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Posts posted by 76mm

  1. Hey SeinfeldRules, I wanted to let you know that I've just gotten back into CMRT after a hiatus and have really enjoyed a couple of your scenarios that I've played, including Interlock OP, Roadblock, and Lithuania.  I'll be playing the others (and probably replaying the first three) in coming weeks.  I really like your force sizes and your maps, keep up the good work.

  2. Also, note that things like company and battalion HQs can be tricky to delete if you are going to to a couple of platoons, but usually it will be possible, just keep trying...

    no way to randomly generate maps, but no huge loss, most of them were no good.  There are a couple of hundred very good maps available with CMRT, although not all of them formatted for Quick Battles (in CMRT they need an AI plan, etc. to be used in a Quick Battle).   If you like smallish battles, you should also try some of Seinfeld Rules' scenarios, they are small and quite fun.

  3. This :)  We've had long, long discussions and debates about campaign features and it always wound up with absolutely nobody agreeing.  It was kinda funny how several people would agree on a basic point and then quickly diverge in a dozen different directions.


    Yup.  Plus, I don't think things like cut/paste unit info or map data are going to happen any time soon.


    Wow, not a vehement rejection, so it looks like Steve is practically embracing the concept...  :D


  4. wait, what??

    would it be possible to elaborate on what it is you are thinking to include? This sounds like it has a lot of potential,  but in rereading this thread I guess I am missing a post somewhere. More than likely. I am already suffering from jet lag and was woken at some ungodly hour by some howling feral cat this morning. 

    My personal hope is to simply take a current bts save file of a game , open it in the editor, correct whatever it is we want to and the save as a btt.  Someone could then use that saved order of battle and import it into a new scenario or just reuse that existing scenario and map.  That would go a long way towards facilitating a human player driven operations layer for a campaign. 


  5. Before this campaign thing dies: I have high hopes that CM will eventually support im- and export of data (one example: export surviving troops at the end of one battle which can be imported into a QB/scenario). Thus we can build our own campaign system around this.

    If BFC does the tactical end and doesn't want to touch the operational level this would a logical conclusion (IMHO of course ;) ).

    This is my #1 feature request for CMx2 (just as in CMx1, and probably CMx3).

  6. And your previous post did not refer to what game you were talking about. And even if I somehow did allude to the understanding that you were talking about another game, I understand it's mostly dead so there's not much point unless... theme of the day is nostalgia.

    John's comments, which I was responding about, were clearly about the Panzer Campaigns games.  While these games are really old (15 years?) they are far from dead and so the issue is hardly only relevant for nostalgia. Moreover the issue is relevant for any wargame that can be changed without the other side agreeing or being aware of it.

  7. Interesting discussion.  I don't have a strong position personally, but don't understand how someone could not appreciate that the issue described by JonS--the ability to freely mod a game and use it in H2H without the other player's consent or even knowledge--is indeed a major potential issue for any (multiplayer) game?

    Somehow the ability of the second player to "counter-hack" his opponent's units does not seem like a very productive approach.



  8. Whether or not the detail of the story is true is irrelevant. Their will have been many actions such as this during the campaign.

    Unfortunately, it is irrelevant whether the "detail of the story is true", since it is now generally recognized that this whole story was basically fabricated; here is a couple of links with the gist of the matter:  


    Panfilovtsy 2

    To sum it up, a 1948 Soviet investigation into the incident concluded that the story was "pure fantasy".

    Given the true heroism displayed by so many Red Army soldiers during the war, it is a real shame that they're making movies about imaginary heroes...just a sign of the times, I guess.

  9. Im gonna hold of until I get a bigger bit of bone to chew on.  Call me a perennial pessimist since CMC collapsed but I need more than a lot of hot air bravado and a rather tame looking screenshot to stoke the fires of interest.  Whilst what you are doing is very commendable and I do hope it works out at present I will watch from the sidelines and make a call on whether to back or not in a week or two.

    Will all due respect, please don't wait for exciting screenshots, etc. before signing up.  If you have questions, ask them, choppinit will answer.  


    If you "hope it works out" please jump in sooner rather than later--if the threshold isn't reached, you're not out anything...  


    Not to pressure you or any others who are waiting in the wings, but there has been a lot of (supposed) interest in an op-layer since, well, forever.  If you ever hope to see one, now is the time to step up in my view.

  10. Yeah, to quibble about this graphic or that feature misses the main point, which poesel has pointed out--to get an interface into CMx2.  


    Choppinit and others have already spent ALOT of time on this, and if this doesn't fly, there's a good chance we'll never see any kind of op-layer or interface for CM.  So if you have the slightest interest in either of these, please chip in and help see this through...

  11. Well, except for that other series that had a 3-man turret and radios from the get-go, was much more comfortable for the crew (increasing combat performance), could be easily transported on ships, and matched or bettered the T-34 in pretty much all the other categories (gun & armor, ease of production/maintence, etc.) except for track performance in certain extreme terrain conditions. :P

    Ah yes, the one which was introduced some eighteen months after the T-34?


    I'm not gonna get drawn into a pointless debate about "the best tank",  but I think that when considering the question you have to consider them on a relative basis, compared to the tanks they were deployed against.

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