes in this kind of hobby, not to mention just uninformed people with a very rosy view of German military capabilities.

    Because calling people who like German tanks and such Nazi-fanboys or right-wing assholes is abusive behaviour, mate. And that's not allowed on this forum.

  5. 3 hours ago, Geoff-Ludumpress said:

    Yep and the nazi fanboys also get their 'we only made 80 of em' Jagdtiger as well.   Will the commies get the Valentine III and IX? My guess is it will only be the IX even thought there were thousands of em sent in lend lease and in east action since  1941.  

    Nazi fanboys? Wehraboos? Do you guys really want to go there? 

  6. 1 hour ago, StieliAlpha said:

    Oooff, I recollect the time indeed more like @Dr.Fusselpulli 

    What sticks most, is how annoyed I was, when many of our „professionals“ decided to quit for „ethical reasons“ during the Falkland War. When they were asked to replace the Brits in NATO missions, like the AWACS planes or during navy patrols in the North Sea.

    Well, you know better than I of course. Me and my comrades at the time had a very good impression of the Bundeswehr, especially during joint exercises. But decades of pacifism and other dangerous nonsense takes its toll, I guess.

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