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  1. Is Frenchy MIA? Frenchy are you getting my emails. I have not heard from you in days. Please respond... If anybody knows his whereabouts let him know that SuperSlug is looking for him. SuperSlug
  2. I too have noted this behaviour with support elements, like heavy machine guns. Re-issuing orders does not help. They will return to sneak mode at the start of the next turn regardless of incoming fire or not. SuperSlug
  3. Because Russian infantry have very little anti-tank capability I definitely take far more AT Guns and tanks then I did in CMBB. I agree that the infantry model is more realistic then it was in CMBO. However, I think BTS forgot to factor in the fact that when infantry and armour were used together, infantry would often use the armour as cover when advancing, however, this is not possible under the current engine. (I believe). Also, I think the machine guns are way to cheap in relation to their new troop pinning, routing capablities, or possibly infantry are a bit expensive. Anyway, I love the game. Just my two cents. SuperSlug [ November 21, 2002, 02:56 PM: Message edited by: TheSuperSlug ]
  4. Duplicate reply [ November 05, 2002, 10:56 PM: Message edited by: TheSuperSlug ]
  5. I was agreeing with your Sturm Tiger joke... Yes I was refering to Abbott. As for this comment I'm sure what was intended. I originally wrote "for a couple or three years." An english expressions meaning more than two.
  6. I guess I have to agree, Sturm Tigers add a whole new dimension to the game. Ah well, my one and only request for this game that I love will likely never appear. Thank god for PBEM opponents... Say Costello care to put your money where your mouth is?
  7. Of course you would need the map data and concealment information. AT Gun data. But no more then is availble to the player now. Range/Armour penetration. Concealment could be derived from the map data. Hard coded items? This is speculation... Ballistic calculation functions??? Does the player have these? I don't think so. Lots of other things? Once again speculation. Personally I have used dozens of APIs with little or no support. There would be bug fixes but BTS releases patches anyway. I don't see how providing Strategic AI API leads to a Microsoft version of CM. Nor do I think it would take 10 years to do. However, I do agree with your comments pertaining to open source. I think it would be a bad idea for BTS to go this route. (The) SuperSlug
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