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Posts posted by AstroCat

  1. Well sure. But keep in mind that that sort of thing probably will have to wait for a newer generation of more powerful computers to be widely adopted by household users.


    I really disagree, modern computers even a few years old, heck my i7-2600k is barely being used in CMx2 are more than capable of amazing graphic fidelity, much, much higher than what CMx2 currently does.

    I fully "blame" the engine and it's inability to use the drivers AMD/ATI and Nvidia provide. I know we are using OpenGL not DirectX but still I can not believe that CMx2 is the limit, especially in shadows, lighting etc... no way. Something is up with the engine, I'm sure of it.

  2. Any kind of damage model for vehicles. Even if just decals, please... Oh and a ton more flavor objects and totally crazy idea, have more animation and "life" on the battlefield.

    Really I want anything that will bring more "immersion" (sound and visuals) to my digital battlefield. Since CM has so much else right, this is the side I feel really has room to expand. I want it "all", a highly realistic detailed tactical simulation that also looks and sounds amazing.

  3. Interesting your sound does not play, I don't have that issue at all, even in "crazy big" action. Are you running into some kind of "out of memory" type issue?

    You can remove the variants from the sound mods if you wanted. If there was gun1 - gun5 you could delete 2-5, etc... and cut down on the memory bandwidth.

  4. These are all the branches currently in the game. From what I can tell the portrait naming convention is portrait (the name below).bmp

    Hope this helps!

    usa airborne infantry

    usa armor

    usa armored infantry

    usa infantry

    british airborne infantry

    british armor

    british armored infantry

    british infantry

    canadian airborne infantry

    canadian armor

    canadian armored infantry

    canadian infantry

    german armor

    german armored infantry

    german infantry

    kriegsmarine infantry

    luftwaffe airborne infantry

    luftwaffe armor

    luftwaffe armored infantry

    luftwaffe infantry

    polish airborne infantry

    polish armor

    polish armored infantry

    polish infantry

    ss armor

    ss armored infantry

    ss infantry

  5. Hi Astrocat. I will update my floating icon mod. Only, I haven't gotten around to it yet, as I'm working on a major overhaul for TweakedUI. Posting it here via mediafire is fine, but I'd rather you not upload it to a modsite.

    If there's call for CMBN & CW branch icons with flags I can try to incorporate them in my UI or possibly offer them as optional files.

    No problem, and thanks for all your work. And, if you incorporated the branches/flags into your UI that would be awesome! :)
  6. I could post my updates to the mods... but I don't want the original creators to get pissed off. I won't post them on a mod site but I could maybe do a mediafire link...

    Here they are:

    CMBN & CW branch icons w/ flags (created and added missing branch flag backgrounds)


    Juju's floating icons v2.0 (added and formatted missing icons)


    I didn't make these mods!!!!! I just updated them for MG compatibility. I will delete the links if the original authors want me to no problem.

  7. Yeah I too was wondering about this...

    I updated a couple other mods to MG compatibility for personal use but haven't messed with this one yet, I was hoping for a "real" update.

    These are the two that I "updated" on my own...

    Juju's floating icons v2.0 (added and formatted missing icons)


    CMBN & CW branch icons w/ flags (created and added missing branch flag backgrounds)


    Clarification: Those links are for the original mods, not my updates.

  8. They are in there for the Germans and US but they are named:

    american_skin 1_normal map.bmp

    german_skin 1_normal map

    ...in the old skins folder.

    I renamed the files to match the updated skins like this:

    us-soldier-skin 1_normal map.bmp

    german-soldier-skin 1_normal map.bmp

    I now have 60 US and 53 German skins with normal maps, I matched the normal maps the best I could to the faces, it's close enough.

  9. Yeah I was nervous about uploading them since I didn't make them originally as you noted. I 100% understand the time it takes to make them from scratch. I can change the name if you'd like or even remove the mod if you really wanted?

    I didn't mean any creative infringement, as a creative professionally I know this is a very dangerous area to wander in! I tried to make that clear in the readme/description, sorry if I wasn't explicit enough. If I do any other "tweaks" that include your textures that I want to share I'll 100% make sure to talk to you first.

    What I actually did was take your ground grass.bmp and layer it with Vein's ground grass.bmp and then tweaked the coloring and transparency. I then had to lighten/color your ground grass yellow.bmp to match. The minis are new or redone but of course they have to match your main textures.

    ---- oh and glad you liked it. :):)

  10. @Oddball_E8 - Go ahead this mod is for everyone to have fun with. (just throw my name in the credits somewhere)

    @Fuser - Thanks! :)

    I have an update package put together based on the above comments. I am going to wait just a bit longer and see if anything else comes up. If nothing does I'll post the update over at Green Jades. If I add enough new stuff I'll make a full version 2.

    If you want the update now, here it is below. Just replace the old sounds with these new ones.


  11. Glad you like it! :)

    Yeah I used Aris' as my base and then added/mixed/replaced from Juju (some bridge), Tanks a Lot (buildings), Pat Tal (buildings), Rambler (Trees and Bocage) Flesh (some doodads) and Vein (some doodads and some skybox). Then I did my own tweaks on top of all that. This mod includes the ground section of what I've tweaked.

    Although Aris' grass looks really good (his mods are amazing overall) I thought it was a bit too dark for my taste so I lightened it up and added some more "texture" to it. Then I noticed some of the mini textures were missing or looked odd when the LOD change kicked in so I made some more to fit and smooth things out a bit.

    There might be some more to tweak or add with the mini textures, if I find any along the way I'll update the mod.

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