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Everything posted by Cpt.Kloss

  1. ---------------------------------- Well, I think they will read anyway - my post aims at improving the game. And I know some people just say: "do not worry you screwed it up - next time you will do better" I am not supposed to make you feel good - anyway thanks for a tip (although I tried to criticize witout being ofensive and unpleasant)
  2. There was a lot of discussion about vulnerability of those(T34,IS2, KT) tanks, but (correct me please if am wrong) I didn't see any battlefront response and - as battlefront's client - I want to see it! All those tanks have vulnerable turret front, but the game does not take into account that very front turret area (T34,IS2, KT)is very very small comparing to the rest of a tank. Effect? 37mm "doorknocker" destroys T34 easily ( a lot of people argued so I will not come back to this issue now). To my horror recently I figured out that PziVJ has quite significant chance (I made tests)- about 40% of winning 750m frontal firefight with IS2! - It must be some silly joke. To betatesters - please do not test any more battlefront products because either you did very poor testing or no testing at all...How you were supposed to miss that tanks get immobilized in open ground so easily? Try playing Korsun scenario (ground comditions good) and you will quickly understand why scenario designer didn't use real historical conditions! In my game 1/3 of german vehicles didn't make ANY progress towards objective because they got bogged and immobilized!(some of them on the road).Tanks were supposed to move well off-road, especially in good ground conditions! How to solve tuuret problem? Just to convert some front turret hits to side turret glancing (high angle) hits. Sorry for interupting your spiritual peace, but I had to break this Admiring Each Other Society. And no, do not try to convince me that PzIVs came for frontal firefight with IS2 and that PAK 40 was IS-killer /as it is in CMBB/ I recommed you read some memoirs first (for example Leon Degrelle's - SS Wallonien brigade soldier and later commander - who fought also against IS2s).
  3. Hmm...not sure about the stats, but I do know that even if the turrent front is weak, it is actually a small area and heavily curved.</font>
  4. Hmm...not sure about the stats, but I do know that even if the turrent front is weak, it is actually a small area and heavily curved.[/QB]</font>
  5. Yup. And this is yet another reminder that the stats are only guidelines. There are dozens of factors being calculated on the fly that affect the real penetration ability of that particular round at that particular time on a particular surface of that vehicle. The Hetzer does have a number of advantages vs. the T-34/85, but of course if a matchup (test or in a game) is not playing up those advantages... yeah, the T-34/85 is something that the Hetzer needs to fear. For all its weaknesses (including slower RoF), the T-34/85 was a very good medium tank and in an unfavorable matchup a dangerous opponant. Steve</font>
  6. --------------------------- LOL! T34/85 are too expensive in game terms and against Panthers are but a useless crap...You must be very close and score a hit with a first shot (which you are likely to miss). Even if Panther also misses it will reload faster and kill you. You need at least 3T34/85 to engage one Panther...
  7. ---------------------------- Many Russian tanks came to the front STRAIGHT from factory - without any markings and often without ANY painting. And those can't look like 50 years old piece of crap. On the other hand those who served some time were likely to be thrown to combat and destroyed sooner or later (rather sooner)
  8. thanks for a link - perhaps front turret hit probability is too high?? -and hits that were considered "lucky" happen too often?
  9. In CMBB (1941) PzIV's short barrelled 75 can penetrate T34's armour at the distance of over 600m! If that was true, outcome of the war might have been different.In fact, in 1941 german tanks tried to close as much as possible or get a flank shot.But sadly CMBB again favourizes german equipement..:-((( Due to better optics PzIV has even better chance in long range firefight. I do not know if one should laugh or crie - it was T34 germans initially wanted to copy. Russian players!! Playing 1941 games beware of PzIV's L24! (german fallen tank crews must be laughing in their graves!) German players!! 1941, no need to seek a flank shot. History lies! You can easily engage T34's in long range, frontal firefight! Ouch...Enough for a while
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