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Posts posted by AstroCat

  1. Thanks! I echo what MikeyD said... it's one of those features that has an impact (pun intended) greater than the feature would appear to have.

    We're running into the usual fun things of hits that technically are correct, but look silly. Like a 76mm hit to a tank's road wheel having the same look as a hit to 200mm of armor. We'll try to minimize the amount of silliness that comes up, though for sure it's not going to be perfect.

    There are other kinds of decals that we want to work into the game as we go along. Top of my personal priority list is rank and unit badges for soldiers. Again, it's the sort of thing which might seem rather trivial, yet it for some reason matters a lot more when experiencing it.


    Could different weapons (size) trigger different decal sizes? Like having scaled decals or does it already do this?
  2. I think if we listened to you're prioritization you'd have to hope nobody found out your real name and where you lived :D

    My sense of our customer base is the exact opposite. 3/4 on gameplay, 1/4 on graphics. I personally think it should be more 50/50 from now only simply because we've spent so much of the previous 7 years (or 14 years in some ways) on the gameplay stuff. But it's not like we have hard and fast rules so I actually have no idea how things will actually play out. Or in fact how they have played out in the past few releases! We don't keep track of things that way.


    At this point 50/50 or more sounds awesome to me. I'll take it, can't wait to see the graphics end try and catch up with the under the hood mechanics side. :)

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