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Posts posted by 76mm

  1. I'm hoping that out there in the ether of the BF forums you've contributed many such posts over the years about various forms of doctrine. Please, please let this be the case?

    Heh, yes, there are quite a few, but I've never seen a compilation, and most are buried within other threads, so it could be a chore to find and compile them.  But surely a worthy endeavor...

  2. I found the Stalingrad Trilogy pretty tedious, so would give it  a pass unless you are really, really interested in Stalingrad.  


    For something with a bit more color, I'd recommend either Enemy at the Gates (Craig) or any of Jason Mark's books (I read Island of Fire).  Stalingrad, the City that defeated the Third Reich (Hellbeck) and Stalingrad, How the Red Army Triumphed (Jones) were also interesting.

  3. I ran a quick test with a handful of other flavor objects--shelters, telephone poles, carts, gardens, etc. with SUs and BA64s; none of the vehicles were hidden.  While I'm not 100% certain that they wouldn't be hidden if I positioned the vehicles "just so", I moved them around a bit but couldn't get them to disappear.


    Very odd if this phenomenon is limited to outhouses?

  4. It is probably good that the vehicle inside the out house cannot see out. That at least prevents gamey ticks.

    Note that only the BA64 couldn't see out, while the SU could, presumably because the BA64 is smaller.  And one of the SUs could be seen, and see out, so it looks like vehicles must be positioned "just so" in the outhouse's, uh, sweetspot to become invisible.  


    I am curious at this point whether other flavor objects, such as tires, wagons, etc. could have the same effect?  Presumably it would have been noticed already, but...

  5. I was a bit intrigued by this one, so decided to run a test:  I set up four outhouses, and put SU-122s in two of them, and a BA-64 in a third.  I then put four Stugs in various locations within 30-50 meters from the outhouses, with some facing directly towards and some away from them.


    The problem is readily reproducible--one of the SUs was visible, but the other, and the BA64, were not, even at these close ranges.  Also, the Stugs could not target the outhouses which were hiding the vehicles.  A Stug firing area fire at the base of the outhouse was able to destroy the BA64, although it never saw it.  Interestingly, the BA64 could not see anything from "inside" the outhouse, even the Stug 30 meters to its front.


    I tried to attach the scenario file but the forum would not let me attach a btt file.  There is also a smaller outhouse among the flavor objects, perhaps someone should try that next?


    There are quite a few tank ramming incidents on the Eastern Front, for example, so many Valera Potapov has an article (embedded in Axis Forum post on tank ramming) on that topic at Russian Battlefield. Also, Tank Archive has its own piece on the subject, the pertinent part of which is that one of the conditions in which ramming took place was when the tank was out of ammo. Sound familiar? As a dictator, are you going to let a light tank which rammed and wrecked your mighty Stalin tank aka giant phallic symbol be the trophy tank? No! You're going to quietly have that tank scrapped and the Stalin either secretly fixed or itself destroyed. Besides, it's more macho to have so overwhelmed the foe that you captured one of his tanks relatively intact. Looks better on display than scorched junk.

    I have little doubt that tank-rammings occured on occasion ion the Eastern Front--after all, it  was a massive campaign, lasting for four years and stretching over thousands of columns, between what could be fanatical troops.  However, your conclusion that it happened on the Eastern Front, doesn't do much to bolster your case that it happened at Bay of Pigs, where there were a grand total of a couple of dozen tanks fighting for a few hours.


    I also can't agree with your psycho-musings about what Castro would have done with the tank.  In my view:

    1)  an M41 ramming a Stalin tank (or whatever) would hardly "wreck" either tank--they're armored vehicles don't forget--although (if the ramming occured) one or both of the vehicles might have been immobilized.  


    2)  If I were Castro, for propaganda purposes I'd have put every captured US tank on display somewhere and would not have scrapped anything.

  7. Also, honestly I'm not sure if I would buy into the conclusion that Dominos pizza  (CMBB) = bad and artisanal pizza (CMRT) = good.  

    • Dominos pizza--cheap, quick, and good enough for most circumstances;
    • Artisanal pizza--expensive, slow, and with added features (smoked sea salt, wild game sausage) which sound enticing but that are of little real advantage to most people most of the time.

    I guess the obvious conclusion is that there are Dominos pizza (CMBB) people and artisanal pizza (CMRT) people and that neither is right/wrong, they are just looking for different things.

  8. Not to be pedantic (OK, I'm being a little pedantic!), but before you put it in your sig, I'd correct artesian (involving, relating to, or supplied by the upward movement of water under hydrostatic pressure in rocks or unconsolidated material beneath the earth's surface) to artisanal (pertaining to or noting a high-quality or distinctive product made in small quantities, usually by hand or using traditional methods).

  9. I guess what I'm saying is 'hard core' WW2 ground level tactical simulation is very much a niche market.

    Very true, but also very dedicated, and also less likely to watch YouTube videos than FPS players; I think I watched the YouTube video for CMRT before it came out, but that's it.

  10. Steve, would you please put out some CM T-shirts?... The average T-shirt graphic is seen by 10K people over the life of the shirt, or so I've read. 

    Heh, I'd probably buy one, but I'd guarantee that 10k people wouldn't see it, because I probably wouldn't wear it in public.  


    Most of the questions I'd get would be more along the lines of "I didn't know you were a Nazi/Communist?" rather than "Wow, looks like a cool game, where I can I sign up?".   YMMV.

  11. Heck I'd kick in [$75] just to have the ability to open a saved game to the editor and save as a new battle. :D

    Me too--this is exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about--not whole new games or even major new projects, just (seemingly) simple add-ons that aren't very high on Battlefront's internal priority list.

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