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Posts posted by 76mm

  1. 41 minutes ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    With a bit of tweaking in the editor, a few mods and a bit of imagination you can take this game back to the late 60s, early 70s.....You don't have to use Javelins and T-90s unless you want to, the CM:SF TOE is pretty flexible (and should be even more so with the new structure).

    Anything after WWII pretty much leaves me cold...but are US/Western AFVs from the 60s and early 70s really represented in the CMSF (or CMBS)?

  2. On 12/10/2017 at 7:52 PM, sburke said:

    For example for the battle packs a good portion of the pay content is the maps so "hacking" the game to get maps that you haven't paid for is questionable behavior.  You don't however get the full content in terms of scenarios and campaigns obviously.  That is one of the reasons I don't touch the conversions.  BF would have to say whether they have an issue or not but for me it crosses a personal line.

    I don't really see what the issue is, at least for some conversions...for all of the games I've bought, I've converted most of the maps to CMRT...I've paid for the maps, have I not?  For games I haven't bought, I've downloaded a few user-made maps, mainly to see if they could be converted.  So far all of the maps I tried could be converted other than CMBN, none of which worked.

    That said, I would not distribute converted maps, at least unless I was sure that the recipient already had the game from which the maps were converted.

  3. Also, has anyone had any luck converting CMBN maps to CMRT?  I could not get any of them to work; I thought the problem might have been maps with bocage, but after removing them I still could not get any of the other maps to convert.  CMBS maps also convert to CMRT, but I don't have the game so was only able to convert a few player-made maps that I found online.

  4. After a long delay, I've updated the CMRT Map DB to include recent maps as well as campaign maps--almost 90 more maps in all.  I've also replaced some of the dark, night scenario 3D images with daytime images.  Here is the new DB:

    CMRT DB v2.3

    (note that because of file size, to download you might need to right-click and select "Save link as...")

    Here is the changelog with a list of new maps:

    CMRT Map DB Changelog

    This will probably be the last update for the DB in this format--the file is getting too big to work with easily (about 800 MB), so adding very many more maps might not be feasible. 

    For more maps, in addition to the upcoming CMRT module (whenever that might be), I've converted many of the maps from CMFI and CMFB into CMRT maps (about 300 maps in all), and at some point I'd like to add all of them to the DB.  To do so, however, I think I might need to link to the image files in a directory rather than embed them in the DB file, which would take a lot of time...

    Let me if you have comments or requests, or if I have not attributed authorship for any of the maps correctly.

  5. I seem to be using Java Version 8, Update 121 (build 1.8.0_121-b13).  Whatever that means...

    It doesn't sound like it is worth figuring out what the problem is if it works for everyone else, who knows, maybe an anti-virus issue (although you'd think it would totally block it if that were the case) or god knows what.

    Although on the last campaign I did, only one scenario resulted, and in all campaigns the last scenario has been corrupted.  So I might just ask if someone could send me the extracted scenarios...any volunteers?  No big rush.

    Thanks for your help.


  6. So far I've been able to do two campaigns, with the following results:

    1)  each campaign took several hours to unpack--we're talking 5-8 hours.

    2)  the Campaign_Listing.xml file was not created for either campaign (but I don't need it, so that's OK); and

    3) the final scenario in each campaign was corrupted, or at least crashed CMRT when I tried to open it.

    So something ain't right.  Pretty weird, especially since it seems to work for everyone else.  I guess it is something on my system, but frankly am not inclined to spend the hours necessary to track it down.  

    I will gradually unpack the campaigns that I have, and maybe ask someone to send me the final scenario in each campaign (assuming that these files for the remaining campaigns will also be corrupted).

  7. Well, the program has spit out three scenarios for one campaign, but it took several hours.  In fact it is still running now, or at least I cannot delete the relevant campaign file to start another, because Win10 tells me that the file is being used by Java.  Also, I can't find the process in the Windows task manager to kill it so I guess I'll have to wait for it to stop, whenever that will be.  Also, for some reason, I've never gotten an xml file; I don't need it, but it does make me think that something is not right with Scan_Cade on my computer.

    I'll try a second campaign file in the morning if the first one is finished by then.

  8. Thanks IanL; I've got version 1.8, which is a few years old but the latest I've found.  I click on the jar file, it creates a couple of folders, spits out one scenario file, and that's it...

    And sorry, but don't know what you mean when you ask if the campaigns are "properly listed"?  All of the ones I mentioned are on that site, plus I found a few more, so that's good.  

    No rush at all, but if I can't figure out a way to get Scan_Cade to work, maybe we could figure out some way for me to get the scenario files at some point.

  9. Hi, I've never used Scan_Cade before, but now am trying to use it to unpack all of the CMRT campaigns into scenarios.  But I can't get it to work under Win10 with the latest version of CMRT...  Anyone else having this problem?  Generally, it will only create on scenario file for each campaign, and even then the scenario file is often corrupted (or at least it crashes CMRT for me).

    If I can't get Scan_Cade to work, can anyone point me to or send me the individual scenario files for any of the following campaigns?

    • Zitadelle-Dragonwynn
    • The Last Panzer-Dragonwynn
    • Rattenkrieg-Dragonwynn
    • Kampgruppe von Schroif-GeorgeMC
    • Rokossovky's Impasse-The Phantom

    Also, does anyone know if the campaigns included in the game (Hammers Flank, Blunting the Spear) use unique maps, or do they use maps already included in other scenarios/Quick Battle maps?

    I'm trying to do another update of my CMRT map database (see link in my sig), and would finally like to include campaign maps as well; map authorship is indicated in the database.

  10. While we're playing with maps, two other questions:

    1)  Has anyone converted from CMBS to CMRT?  How do the maps turn out, especially buildings, etc.? (I don't have CMBS but might buy it if I can get a load of new Russia-esque maps).

    2)  While we're playing with maps, has anyone figured out how to "spin" maps to re-orient them (change which end of map is north, etc.)?

  11. Thanks, everything more or less clear, with one exception:  this "synchronizing" thing--I don't understand what it is, or when/why it is done.  In the manual, it says:

    "After a unit appears in the Activated Units column it can be manipulated,
    such as having a unit’s Experience changed or deleting a formation so it isn’t
    available, just like in a normal scenario. These changes can be undone or redone
    as often as desired. However, these changes are not automatically incorporated
    into existing battles for the Campaign. To have such changes registered each
    existing scenario file must be “synchronized” with the Core Units File in order to
    bring those changes into existing battles (see below).

    and then:

    "From time to time changes may be made to the Core Units File that require synchronization
    with existing Campaign battles.
    This is generally an extremely easy and
    painless thing to do. Just open up the scenario file and Import Campaign Units
    again. Core Units already in the scenario retain almost all of their customization,
    such as placement, Group assignments, Orders, etc. Therefore, synchronizing
    with the Core Units File does not wipe out hard work!
    What it does do is remove
    units no longer in the Core Units File, imports newly added units, and updates attributes
    (such as names, experience, etc.). The latter is probably the only potential
    drawback of synchronizing since customized settings like that must be redone."

    What does the bold wording above mean?  And the italicized wording?  Is it saying that while you are creating a scenario, before compiling, you can change the Core Unit File?  The first paragraph seems to imply that changes to experience will be synchronized, and the second paragraph seems to imply that they won't be synchronized...  What does "synchronizing" actually do?

  12. Hi, I did a search on this topic but didn't find anything on this forum.  A google search turned up a few threads from here and there but nothing very helpful.  Of course, I've also RTFM.

    I don't really understand how Core Unit Files work; I get the concept, but not the details.  For instance:

    1)  From what I can see, Core Unit Files only save unit losses, etc., within a campaign.  If you just load one into a scenario, play the scenario, and then load the Core Units into another scenario, the losses, etc. do not seem to be carried over.  Is that correct or am I doing something wrong?

    2)  Assuming that Core Unit Files only work within compiled campaigns, I don't understand the concept of "synchronizing" Core Unit Files with existing campaign battles as described in the manual.  It sounds like all that "synchronizing" does is change the actual core units, but in doing so you lose all of the casualties, experience levels, and other customizations, etc.--is that correct?

    3)  Is there any way to bring the Core Unit File from the end of a campaign into a new scenario, either outside of the campaign, or added to the campaign later?  For example, what happens if you just add another scenario to the campaign script and recompile?  I'm guessing that you would lose all of the campaign results when you recompile the campaign, but wanted to check to see if anyone has tried this.

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